Mcinstallerres.dll file is part of Light Installer Html Resource Dll product developed by McAfee Security Scanner +. It is responsible for McAfee, Inc. functionality. This part is required for Light Installer Html Resource Dll to function. If you are planning on replacing mcinstallerres.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing mcinstallerres.dll file with a diffent version can cause Light Installer Html Resource Dll to malfunction.

DLL File Description
Light Installer Html Resource Dll
McAfee Security Scanner +

Available versions of mcinstallerres.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
mcinstallerres.dll Light Installer Html Resource Dll 338696 330 KB 3.11.474.0 Users AppData Local Temp nseF78A.tmp-588078 MSS 3.11.474.2 

Files similar to mcinstallerres.dll

mcdivx6_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin divx6
mcaac_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin aac
mcdivx7_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin divx7
mcdivxaudio_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin divxaudio
mcdv100_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin dv100
mch264_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin h264
mchevc_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin hevc
mcmcmimp_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin mcmimp
mcmj2kdecode_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin mj2kdecode
mcmp4mux_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin mp4mux
mcmpeg12_plugin.dll - Transcoding SDK Plugin mpeg12

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