Sbs_microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll file is part of Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility product developed by Microsoft® .NET Framework. It is responsible for Microsoft Corporation functionality. This part is required for Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility to function. If you are planning on replacing sbs_microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing sbs_microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll file with a diffent version can cause Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility to malfunction.

DLL File Description
Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
Microsoft® .NET Framework

Available versions of sbs_microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
sbs_microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility 14408 14.0 KB 4.0.41209.0 Windows Microsoft.NET Framework 
sbs_microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility 14408 14.0 KB 4.0.41209.0 Windows WinSxS 

Files similar to sbs_microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll

sbscmp10.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
sbscmp20_perfcounter.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
sbs_iehost.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
sbs_microsoft.jscript.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
sbs_mscordbi.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
sbs_mscorrc.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
sbs_mscorsec.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
sbs_diasymreader.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
sbscmp20_mscorwks.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility
sbs_VsaVb7rt.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility - Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0 compatibility

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