Nss3.dll file is part of product developed by Firefox. It is responsible for Mozilla Foundation functionality. This part is required for to function. If you are planning on replacing nss3.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing nss3.dll file with a diffent version can cause to malfunction.

DLL File Description

Available versions of nss3.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
nss3.dll 1803376 1.71 MB Program Files (x86) Mozilla Firefox 

Files similar to nss3.dll

nsm.dll - CyberLink NSM Navigation Engine
nssckbi.dll - NSS Builtin Trusted Root CAs
nssdbm3.dll - Legacy Database Driver
nshipsec.dll - Net Shell IP Security helper DLL
nshwfp.dll - Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper
nsi.dll - NSI User-mode interface DLL
nsisvc.dll - Network Store Interface RPC server
nshhttp.dll - HTTP netsh DLL

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