DLL File Name | DLL Developer | DLL Description | Product | DLL Tags |
BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll | The Legion of the Bouncy Castle | Bouncy Castle for .NET | BouncyCastle.CryptoExt | Sources, relintech, Win8-Minsk01, CryptoCurrency |
Moq.dll | Clarius Consulting, Manas Technology Solutions, InSTEDD | Moq | Moq | Sources, relintech, Win8-Minsk01, CryptoCurrency |
nunit.framework.dll | NUnit.org | NUnit | Sources, relintech, Win8-Minsk01, CryptoCurrency | |
log4net.dll | The Apache Software Foundation | log4net | log4net for .NET Framework 2.0 | Sources, relintech, Win8-Minsk01, CryptoCurrency |