Wsmplpxy.dll file is part of wsmplpxy product developed by Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. It is responsible for Microsoft Corporation functionality. This part is required for wsmplpxy to function. If you are planning on replacing wsmplpxy.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing wsmplpxy.dll file with a diffent version can cause wsmplpxy to malfunction.

DLL File Description
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System

Available versions of wsmplpxy.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
wsmplpxy.dll wsmplpxy 16384 16.0 KB 10.0.10586.0 Windows System32 
wsmplpxy.dll wsmplpxy 11776 11.5 KB 10.0.10586.0 Windows SysWOW64 
wsmplpxy.dll 12 12 bytes Windows WinSxS 
wsmplpxy.dll wsmplpxy 16384 16.0 KB 10.0.10586.0 Windows WinSxS 
wsmplpxy.dll 12 12 bytes Windows WinSxS 
wsmplpxy.dll wsmplpxy 11776 11.5 KB 10.0.10586.0 Windows WinSxS 

Files similar to wsmplpxy.dll

wsdetect.dll - Java Web Start ActiveX Control
wsatui.dll - WsatUI.dll
WSUtilHelper.dll - Wsutil helper DLL
WSatUI.dll - WsatUI.dll
wstraceutilresources.dll - Windows Web Services API Trace Utility Tool Resources
wsutilhelper.dll - Wsutil helper DLL
wstracedumpresources.dll - Windows Web Services API Trace Viewer Tool Resources
ws2help.dll - Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT
ws2_32.dll - Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
wscapi.dll - Windows Security Center API

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