rtscom.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Tablet PC Real Time Stylus Platform Component |
Program Files, Common Files, microsoft shared, ink, Program Files (x86), Microsoft Shared, Ink, Windows |
rewrite.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Web Platform Extensions | URL Rewrite Module for IIS 7 |
Program Files, IIS Express |
rscaext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | RSCA Application Host Extension |
Program Files, IIS Express, Program Files (x86), Windows, System32, inetsrv, SysWOW64 |
rsca2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS RSCA2 (Runtime State and Control API) implementation |
Program Files, IIS Express |
rtinfo.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Runtime Information |
Program Files, IIS Express |
redirect.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | http redirection |
Program Files, IIS Express, Program Files (x86), Windows, System32, inetsrv, SysWOW64 |
ReachFramework.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® .NET Framework | ReachFramework.dll |
Program Files, Reference Assemblies, Microsoft, Framework, v3.0, Program Files (x86), .NETFramework, v3.5, Profile, Client, v4.0, v4.5, v4.5.1, Windows, Microsoft.NET, assembly, GAC_MSIL, ReachFramework, v4.0.30319, WPF, Framework64 |
rtcimm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Office 2016 | Microsoft OneNote |
Program Files |
richedim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Office 2016 | RichEdit Version 8.0 |
Program Files, WindowsApps, Windows, InfusedApps |
RarExt.dll | Alexander Roshal |
WinRAR | WinRAR shell extension |
Program Files |
RarExt32.dll | Alexander Roshal |
WinRAR | WinRAR shell extension |
Program Files |
rapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft ActiveSync | Mobile Device Remote API |
Program Files (x86), 1C |
RES_IMAGE.dll | CyberLink Corp. |
CyberLink PowerDVD Player | Resource file of DVD DLL |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17 |
ROS.dll | CyberLink Corp. |
PowerDVD | ROS |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17 |
REGrt.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_CHS.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_CHT.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_DEU.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_ENU.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_ESP.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_FRA.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_ITA.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_RUS.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_KOR.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_JPN.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
REGrt_PTB.dll | |
OLReg Application | |
Program Files (x86), CyberLink, PowerDVD17, OLRSubmission, Complex |
re.dll | |
| |
Program Files (x86), Git, lib, perl5, 5.8.8, msys, auto |
ReadKey.dll | |
| |
Program Files (x86), Git, lib, perl5, site_perl, 5.8.8, msys, auto, Term |
resource.dll | Oracle Corporation |
Java(TM) Platform SE 8 | Java(TM) Platform SE binary |
Program Files (x86), Java, jre1.8.0_66 |
RazorEngine.dll | RazorEngine Project |
RazorEngine | RazorEngine.Core |
Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, RazorEngine.3.4.1, lib |
RcDll.Dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Resource Compiler DLL |
Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Windows, v7.1A, Bin |
Rebex.Net.Ftp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Rebex FTP/SSL for .NET | Rebex FTP/SSL for .NET |
Program Files (x86), Common7 |
Rebex.Net.ProxySocket.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Rebex Proxy Socket for .NET | Rebex Proxy Socket for .NET |
Program Files (x86), Common7 |
Rebex.Security.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Rebex Security for .NET | Rebex Security for .NET |
Program Files (x86), Common7 |
Rebex.Net.Sftp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Rebex SFTP for .NET | Rebex SFTP for .NET |
Program Files (x86), Common7 |
Rebex.Net.Ssh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Rebex SSH core for .NET | Rebex SSH Core for .NET |
Program Files (x86), Common7 |
riched20x.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Expression Web 4 | RichEdit Version 6.0 |
Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages |
ReliabilityRules.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | ReliabilityRules.dll |
Program Files (x86), Team Tools, Static Analysis Tools, FxCop |
resedit.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Visual C++ Resource Editor Package |
Program Files (x86), VC |
rcxdti.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | RC extension compiler for DESIGNINFO resources |
Program Files (x86), VC |
rcxdtiui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Resource DLL for the RC extension compiler for DESIGNINFO resources |
Program Files (x86), VC, vcpackages |
reseditui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Visual C++ Resource Editor Package User Interface |
Program Files (x86), VC, vcpackages |
Rewired_Core.dll | Guavaman Enterprises |
Rewired | Rewired Core |
Program Files (x86), Steam, steamapps, common, Cuphead, Cuphead_Data |
Rewired_Windows_Lib.dll | Guavaman Enterprises |
Rewired | Rewired_Windows_Lib |
Program Files (x86), Steam, steamapps, common, Cuphead, Cuphead_Data |
RemoteBackup.dll | |
Remote Backup | Remote Backup |
Program Files (x86) |
rcdll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Resource Compiler DLL |
Program Files (x86), Windows Kits, 8.1, bin, x64 |
Resource.dll | DivX, LLC |
DivX Setup | DivX Setup |
ProgramData, DivX, Setup, Users |
ResourceCache.dll | |
| |
ProgramData, Microsoft, VisualStudio, 12.0, 1033, Users |
RestSharp.dll | John Sheehan, RestSharp Community |
RestSharp | RestSharp |
Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.TwilioBrokerService, bin, Release, packages, RestSharp.104.4.0, lib, net35, net35-client, net4, net4-client, tests, MailSenderServiceTests |
RestSharp.Silverlight.dll | John Sheehan, RestSharp Community |
RestSharp | RestSharp.Silverlight |
Sources, mvp, backend, packages, RestSharp.104.4.0, lib |
RuntimeDbServiceTests.dll | |
RuntimeDbServiceTests | RuntimeDbServiceTests |
Sources, mvp, backend, tests, RuntimeDbServiceTests, bin, Release |
RemoteAccess.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft OneDrive | Remote Access |
Users, AppData, Local, Microsoft, OneDrive, 17.3.5849.0427, 17.3.6743.1212, 18.065.0329.0002, SkyDrive |
RacEngn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Reliability analysis metrics calculation engine |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
racpldlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
radarrs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasadhlp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access AutoDial Helper |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasapi32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access API |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasauto.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access AutoDial Manager |
Windows, System32 |
rascfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Configuration Objects |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
raschap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access PPP CHAP |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
raschapext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Extension library for raschap |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RADCUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RemoteApp and Desktop Connection UI Component |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
radardt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasdlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasgcw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Wizard Pages |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasdiag.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Diagnostics Helper Classes |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasman.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access Connection Manager |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasmans.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access Connection Manager |
Windows, System32 |
rasmbmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provides support for the switching of mobility enabled VPN connections if their underlying interface goes down. |
Windows, System32 |
RasMediaManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Ras Media Manager DLL |
Windows, System32 |
RASMM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Media Manager |
Windows, System32 |
rasmxs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasplap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS PLAP Credential Provider |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasppp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access PPP |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access Media DLL for COM ports |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rastapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access TAPI Compliance Layer |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rasctrs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT Remote Access Perfmon Counter dll |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rastls.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rascustom.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Custom Protocol Engine |
Windows, System32 |
rasmontr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Monitor DLL |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rastlsext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rdpcorets.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TS RDPCore DLL |
Windows, System32, WinSxS, Temp |
rdpcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDP Core DLL |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rdpencom.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDPSRAPI COM Objects |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rdpendp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDP Audio Endpoint |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RdpSaPs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDP Session Agent Proxy Stub |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rdpudd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UMRDP Display Driver |
Windows, System32 |
RDSAppXHelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop AppX Scheduler Helper DLL |
Windows, System32 |
rdbui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ReadyBoost UI |
Windows, System32 |
rdpcfgex.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Session Host Server Connection Configuration Extension for the RDP protocol |
Windows, System32 |
RDXService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32 |
RDXTaskFactory.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDXTaskFactory |
Windows, System32 |
rdvvmtransport.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RdvVmTransport EndPoints |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
readingviewresources.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32 |
ReAgent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
ReAgentTask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Recovery Agent Task Handler |
Windows, System32 |
recovery.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Recovery Control Panel |
Windows, System32 |
regapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Registry Configuration APIs |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RegCtrl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RegCtrl |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
regidle.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RegIdle Backup Task |
Windows, System32 |
regsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Registry Service |
Windows, System32 |
ReInfo.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Recovery Info DLL |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
remoteaudioendpoint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Audio Endpoint |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RemoteNaturalLanguage.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RemoteWipeCSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RemoteWipeCSP |
Windows, System32 |
remotepg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Sessions CPL Extension |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RemoveDeviceElevated.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RemoveDeviceElevated Proxy Dll |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
ReportingCSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ReportingCSP |
Windows, System32 |
RESAMPLEDMO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Resampler |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
reseteng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32 |
rdvidcrl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rdsdwmdr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Desktop Composition Component |
Windows, System32 |
resutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
riched32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0 |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
riched20.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft RichEdit Control, version 3.1 | Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1 |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rilproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows RIL Proxy |
Windows, System32, WinSxS, Temp |
RMapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Radio Manager API |
Windows, System32 |
rmclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Resource Manager Client |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rnr20.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RMSRoamingSecurity.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Roaming Security RMS implementation |
Windows, System32 |
rfxvmt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX VM Transport |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rgb9rast.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RoamingSecurity.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Roaming Security implementation |
Windows, System32 |
rometadata.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® .NET Framework | Microsoft MetaData Library |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RotMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Auto-Rotation Manager |
Windows, System32 |
RpcEpMap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RPC Endpoint Mapper |
Windows, System32 |
rpchttp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RPC HTTP DLL |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RpcRtRemote.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote RPC Extension |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rpcss.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Distributed COM Services |
Windows, System32 |
rsaenh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rshx32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RstrtMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Restart Manager |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rtffilt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RTF Filter |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rtm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Routing Table Manager |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rtmcodecs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Skype for Business | Microsoft Real Time Media Codec Library |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RTMediaFrame.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime MediaFrame DLL |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rtmmvrortc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Skype for Business | Microsoft Real Time Media ORTC Video Renderer |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rtmpal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Skype for Business | Microsoft Real Time Media Stack PAL for ORTC |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rtmpltfm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Skype for Business | Microsoft Real Time Media Stack |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rtutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Routing Utilities |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RTWorkQ.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Realtime WorkQueue DLL |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
RpcNs4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Procedure Call Name Service Client |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rpcnsh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RPC Netshell Helper |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rpcrt4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Procedure Call Runtime |
Windows, System32, SysWOW64 |
rcbklt8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ricoh Print Class Driver Booklet Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rcres8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ricoh Print Class Driver Resource File |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rcnup8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ricoh Print Class Driver NUP Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rcrevrs8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ricoh Print Class Driver Page Reverse Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rcrpcs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XPS Rasterization Service XPS to RPCS raster filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rdvgocl64.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX OpenCL ICD |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rdvgogl64.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX OpenGL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rdvgu1164.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rdvgumd64.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
RemotePosDrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WUDF: remoteposdrv |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rsca.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS RSCA (Runtime State and Control API) implementation |
Windows, System32, inetsrv, SysWOW64 |
ResourceDll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod, SHARED |
RasMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RRAS Server Migration Lib |
Windows, System32, migwiz, dlmanifests, replacementmanifests, setup, SysWOW64 |
RjvClassicApp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for Classic App Migration |
Windows, System32, SystemResetPlatform |
RjvMDMConfig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for MDM Agent |
Windows, System32, SystemResetPlatform |
RjvPlatform.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, SystemResetPlatform |
RacWmiProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Reliability Metrics WMI Provider |
Windows, System32, wbem, SysWOW64 |
repdrvfs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, System32, wbem |
RdpRelayTransport.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RdpRelayTransport DLL |
Windows, SystemApps |
RemindersProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Reminders Proxy Stub |
Windows, SystemApps |
RemindersUI.dll | |
| |
Windows, SystemApps |
RulesActionUriHandler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, SystemApps |
RulesBackgroundTasks.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, SystemApps |
RulesProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, SystemApps |
ReactiveAgentsCommon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, SystemApps |
RulesService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RulesService.DYNLINK |
Windows, SystemApps, WinSxS, Temp |
RulesServiceProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
| |
Windows, SystemApps |
rdvgocl32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX OpenCL ICD |
Windows, SysWOW64 |
rdvgogl32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX OpenGL |
Windows, SysWOW64 |
rdvgu1132.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU |
Windows, SysWOW64 |
rdvgumd32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU |
Windows, SysWOW64 |
Redemption.dll | Dmitry Streblechenko |
Outlook Redemption | Outlook Redemption COM library |
Windows |
RemoteFileBrowse.dll | |
| |
Windows |
RdvGpuInfo.dll | |
| |
Windows |
rpcref.dll | |
| |
Windows |
RdvgmProxy.dll | |
| |
Windows |
rtpm.dll | |
| |
Windows |
RDWebAI.dll | |
| |
Windows |
rdp4vs.dll | |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Virtual Machine Remoting Services API |
Windows |