BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll | The Legion of the Bouncy Castle |
Bouncy Castle for .NET | BouncyCastle.CryptoExt |
Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin |
mvp.Common.dll | |
mvp.Common | mvp.Common |
Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin |
mvp.Interfaces.dll | |
mvp.Interfaces | mvp.Interfaces |
Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin |
mvp.TestInterfaces.dll | |
mvp.TestInterfaces | mvp.TestInterfaces |
Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin |
MySql.Data.dll | Oracle |
| MySql.Data.dll |
Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin |
Newtonsoft.Json.dll | Newtonsoft |
Json.NET | Json.NET |
Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin |