DLL files with tag Packages

DLL File NameDLL DeveloperDLL DescriptionProductDLL Tags
AsyncCollectionAgent.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Debugger ETW Collector Agent  Program Files, Common7, Packages, Debugger 
VsEtwProxyStub.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Debugger ETW Collector Agent Proxy/Stub  Program Files, Common7, Packages, Debugger, Services, x64, Program Files (x86) 
msdia120.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft® Debug Information Accessor  Program Files, Common7, Packages, Debugger, X64 
DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet.dll Microsoft  DotNetOpenAuth DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40-full, net45-full, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5 
DotNetOpenAuth.Core.dll   DotNetOpenAuth DotNetOpenAuth.Core  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40-full, net45-full, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Microsoft Web Tools, Sources, backend, packages 
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.dll   DotNetOpenAuth DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net45-full, net40-full, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5 
DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.dll   DotNetOpenAuth DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net45-full, net40-full, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Microsoft Web Tools, Sources, backend, packages 
EntityFramework.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Entity Framework EntityFramework  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, EntityFramework.5.0.0, lib, net45, net40, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, EntityFramework.6.1.1, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, EntityFramework.6.1.0, Microsoft Web Tools, EntityFramework.6.0.0, Sources, mvp, website, packages, relintech, Relintech, Websites, Crowdfunding 
Facebook.dll The Outercurve Foundation     Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, Facebook.6.1.4, lib, net40-client, net45, sl5, net35-client, win8, wp71, Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, Xamarin.Facebook. 
System.Web.Mvc.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft ASP.NET MVC System.Web.Mvc.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, net45, Sources, backend, packages, mvp, Examples 
System.Web.Razor.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages System.Web.Razor  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, net45, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Sources, backend, packages, mvp, Examples 
System.Web.Providers.dll Microsoft  System.Web.Providers System.Web.Providers  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5 
System.Web.Http.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft ASP.NET MVC System.Web.Http  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, net45, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Sources, backend, packages, mvp 
System.Web.Http.OData.dll Microsoft Corporation.  Microsoft ASP.NET MVC System.Web.Http.OData  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, net45, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Sources, backend 
System.Web.Helpers.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages System.Web.Helpers  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, net45, Sources, backend, packages, mvp, Examples 
System.Web.WebPages.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages System.Web.WebPages  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, net45, Sources, backend, packages, mvp, Examples 
WebMatrix.Data.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages WebMatrix.Data  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, net45, Sources, backend 
Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® .NET Framework Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, Microsoft.Data.Edm.5.2.0, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Microsoft.Data.Edm.5.6.0, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Sources, backend, packages 
WebMatrix.WebData.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages WebMatrix.WebData  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, net45, Sources, backend 
Microsoft.Data.Edm.SL.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® .NET Framework Microsoft.Data.Edm.SL.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, Microsoft.Data.Edm.5.2.0, lib, sl4, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Microsoft.Data.Edm.5.6.0, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Sources, backend, packages 
Microsoft.Data.OData.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® .NET Framework Microsoft.Data.OData.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Sources, backend 
System.Net.Http.dll Microsoft  System.Net.Http System.Net.Http  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, lib, net40, Microsoft Web Tools, Sources, backend, packages 
Newtonsoft.Json.dll Newtonsoft  Json.NET Json.NET .NET 2.0  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, Newtonsoft.Json.4.5.11, lib, net20, net35, net40, sl3-wp, sl4, sl4-windowsphone71, winrt45, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Newtonsoft.Json.5.0.6, net45, netcore45, Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.3, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.2, Microsoft Web Tools, tools, Sources, backend, packages, Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.1, portable-net45+wp80+win8, mvp, Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.4, Examples, website, Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.5, relintech, Relintech, Tools, ClouldFlareClient, Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.8, Websites, Crowdfunding, CrawlerService, Users, AppData, Roaming, Local Libraries, Local Documents, Visual Studio 2013, Projects, ConsoleApplication1 
Owin.dll    Owin  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, Owin.1.0, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Microsoft Web Tools, Sources, backend, packages, mvp, Examples 
System.Spatial.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® .NET Framework System.Spatial.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, System.Spatial.5.2.0, lib, net40, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, System.Spatial.5.6.0, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Sources, backend, packages 
WebGrease.dll Microsoft  WebGrease WebGrease  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, WebGrease.1.3.0, lib, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, WebGrease.1.5.2, Microsoft Web Tools, WebGrease.1.1.0, Sources, backend, packages, WebGrease.1.6.0, mvp, Examples 
System.Spatial.SL.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® .NET Framework System.Spatial.SL.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, System.Spatial.5.2.0, lib, sl4, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, System.Spatial.5.6.0, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Sources, backend, packages 
Antlr3.Runtime.dll Pixel Mine, Inc.  Antlr3.Runtime Antlr3.Runtime  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, Packages, WebGrease.1.3.0, lib, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Antlr., ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, Microsoft Web Tools, WebGrease.1.1.0, Sources, backend, packages, Antlr., mvp, Examples 
sqlceca40.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft SQL Server Compact Client Agent (32-bit)  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, Packages, NativeBinaries, amd64, x86 
sqlcecompact40.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft SQL Server Compact Database Repair Tool (32-bit)  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, Packages, NativeBinaries, amd64, x86 
sqlceer40EN.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft SQL Server Compact Native Error Strings and Resources  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, Packages, NativeBinaries, amd64, x86 
sqlceme40.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft SQL Server Compact Managed Extensions (64-bit)  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, Packages, NativeBinaries, amd64, x86 
sqlceqp40.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft SQL Server Compact Query Processor (32-bit)  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, Packages, NativeBinaries, amd64, x86 
sqlcese40.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft SQL Server Compact Storage Engine (32-bit)  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, Packages, NativeBinaries, x86, amd64 
msvcr90.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 Microsoft® C Runtime Library  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Pages, v2.0, Packages, NativeBinaries, x86, Microsoft.VC90.CRT, amd64 
System.Web.Cors.dll Microsoft Corporation.  Microsoft ASP.NET MVC System.Web.Cors  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Packages, lib, net45, Sources, mvp, website 
System.Web.Http.Cors.dll Microsoft Corporation.  Microsoft ASP.NET MVC System.Web.Http.Cors  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Packages, lib, net45, Sources, mvp, website 
System.Web.Http.Owin.dll Microsoft Corporation.  Microsoft ASP.NET MVC System.Web.Http.Owin  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Packages, lib, net45, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Sources, mvp, website 
Microsoft.OData.Core.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® .NET Framework Microsoft.OData.Core.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Packages 
Microsoft.OData.Edm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® .NET Framework Microsoft.OData.Edm.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Packages 
Microsoft.Owin.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft OWIN Microsoft.Owin (b85af2f1cfbf98f15b9d6a6a6a4cd8ef3923f0dc)  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Packages, Microsoft.Owin.2.1.0, lib, net40, net45, Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Microsoft Web Tools, Sources, backend, packages, mvp, Examples, Microsoft.Owin.3.0.0 
Microsoft.Spatial.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® .NET Framework Microsoft.Spatial.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web Stack 5, Packages, Microsoft.Spatial.6.4.0 
Autofac.dll Autofac Project - http://autofac.org  Autofac Autofac  Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, Autofac.3.3.1, lib 
AutoMapper.dll   AutoMapper   Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, AutoMapper.3.2.0, lib, MonoTouch, net40, sl5, windows8, wpa81, wp8 
AutoMapper.iOS.dll   AutoMapper   Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, AutoMapper.3.2.0, lib 
AutoMapper.Net4.dll   AutoMapper AutoMapper  Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, AutoMapper.3.2.0, lib 
AutoMapper.Android.dll   AutoMapper   Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, AutoMapper.3.2.0, lib 
AutoMapper.SL5.dll   AutoMapper AutoMapper  Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, AutoMapper.3.2.0, lib 
AutoMapper.WinRT.dll   AutoMapper AutoMapper  Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, AutoMapper.3.2.0, lib 
AutoMapper.WPA81.dll   AutoMapper AutoMapper  Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, AutoMapper.3.2.0, lib 
AutoMapper.WP8.dll   AutoMapper AutoMapper  Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, AutoMapper.3.2.0, lib 
RazorEngine.dll RazorEngine Project  RazorEngine RazorEngine.Core  Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, RazorEngine.3.4.1, lib 
Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Service Bus Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll  Program Files (x86), Microsoft SDKs, Microsoft Azure, Mobile Services, 1.0, Packages, lib 
Compsvcspkg.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Component Services DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
fpeditax.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Web Authoring Component DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
htmdlgs.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 VB7 HTML Dialogs  Program Files (x86), Common7 
fpacutl10.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Web Authoring Component DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
htmlchkr.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Accessibility Checker DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
htmled.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio HTML Editor DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
mswebprj.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Website DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
WebAppUpgrade.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Web Application Project Upgrade DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
dirprj.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Directory Project DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
fpcutl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Web Authoring Component DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
webdirprj.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Web Directory Project DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7 
fputlsat.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Web Authoring Component DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
htmdlgsUI.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 VB7 HTML Dialogs Resources  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
fpedsat.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Web Authoring Component DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
Htmledui.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio HTML Editor DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
msointl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio component  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
mswebprjui.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Website Resource DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
WebAppUpgradeUI.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Web Application Projects Upgrade Resource DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
compsvcspkgui.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Component Services DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
cppdebug.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Debug Engine C/C++ debugger implementation  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
cscompee.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual C#® Expression Evaluator  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
cpde.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 CLR Debug Engine  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
dbgeng.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Extension. NOT for use with Windbg.  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
ecbuild.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Edit and Continue Builder  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
encmgr.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Edit-and-Continue Manager  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
GpuDebugEngine.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio GPU Debug Engine  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
GpuEnvSetup.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio GPU Environment Setup  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
jsee.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft® JScript Debugger Expression Evaluator  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
mcee.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 MC++ Expression Evaluator  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
metade.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Meta Debug Engine  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
NatDbgDE.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Native Debug Engine  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
NatDbgEE.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Debugger Expression Evaluator  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
webdirprjui.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Web Directory Project Resource DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
ppltaskprovider.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Ppl Task Provider  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
pfxtaskprovider.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Pfx Task Provider Plug-in for parallel debugging  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
shmetapdb.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Meta-PDB Symbol Handler  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
sqlde.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft (R) SQL Debug Engine (for Debugging)  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
symbollocator.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Symbol Locator  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
TypeScriptDebugEngine.dll Microsoft Corporation  TypeScript Debug Engine TypeScript Debug Engine  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
vcencbld.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Edit and Continue Builder  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
dirprjui.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Directory Project Resource DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
HlslEE.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio HLSL Expression Evaluator  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
vsdebugeng.manimpl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 vsdebugeng.manimpl.dll  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
vsdebugeng.script.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Script Debug Engine Implementation  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
vsdebugeng.manimpl.45.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 vsdebugeng.manimpl.45.dll  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
VsGraphicsHelper.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft Visual Studio Graphics Helper DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
cscompeeui.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual C#® EE Error/Warning Messages  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages, Debugger 
msdbgui.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft Debugger Strings  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages, Debugger 
vsdebugeng.impl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Debug Engine Implementation (IDE process)  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
vsdebug.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
NatDbgDEUI.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Native Debug Engine  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages, Debugger 
NatDbgEEUI.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Debugger Expression Evaluator  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages, Debugger 
vsdebugui.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Visual Studio Debugger Package Resources  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages, Debugger 
VsGraphicsResources.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft Visual Studio Graphics Resources DLL  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages, Debugger 
autoexpce.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 autoexpce.dll  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages, Debugger, Visualizers 
autoexp.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 autoexp.dll  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages, Debugger, Visualizers 
fpacutl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Web Developer Utilities  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
mso.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio component  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
msores.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio component  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
msostyle.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Visual Studio Shared IME Property Library  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
msptls.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Visual Studio Page Table and Line Services Library  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
usp10.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft(R) Uniscribe Unicode script processor Uniscribe Unicode script processor  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
riched20x.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Expression Web 4 RichEdit Version 6.0  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
protocols.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Expression Web Protocols Library  Program Files (x86), Common7, Packages 
DotNetOpenAuth.Mvc5.dll   DotNetOpenAuth DotNetOpenAuth.Mvc5  Sources, backend, packages, lib 
Mono.Math.dll   DotNetOpenAuth Mono.Math  Sources, backend, packages, lib, net40-full, net45-full 
System.IO.dll Microsoft Corporation  System.IO System.IO  Sources, backend, packages, Microsoft.Bcl.1.1.7, lib, net40, portable-net40+sl4+win8, sl4, portable-net40+win8, sl5 
System.Runtime.dll Microsoft Corporation  System.Runtime System.Runtime  Sources, backend, packages, Microsoft.Bcl.1.1.7, lib, net40, portable-net40+sl4+win8, sl4, portable-net40+win8, sl4-windowsphone71 
MySql.Data.cf.dll Oracle   MySql.Data.CF.dll  Sources, backend, packages, MySql.Data.6.8.3, lib, net20-cf 
MySql.Data.dll Oracle   MySql.Data.dll  Sources, backend, packages, MySql.Data.6.8.3, lib, net40, net45, net20, mvp, website, MySql.Data.6.9.3, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, MySql.Data.6.9.6, Websites, Crowdfunding 
MySql.Data.RT.dll Oracle   MySql.Data.dll  Sources, backend, packages, MySql.Data.6.8.3, lib, netcore45 
NDesk.Options.dll    NDesk.Options  Sources, backend, packages, NDesk.Options.0.2.1, lib, relintech, Relintech, Tools, ClouldFlareClient 
NLog.dll NLog  NLog v3.1.0.0 (PrivateBuild) NLog for Silverlight 5.0  Sources, backend, packages, NLog.2.1.0, lib, net20, net35, net40, net45, sl3-wp, sl4, sl4-windowsphone71, sl5, sl2, sl3, mvp, website 
Swashbuckle.dll   Swashbuckle Swashbuckle  Sources, backend, packages, Swashbuckle.3.3.3, lib 
Validation.dll   Validation Validation  Sources, backend, packages, Validation. 
BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll The Legion of the Bouncy Castle  Bouncy Castle for .NET BouncyCastle.CryptoExt  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, BouncyCastle.1.7.0, lib, Net20 
nunit.framework.dll NUnit.org  NUnit   Sources, mvp, backend, packages, NUnit.2.6.3, lib, relintech, Relintech, ReverseInternet2, RiLib 
nunit.core.dll NUnit.org  NUnit   Sources, mvp, backend, packages, NUnitTestAdapter.1.1, lib 
nunit.core.interfaces.dll NUnit.org  NUnit   Sources, mvp, backend, packages, NUnitTestAdapter.1.1, lib 
nunit.util.dll NUnit.org  NUnit   Sources, mvp, backend, packages, NUnitTestAdapter.1.1, lib 
RestSharp.dll John Sheehan, RestSharp Community  RestSharp RestSharp  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, RestSharp.104.4.0, lib, net35, net35-client, net4 
RestSharp.Silverlight.dll John Sheehan, RestSharp Community  RestSharp RestSharp.Silverlight  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, RestSharp.104.4.0, lib 
SendGridMail.dll SendGridMessage  SendGridMail SendGridMail  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, Sendgrid.4.0.0 
SendGrid.SmtpApi.dll   SendGrid SmtpApi SendGrid.SmtpApi  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, SendGrid.SmtpApi.1.1.3, lib 
liblept168.dll Dan Bloomberg  Leptonica Leptonica C Image Processing Library  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, Tesseract.1.0.12, content, x64 
libtesseract302.dll   Tesseract OCR Library Tesseract OCR library  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, Tesseract.1.0.12, content, x64 
Tesseract.dll   TesseractOcr TesseractOcr  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, Tesseract.1.0.12, lib, net20, net35, net40, net40-client, net45 
Twilio.Api.dll Twilio  Twilio Twilio.Api  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, Twilio.3.6.16, lib 
Twilio.Twiml.dll Twilio  Twilio Twilio.TwiML  Sources, mvp, backend, packages, Twilio.TwiML.3.3.3, lib 
jose-jwt.dll dvsekhvalnov  jose-jwt jose-jwt  Sources, mvp, website, packages, jose-jwt.1.7.0, lib 
MySql.Data.CF.dll Oracle   MySql.Data.CF.dll  Sources, mvp, website, packages, MySql.Data.6.9.3, lib, net20-cf, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, MySql.Data.6.9.6, Websites, Crowdfunding 
ExifLib.dll   ExifLib ExifLib  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, ExifLib.PCL.1.0.1 
Xamarin.Facebook.dll      Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, Xamarin.Facebook., lib, MonoAndroid40, Xamarin.iOS10 
FormsViewGroup.dll Xamarin Inc.  Xamarin.Forms FormsViewGroup  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, Xamarin.Forms., lib 
Xamarin.Forms.Core.dll Xamarin Inc.  Xamarin.Forms Xamarin.Forms.Core  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, Xamarin.Forms., lib, MonoAndroid10, win81, WP80, MonoTouch10, Xamarin.iOS10 
Xamarin.Forms.Xaml.dll Xamarin Inc.  Xamarin.Forms Xamarin.Forms.Xaml  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, Xamarin.Forms., lib, MonoAndroid10, MonoTouch10, win81, WP80, wpa81 
Xamarin.Insights.dll Xamarin Inc.  Xamarin.Insights   Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, lib, MonoAndroid10, MonoTouch10, portable-win+net40, WP80, windows8, wpa, Xamarin.Mac20 
PLCrashReporter.dll      Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, lib 
XLabs.Forms.dll   XLabs.Forms XLabs.Forms  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, XLabs.Forms.2.0.5610.2, lib, MonoAndroid, wp8 
XLabs.Core.dll   XLabs.Core XLabs.Core  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, XLabs.Core.2.0.5610.2 
XLabs.Forms.Droid.dll   XLabs.Forms.Droid XLabs.Forms.Droid  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, XLabs.Forms.2.0.5610.2, lib 
XLabs.Forms.WP8.dll   XLabs.Platform.WP8 XLabs.Platform.WP8  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, XLabs.Forms.2.0.5610.2, lib 
XLabs.Ioc.dll XLabs  XLabs.Ioc XLabs.Ioc  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, XLabs.IoC.2.0.5610.2 
XLabs.Platform.dll   XLabs.Platform XLabs.Platform  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, lib, MonoAndroid, wp8, Xamarin.iOS10 
XLabs.Platform.Droid.dll   XLabs.Platform.Droid XLabs.Platform.Droid  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, lib 
XLabs.Forms.iOS.dll   XLabs.Forms.iOS XLabs.Forms.iOS  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, XLabs.Forms.2.0.5610.2, lib 
XLabs.Platform.WP8.dll   XLabs.Platform.WP8 XLabs.Platform.WP8  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, lib, wp8 
XLabs.Platform.iOS.dll   XLabs.Platform.iOS XLabs.Platform.iOS  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages, lib 
XLabs.Serialization.dll   XLabs.Serialization XLabs.Serialization  Sources, relintech, Relintech, apps, TranslateForMessenger, packages 
MySql.Data.Entity.EF6.dll Oracle  MySql.Data.Entity MySql.Data.Entity for EF6  Sources, relintech, Relintech, Websites, Crowdfunding, CrawlerService, packages, MySql.Data.Entity.6.9.6, lib, net40 
AdDuplex.Windows.dll AdDuplex  AdDuplex Windows 8 SDK AdDuplex SDK for Windows 8  Sources, relintech, Win8-CommonLib, SimpleAdManager, packages, AdDuplexWindows., lib, winrt45, Win8-Minsk01, PTable 
MahApps.Metro.dll MahApps  MahApps.Metro MahApps.Metro  Sources, relintech, Win8-Minsk01, Torrent, packages, MahApps.Metro., lib, net40 
FirstFloor.ModernUI.dll First Floor Software  ModernUI ModernUI  Sources, relintech, Win8-Minsk01, Torrent, packages, ModernUI.WPF.1.0.5, lib, net40 
Lib3mfUAP.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
ClrCompression.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® .NET Framework ClrCompression  Windows, InfusedApps 
Microsoft.Msn.Money.dll   Money Money  Windows, InfusedApps 
SQLite3Wrapper.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
Microsoft.Advertising.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox Live Microsoft.Advertising.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
Microsoft.Msn.News.dll   News.Windows News.Windows  Windows, InfusedApps 
Microsoft.Msn.Sports.dll   Sports.Windows Sports.Windows  Windows, InfusedApps 
Microsoft.Msn.Weather.dll   Weather.Windows Weather.Windows  Windows, InfusedApps 
CallsPresenters.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox Live CallsPresenters.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
CallsResources.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox Live CallsResources.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
CallsRTShims.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox Live CallsRTShims.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
PersonPicture.UAP.dll Microsoft Corporation  People PersonPicture.UAP.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
WhatsNew.Store.dll   WhatsNew.Windows WhatsNew.Windows  Windows, InfusedApps 
CallsCore.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox Live CallsCore.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
MessagingApplication.dll Microsoft Corporation  Messaging MessagingApplication.exe  Windows, InfusedApps 
MessagingNativeBase.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox Live MessagingNativeBase.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
MessagingNativeCore.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox Live MessagingNativeCore.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
msvcp120_app.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft® C Runtime Library  Windows, InfusedApps 
msvcr120_app.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft® C Runtime Library  Windows, InfusedApps 
SkypeApp.dll Microsoft  SkypeApp.WindowsPhone SkypeApp.WindowsPhone  Windows, InfusedApps 
SkypeBackgroundTasks.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
SkypeCore.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox Live SkypeCore.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
SkypeHost.Proxies.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Skype Microsoft Skype  Windows, InfusedApps 
SkyWrap.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Skype Microsoft Skype  Windows, InfusedApps 
VideoN.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
adalrt.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Windows® Operating System AAD Authorisation Library for WinRT applications  Windows, InfusedApps 
vcamp120_app.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft® C++ AMP Runtime  Windows, InfusedApps 
vccorlib120_app.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft ® VC WinRT core library  Windows, InfusedApps 
msipcm.dll Microsoft Corp.  Microsoft® CoReXT msipcm  Windows, InfusedApps 
HubBackgroundTask.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
CsiImm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Mail  Windows, InfusedApps 
mso30imm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
vcomp120_app.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Microsoft® C/C++ OpenMP Runtime  Windows, InfusedApps 
msoimm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
Office.UI.Xaml.Core.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
Office.UI.Xaml.OHub.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
mso20imm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
officeHubIntl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Office Hub Intl  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages 
saext.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
msointl30_winrt.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Office International Resources  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages, en-gb 
msointlimm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office product Microsoft Office component  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages, en-us 
Solitaire.dll Microsoft Inc.  Solitaire Solitaire  Windows, InfusedApps 
cpprest140_uwp_2_6.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
autstbim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft OneNote OneNote Automation Stub  Windows, InfusedApps 
msproof7imm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Natural Language Components Proofing Services  Windows, InfusedApps 
msptlsimm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
richedim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 RichEdit Version 8.0  Windows, InfusedApps 
onresim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft OneNote Microsoft OneNote Resources  Windows, InfusedApps 
textinputdriver.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
OneNoteAppContracts.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
onintlim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft OneNote Microsoft OneNote International Resources  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages, en-gb 
onmainim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft OneNote Microsoft OneNote Main  Windows, InfusedApps 
Office.UI.Xaml.Story.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
PeopleApp.dll Microsoft Corporation  People PeopleApp.exe  Windows, InfusedApps 
storyclientresintl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office Storytelling Client Resources  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages 
PeopleShared.Windows.dll Microsoft Corporation  People PeopleShared.Windows.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
PeopleUtilRT.Windows.dll Microsoft Corporation  People PeopleUtilRT.Windows.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
GetSkype.dll Microsoft  GetSkype GetSkype  Windows, InfusedApps 
AppCore.Windows.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Photos App Core  Windows, InfusedApps 
Bing.Immersive.dll Microsoft  Bing Immersive Bing Immersive  Windows, InfusedApps 
FaceSdkStoreWrapper.dll Microsoft Corporation  FaceSdkStoreWrapper FaceSdkStoreWrapper  Windows, InfusedApps 
Microsoft.Photos.dll   Microsoft Photos Microsoft Photos  Windows, InfusedApps 
PhotosApp.Windows.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Photos PhotosApp  Windows, InfusedApps 
TimeBackground.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Alarms & Clock Alarms & Clock Background Task  Windows, InfusedApps 
WindowsCamera.dll Microsoft Corporation  Windows Camera Windows Camera  Windows, InfusedApps 
TimeAppService.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Alarms & Clock Alarms & Clock App Service  Windows, InfusedApps 
chartim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office Charting  Windows, InfusedApps 
EventInterpreterImm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 User and Content Insights component  Windows, InfusedApps 
HxCalendar.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
ExSMime.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Communications  Windows, InfusedApps 
HxM.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Mail  Windows, InfusedApps 
igxim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Igx  Windows, InfusedApps 
mmsogdiplusim.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
Msipcm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Mail  Windows, InfusedApps 
HxComm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Communications  Windows, InfusedApps 
HxComm.Ipc.Proxies.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Communications IPC Proxies  Windows, InfusedApps 
Aria.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
oartim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft OfficeArt  Windows, InfusedApps 
Office.UI.Xaml.Oart.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
Office.UI.Xaml.Uci.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
Office.UI.Xaml.Word.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
wlibim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Word  Windows, InfusedApps 
hxcalendarresim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Calendar Immersive  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages, en-gb 
seqchk10imm.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps 
hxcommintl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Comm  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages, en-gb 
hxmailintl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Mail  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages, en-gb 
wintlim.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Word Immersive  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages, en-gb 
xlsrvintl.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component  Windows, InfusedApps, Packages, en-gb 
Maps.Windows.dll   Maps.Windows Maps.Windows  Windows, InfusedApps 
PlacesProxyStub.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Places Proxy Stub  Windows, InfusedApps 
CompanionApp.dll   Phone Companion Phone Companion  Windows, InfusedApps 
BackgroundAudio.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
Inbox.Shared.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
EntCommon.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox LIVE® on Windows® Microsoft Entertainment Shared Platform  Windows, InfusedApps 
WinStore.Mobile.dll Microsoft Corporation  Windows Store Store  Windows, InfusedApps 
WinStoreTasksWrapper.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
EPGDataManager.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox EPGDataManager.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
Avatars.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox Live Avatars.dll  Windows, InfusedApps 
PRNDMediaSource.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
XboxApp.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox XboxApp.exe  Windows, InfusedApps 
PartyChat.dll Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Xbox PartyChat  Windows, InfusedApps 
XboxNano.dll      Windows, InfusedApps 
gnsdk_fp.dll Gracenote, Inc.  Gracenote SDK Gracenote SDK component  Windows, InfusedApps 
EntPlat.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox LIVE® on Windows® Microsoft Entertainment Platform  Windows, InfusedApps 
EntSyncFx.dll Microsoft Corporation  Xbox LIVE® on Windows® Microsoft Synchronization Framework  Windows, InfusedApps 

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