Multipoint.dll file is part of product developed by . It is responsible for functionality. This part is required for to function. If you are planning on replacing multipoint.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing multipoint.dll file with a diffent version can cause to malfunction.

DLL File Description

Available versions of multipoint.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
multipoint.dll 100024 97.6 KB Windows WinSxS 

Files similar to multipoint.dll

Music.BackgroundAudioTask.dll - Music Background Audio Task Module
MUITransfer.dll - MUITransfer Dynamic Link Library
Mux0710.dll - Mux0710 Dynamic Link Library.
multiscreen-windows-api-csharp.dll - multiscreen-windows-api-csharp
muifontsetup.dll - MUI Callback for font registry settings
MUILanguageCleanup.dll - MUI Callback for Language pack cleanup
musdialoghandlers.dll - MusScnDialogHandlers
MusUpdateHandlers.dll - Modern Update Settings Handler Implementation
muzaf1.dll - AOD Sourcer Filter
muzapp.dll - MUZAoDAppCtrl Module
muzwmts.dll - P3WMTSplitter Filter

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