Mrt100_app.dll file is part of Microsoft .NET Native Runtime product developed by Microsoft® .NET Framework. It is responsible for Microsoft Corporation functionality. This part is required for Microsoft .NET Native Runtime to function. If you are planning on replacing mrt100_app.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing mrt100_app.dll file with a diffent version can cause Microsoft .NET Native Runtime to malfunction.

DLL File Description
Microsoft .NET Native Runtime
Microsoft® .NET Framework

Available versions of mrt100_app.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 230064 224 KB 1.0.22929.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 318128 310 KB 1.0.23118.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 230056 224 KB 1.0.23118.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 317608 310 KB 1.0.22929.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 235696 230 KB 1.0.23406.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 325296 317 KB 1.0.23406.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 356520 348 KB 1.0.23901.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 359080 350 KB 1.4.24201.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 258736 252 KB 1.0.23901.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 261288 255 KB 1.4.24201.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 363184 354 KB 1.6.24903.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 266928 260 KB 1.6.24903.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 363184 354 KB 1.7.25531.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 266920 260 KB 1.7.25531.0 Program Files WindowsApps 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 230064 224 KB 1.0.22929.0 Windows InfusedApps Frameworks 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 318128 310 KB 1.0.23118.0 Windows InfusedApps Frameworks 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 230056 224 KB 1.0.23118.0 Windows InfusedApps Frameworks 
mrt100_app.dll Microsoft .NET Native Runtime 317608 310 KB 1.0.22929.0 Windows InfusedApps Frameworks 

Files similar to mrt100_app.dll

mraut.dll - Math Recognizer
mrt100.dll - Microsoft .NET Native Runtime
MrmCoreR.dll - Microsoft Windows MRM
MrmIndexer.dll - Microsoft Windows MRM
mrt_map.dll - Microsoft .NET Native Error Reporting Helper

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