RdpRelayTransport.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RdpRelayTransport DLL |
Windows |
SupportApp.WinRT.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SupportApp WinRT Component |
Windows |
PilotContracts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | PilotContracts |
Windows, SystemApps |
PilotsHubApp.Core.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | PilotService |
Windows, SystemApps |
siufquestions.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | |
Windows, SystemApps |
AAD.Core.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AAD Core for token broker |
Windows |
eModel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Edge | Microsoft Edge Model |
Windows |
eShims.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft Edge Compatibility Shims |
Windows |
eView.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Edge | Microsoft Edge View |
Windows |
F12App2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools App |
Windows |
F12AppFrame2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 App Frame |
Windows |
ContentManagementSDK.dll | |
| |
Windows |
ActionMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cortana Action Manager |
Windows |
ActionUriProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows ActionUri Proxy Stub |
Windows |
CGSVCBackgroundTask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CGSVC Task |
Windows |
Cortana.Actions.dll | |
| |
Windows |
AccountsControlUI.dll | |
| |
Windows |
BioEnrollmentUI.dll | |
| |
Windows |
eData.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Edge | Microsoft Edge Data Store API Module |
Windows |
Cortana.AppToApp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppToApp Endpoint |
Windows |
Cortana.Core.dll | |
| |
Windows |
Cortana.DevTestHooks.dll | |
| |
Windows |
Cortana.DoNotDisturb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DoNotDisturb WinRT Component |
Windows |
Cortana.LocalSearch.dll | |
| |
Windows |
Cortana.Nodewinrtwrap.dll | |
| |
Windows |
Cortana.People.dll | |
| |
Windows |
Cortana.Reminders.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Reminders WinRT Component |
Windows |
Cortana.Sync.Worker.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cortana Sync Worker |
Windows |
CortanaApi.dll | |
| |
Windows |
Cortana.Upload.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | History Uploader |
Windows |
CortanaApi.ProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CortanaApi.ProxyStub.DYNLINK |
Windows |
CortanaCoreProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Cortana Core Proxy Stub |
Windows |
CortanaMusicSearch.dll | |
| |
Windows |
CortanaSpeechux.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech UX Controller and Experiences |
Windows |
CortanaSpeechUXRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cortana speech resources |
Windows |
CortanaSyncProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cortana Sync Proxy Stubs |
Windows |
DNDActionUriHandlers.dll | |
| |
Windows |
DoNotDisturbProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows DoNotDisturb Proxy Stub |
Windows |
node.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Node DLL |
Windows |
OnlineServices.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OnlineServices DLL |
Windows |
PhonePCVoiceAgents.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Phone and PC Specific Speech UX Voice Agents |
Windows |
PlacesProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Places Proxy Stub |
Windows |
JsonReader.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JsonReader DLL |
Windows |
PPIVoiceAgents.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cortana Voice Agents for Windows 10 Team |
Windows |
RemindersProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Reminders Proxy Stub |
Windows |
RemindersUI.dll | |
| |
Windows |
RulesActionUriHandler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RulesActionUriHandler DLL |
Windows |
RulesBackgroundTasks.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RulesBackgroundTasks.DYNLINK |
Windows |
RulesProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Rules Proxy Stub |
Windows |
ReactiveAgentsCommon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech UX Reactive Agents |
Windows |
RulesService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RulesService.DYNLINK |
Windows |
SAPIBackgroundTask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SAPI Task |
Windows |
SignalsManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SignalsManager.DYNLINK |
Windows |
tws.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Grammar Generation (TWS) |
Windows |
RulesServiceProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Cortana Core Proxy Stub |
Windows |
VoiceAgentsCommon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech UX Voice Agents |
Windows |
Toolkit.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | Toolkit |
Windows |
XBox.TCUI.Resource.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | TCUI.Resource |
Windows |
XBox.TCUI.Shell.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | TCUI.Shell |
Windows |
XBox.TCUI.Tracing.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | TCUI.Tracing |
Windows |
GamingTcuiHelpers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | GamingTcuiHelpers dll |
Windows |
XboxIdp.Auth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | SignInManager |
Windows |
XboxIdp.Telemetry.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | XboxIdp.Telemetry |
Windows |
ClockFlyoutExperience.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Clock Flyout Experience |
Windows |
AuthManAuthProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AuthManAuthProvider dll |
Windows |
DevicesFlowUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Devices Flow Experience |
Windows |
MtcUvc.dll | |
| |
Windows |
JumpviewUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JumpView Experience |
Windows |
Cortana.Sync.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cortana Sync WinRT Component |
Windows |
NetworkUX.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Experience |
Windows |
QuickConnectUI.dll | |
| |
Windows |
StartUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Start UI |
Windows |
PeopleShared.dll | |
| |
Windows |
XamlTileRendering.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XamlTileRendering.DYNLINK |
Windows |
feedbackapp.helper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | feedbackapp.helper.DYNLINK |
Windows |
siufdata.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | siufdata.DYNLINK |
Windows |
QuickActions.dll | |
| |
Windows |