Nunit.core.dll file is part of product developed by NUnit. It is responsible for functionality. This part is required for to function. If you are planning on replacing nunit.core.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing nunit.core.dll file with a diffent version can cause to malfunction.

Available versions of nunit.core.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
nunit.core.dll 155648 152 KB Program Files (x86) NUnit 2.6.3 bin lib 
nunit.core.dll 155648 152 KB Users AppData Local Microsoft VisualStudio 12.0 Extensions ro0jptq0.wks 

Files similar to nunit.core.dll

NuGet.Core.dll - NuGet.Core
NuGet.Console.Types.dll - NuGet.Console.Types
NuGet.Dialog12.dll - NuGet.Dialog
NuGet.Cmdlets.dll - NuGet.Cmdlets
NuGet.DialogServices.dll - NuGet.DialogServices
NuGet.Console.dll - NuGet.Console
NuGet.Options.dll - NuGet.Options
NuGet.Tools.dll - NuGet.Tools
NuGet.TeamFoundationServer12.dll - NuGet.TeamFoundationServer12
NuGet.VisualStudio.dll - NuGet.VisualStudio
NuGet.VsEvents.dll - NuGetVSEvents

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