Cesmemmgr.dll file is part of CES Memory Manager product developed by . It is responsible for CyberLink functionality. This part is required for CES Memory Manager to function. If you are planning on replacing cesmemmgr.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing cesmemmgr.dll file with a diffent version can cause CES Memory Manager to malfunction.

DLL File Description
CES Memory Manager

Available versions of cesmemmgr.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
cesmemmgr.dll CES Memory Manager 132640 129 KB Program Files (x86) CyberLink PowerDVD17 MediaEspresso CESdlls 

Files similar to cesmemmgr.dll

ceutil.dll - Registry Utility Library
CESMemMgr.dll - CES Memory Manager
CES_3DTitle.dll - CES_3DTitle Library
CES_Blender.dll - Cyberlink CES_Blender Library
CES_Picture.dll - CyberLink Picture in Picture Library
CES_PlugIn_2.dll - CES System PlugIn 2
CES_PlugIn_3.dll - CES System PlugIn 3
CES_PlugIn_4.dll - CES System PlugIn 4
CES_Template.dll - CyberLink Layer Template Library
CES_SubtitleManager.dll - CES Subtitle Manager Library
CES_PlugInHost.dll - CES_PlugInHost

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