aadcloudap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AAD Cloud AP Plugin |
Windows |
aadauthhelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® AAD Auth Helper |
Windows |
aadtb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AAD Token Broker Helper Library |
Windows |
AboveLockAppHost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AboveLockAppHost |
Windows |
accountaccessor.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sync data model to access accounts |
Windows |
accessibilitycpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ease of access control panel |
Windows |
AccountsRt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Accounts RT utilities for mail, contacts, calendar |
Windows |
ACCTRES.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Internet Account Manager Resources |
Windows |
aclui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Descriptor Editor |
Windows |
acmigration.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Compatibility Upgrade Migration Host |
Windows |
acppage.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Compatibility Tab Shell Extension Library |
Windows |
ActionCenter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security and Maintenance |
Windows |
acledit.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Access Control List Editor |
Windows |
acproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Autochk Proxy DLL |
Windows |
ActionQueue.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor |
Windows |
ActivationManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Activation Manager |
Windows |
activeds.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs Router Layer DLL |
Windows |
ActiveSyncProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | The engine that syncs ActiveSync accounts |
Windows |
ActiveSyncCsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ActiveSync CSP DLL |
Windows |
AddressParser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADDRESSPARSER |
Windows |
actxprxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library |
Windows |
ActivationClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Activation Client |
Windows |
ActionCenterCPL.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security and Maintenance Control Panel |
Windows |
admwprox.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Admin Com API Proxy dll |
Windows |
AdmTmpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Administrative Templates Extension |
Windows |
adprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | adprovider DLL |
Windows |
adrclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Access Denied Remediation Client |
Windows |
adsldp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
Windows |
adsldpc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs LDAP Provider C DLL |
Windows |
adsmsext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
Windows |
adhsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AD Harvest Sites and Subnets Service |
Windows |
adsnt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ADs Windows NT Provider DLL |
Windows |
adtschema.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Audit Schema DLL |
Windows |
advapi32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Advanced Windows 32 Base API |
Windows |
advapi32res.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Advanced Windows 32 Base API |
Windows |
adhapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AD harvest sites and subnets API |
Windows |
aepic.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Experience Program Cache |
Windows |
AepRoam.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Association Endpoint(AEP) Roaming Monitor and Handler |
Windows |
ahadmin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Application Host Admin Proxy |
Windows |
advpack.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | ADVPACK |
Windows |
aeinv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Inventory Component |
Windows |
AJRouter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AllJoyn Router Service DLL |
Windows |
amsi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Anti-Malware Scan Interface |
Windows |
amsiproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Anti-Malware Scan Interface proxy |
Windows |
amstream.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow Runtime. |
Windows |
aeevts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Experience Event Resources |
Windows |
APHostService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Accounts Host Service |
Windows |
apisetschema.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ApiSet Schema DLL |
Windows |
AppCapture.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime AppCapture DLL |
Windows |
APHostClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Accounts Host Service RPC Client |
Windows |
AppContracts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows AppContracts API Server |
Windows |
apphelp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Compatibility Client Library |
Windows |
APHostRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Accounts Host Resources |
Windows |
Apphlpdm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Compatibility Help Module |
Windows |
apds.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Help Data Services Module |
Windows |
appidapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Identity APIs Dll |
Windows |
AppIdPolicyEngineApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppId Policy Engine API Module |
Windows |
appidsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Identity Service |
Windows |
appinfo.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Information Service |
Windows |
appmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Installation Snapin Extenstion |
Windows |
AppointmentActivation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL for AppointmentActivation |
Windows |
AppLockerCSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppLockerCSP |
Windows |
AppointmentApis.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL for CalendarRT |
Windows |
appraiser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Compatibility Appraiser |
Windows |
ApplicationFrame.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Frame |
Windows |
AppReadiness.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppReadiness |
Windows |
apprepapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Reputation APIs Dll |
Windows |
apprepsync.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppRepSync Task |
Windows |
appmgmts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software installation Service |
Windows |
appsruprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) provider |
Windows |
AppxAllUserStore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppX All User Store DLL |
Windows |
AppXApplicabilityBlob.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Appx Applicability Blob DLL |
Windows |
AppxPackaging.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Native Code Appx Packaging Library |
Windows |
AppxSip.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Appx Subject Interface Package |
Windows |
AppxSysprep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppX Sysprep Provider |
Windows |
AppXDeploymentClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppX Deployment Client DLL |
Windows |
asferror.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ASF Error Definitions |
Windows |
aspnet_counters.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® .NET Framework | Microsoft ASP.NET Performance Counter Shim DLL |
Windows |
aspperf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Active Server Pages | Active Server Pages Performance Monitor DLL |
Windows |
AppXDeploymentServer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppX Deployment Server DLL |
Windows |
asycfilt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ASYCFILT.DLL |
Windows |
atl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Visual C++ | ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) |
Windows |
atl100.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | ATL Module for Windows |
Windows |
atl110.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | ATL Module for Windows |
Windows |
AudioEndpointBuilder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Audio Endpoint Builder |
Windows |
AudioEng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Audio Engine |
Windows |
atmfd.dll | Adobe Systems Incorporated |
Adobe Type Manager | Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver |
Windows |
AUDIOKSE.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Audio Ks Endpoint |
Windows |
AudioSes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Audio Session |
Windows |
audiosrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Audio Service |
Windows |
atmlib.dll | Adobe Systems |
Adobe Type Manager | Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library. |
Windows |
atlthunk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | atlthunk.dll |
Windows |
auditcse.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Audit Settings CSE |
Windows |
AuditNativeSnapIn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Audit Policy Group Policy Editor Extension |
Windows |
AuditPolicyGPInterop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Audit Policy GP Module |
Windows |
auditpolmsg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Audit Policy MMC SnapIn Messages |
Windows |
AuthBroker.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Web Authentication WinRT API |
Windows |
AuthFWGP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Group Policy Editor Extension |
Windows |
AuthFWSnapin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | Microsoft.WindowsFirewall.SnapIn |
Windows |
AuthExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Authentication Extensions |
Windows |
AuthFWWizFwk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | Wizard Framework |
Windows |
AuthBrokerUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AuthBroker UI |
Windows |
authfwcfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Configuration Helper |
Windows |
AuthHostProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Web Authentication Host Proxy |
Windows |
authui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Authentication UI |
Windows |
authz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Authorization Framework |
Windows |
autoplay.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AutoPlay Control Panel |
Windows |
AutoWorkplaceN.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AutoWorkplace Native Library |
Windows |
avicap32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AVI Capture window class |
Windows |
avrt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Multimedia Realtime Runtime |
Windows |
AxInstSv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ActiveX Installer Service |
Windows |
azroles.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | azroles Module |
Windows |
azroleui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Authorization Manager |
Windows |
AzSqlExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AzMan Sql Audit Extended Stored Procedures Dll |
Windows |
avifil32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft AVI File support library |
Windows |
basesrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT BASE API Server DLL |
Windows |
batmeter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Battery Meter Helper DLL |
Windows |
bcastdvr.proxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Broadcast DVR Proxy |
Windows |
bcd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BCD DLL |
Windows |
basecsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider |
Windows |
bcdprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Boot Configuration Data WMI Provider |
Windows |
BackgroundMediaPolicy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Background Media Policy DLL |
Windows |
bcdsrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Boot Configuration Data COM Server |
Windows |
BCP47Langs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BCP47 Language Classes |
Windows |
bcrypt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library |
Windows |
bcryptprimitives.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library |
Windows |
BdeSysprep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BdeSysprep |
Windows |
bdeui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption User Interface |
Windows |
bderepair.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BitLocker Drive Encryption: Drive Repair Tool |
Windows |
BFE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Base Filtering Engine |
Windows |
bi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Background Broker Infrastructure Client Library |
Windows |
bdesvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BDE Service |
Windows |
bidispl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bidispl DLL |
Windows |
BingMaps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bing Map Control |
Windows |
BioCredProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinBio Credential Provider |
Windows |
BingOnlineServices.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bing online services |
Windows |
bitsigd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Background Intelligent Transfer Service IGD Support |
Windows |
BingASDS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Bing Auto Suggestion Datasource Dll |
Windows |
bitsperf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Perfmon Counter Access |
Windows |
BitsProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy |
Windows |
BdeHdCfgLib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool |
Windows |
bisrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Background Tasks Infrastructure Service |
Windows |
biwinrt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Background Broker Infrastructure |
Windows |
blb_ps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Block Level Backup proxy/stub |
Windows |
BluetoothApis.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth Usermode Api host |
Windows |
BlbEvents.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Blb Publisher |
Windows |
BootMenuUX.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BootMenuUX |
Windows |
bootstr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Boot String Resource Library |
Windows |
blbres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Block Level Backup Engine Service Resources |
Windows |
bootux.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | bootux |
Windows |
bridgeres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bridge Resources |
Windows |
BrokerLib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Broker Base Library |
Windows |
BOOTVID.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VGA Boot Driver |
Windows |
blackbox.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DRM | BlackBox DLL |
Windows |
BrowserSettingSync.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Browser Setting Synchronization |
Windows |
browseui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shell Browser UI Library |
Windows |
bthci.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth Class Installer |
Windows |
browser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Computer Browser Service DLL |
Windows |
BthHFSrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth Handsfree Service |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
browserbroker.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BrowserBroker |
Windows |
BthMtpContextHandler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth MTP Context Menu Handler |
Windows |
BthpanContextHandler.dll | |
Bluetooth PAN Context-Menu Handler | Bthpan Context Handler |
Windows |
bthpanapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | bthpanapi |
Windows |
BthRadioMedia.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth Radio Media Provider |
Windows |
browcli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Browser Service Client DLL |
Windows |
bthserv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth Support Service |
Windows |
cabinet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Cabinet File API |
Windows |
BWContextHandler.dll | |
ContextH Application | ContextH Application |
Windows |
BthTelemetry.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth Telemetry Agent |
Windows |
cabview.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cabinet File Viewer Shell Extension |
Windows |
CallButtons.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime CallButtonsServer DLL |
Windows |
CallButtons.ProxyStub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime CallButtonsServer ProxyStub DLL |
Windows |
CallHistoryClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Client DLL for accessing CallHistory information |
Windows |
CameraCaptureUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | |
Windows |
btpanui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth PAN User Interface |
Windows |
capauthz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Capability Authorization APIs |
Windows |
capiprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | capiprovider DLL |
Windows |
catsrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Configuration Catalog Server |
Windows |
CastLaunch.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Casting protocol app manager and launcher |
Windows |
catsrvut.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Configuration Catalog Server Utilities |
Windows |
catsrvps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Configuration Catalog Server Proxy/Stub |
Windows |
cca.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CCA DirectShow Filter. |
Windows |
cdd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Canonical Display Driver |
Windows |
capisp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sysprep cleanup dll for CAPI |
Windows |
CellularAPI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows RIL Proxy |
Windows |
cemapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CEMAPI |
Windows |
certca.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Active Directory Certificate Services CA |
Windows |
cdosys.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft CDO for Windows Library |
Windows |
cdp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft (R) CDP Client API |
Windows |
certcli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Active Directory Certificate Services Client |
Windows |
cdpsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft (R) CDP Service |
Windows |
certCredProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cert Credential Provider |
Windows |
certenc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Directory Certificate Services Encoding |
Windows |
CertEnroll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Active Directory Certificate Services Enrollment Client |
Windows |
certprop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Smartcard Certificate Propagation Service |
Windows |
CertPolEng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Certificate Policy Engine |
Windows |
cewmdm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Media Device Manager | Windows CE WMDM Service Provider |
Windows |
cfgbkend.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Configuration Backend Interface |
Windows |
cfgmgr32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Configuration Manager DLL |
Windows |
CfgSPPolicy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Configuration Service Provider CMPolicy |
Windows |
cfmifs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FmIfs Engine |
Windows |
certmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Certificates snap-in |
Windows |
CertEnrollUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | X509 Certificate Enrollment UI |
Windows |
cfmifsproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® FmIfs Proxy Library |
Windows |
Chakra.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft ® JScript |
Windows |
chartv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Chart View |
Windows |
ChatApis.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL for ChatRT |
Windows |
chkwudrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Search Windows Update for Drivers |
Windows |
Chakrathunk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | chakrathunk.dll |
Windows |
CHxReadingStringIME.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CHxReadingStringIME |
Windows |
ci.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Code Integrity Module |
Windows |
cic.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CIC - MMC controls for Taskpad |
Windows |
CIRCoInst.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | USB Consumer IR Driver coinstaller for eHome |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
clb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Column List Box |
Windows |
Chakradiag.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft ® JScript Diagnostics |
Windows |
clbcatq.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Configuration Catalog |
Windows |
Clipc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Client Licensing Platform Client |
Windows |
ClipboardServer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Modern Clipboard API Server |
Windows |
ClipSVC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Client License Service |
Windows |
cloudAP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cloud AP Security Package |
Windows |
CloudDomainJoinAUG.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CloudDomainJoinAuthenticUserGesture |
Windows |
CloudExperienceHost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CloudExperienceHost |
Windows |
clfsw32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Common Log Marshalling Win32 DLL |
Windows |
cliconfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SQL Client Configuration Utility DLL |
Windows |
clrhost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | In Proc server for managed servers in the Windows Runtime |
Windows |
cmcfg32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft(R) Connection Manager | Microsoft Connection Manager Configuration Dll |
Windows |
clusapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cluster API Library |
Windows |
cmdext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | cmd.exe Extension DLL |
Windows |
cmdial32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft(R) Connection Manager | Microsoft Connection Manager |
Windows |
cmgrcspps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | cmgrcspps |
Windows |
cmpbk32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft(R) Connection Manager | Microsoft Connection Manager Phonebook |
Windows |
cmintegrator.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | cmintegrator.dll |
Windows |
cmstplua.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft(R) Connection Manager | Connection Manager Admin API Helper for Setup |
Windows |
cmutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft(R) Connection Manager | Microsoft Connection Manager Utility Lib |
Windows |
cngcredui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft CNG CredUI Provider |
Windows |
cngprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | cngprovider DLL |
Windows |
cnvfat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FAT File System Conversion Utility DLL |
Windows |
cmlua.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft(R) Connection Manager | Connection Manager Admin API Helper |
Windows |
cofiredm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Corrupted File Recovery Diagnostic Module |
Windows |
colbact.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ |
Windows |
COLORCNV.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Color Conversion |
Windows |
colorui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Color Control Panel |
Windows |
combase.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft COM for Windows |
Windows |
comcat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Component Category Manager Library |
Windows |
comctl32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Common Controls Library |
Windows |
coml2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft COM for Windows |
Windows |
comdlg32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Common Dialogs DLL |
Windows |
compstui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Common Property Sheet User Interface DLL |
Windows |
cmifw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall rule configuration plug-in |
Windows |
CompPkgSup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Component Package Support DLL |
Windows |
comrepl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ |
Windows |
comres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Resources |
Windows |
comsnap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Explorer MMC Snapin |
Windows |
comsvcs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Services |
Windows |
comuid.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Explorer UI |
Windows |
concrt140.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | Microsoft® Concurrency Runtime Library |
Windows |
ConhostV1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Console Window Host |
Windows |
connect.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Get Connected Wizards |
Windows |
ConnectedAccountState.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ConnectedAccountState.dll |
Windows |
configmanager2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ConfigManager |
Windows |
ConsentUX.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Broker Consent Prompt |
Windows |
console.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Control Panel Console Applet |
Windows |
ConhostV2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Console Window Host |
Windows |
ConsoleLogon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Console Logon User Experience |
Windows |
ContactActivation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL for ContactActivation |
Windows |
ContactApis.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL for ContactsRT |
Windows |
ContactHarvesterDS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Contact Harvester Datasource Dll |
Windows |
configurationclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Configuration Client Task |
Windows |
coredpus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | coredpus |
Windows |
CoreMessaging.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll |
Windows |
Cortana.Persona.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cortana.Persona |
Windows |
CoreMmRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | General Core Multimedia Resources |
Windows |
correngine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Correlation Engine |
Windows |
CortanaMapiHelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CortanaMapiHelper |
Windows |
CourtesyEngine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Feedback Courtesy Engine DLL Server |
Windows |
CPFilters.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PTFilter & Encypter/Decrypter Tagger Filters. |
Windows |
CoreUIComponents.dll | |
| |
Windows |
CredProvDataModel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cred Prov Data Model |
Windows |
credprovhost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Credential Provider Framework Host |
Windows |
crypt32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Crypto API32 |
Windows |
credui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Credential Manager User Interface |
Windows |
cryptbase.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Base cryptographic API DLL |
Windows |
credprovs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Credential Providers |
Windows |
cryptcatsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cryptographic Catalog Services |
Windows |
cryptdlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Common Certificate Dialogs |
Windows |
cryptdll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cryptography Manager |
Windows |
cryptext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Crypto Shell Extensions |
Windows |
cryptngc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport API |
Windows |
cryptsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cryptographic Service Provider API |
Windows |
cryptsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cryptographic Services |
Windows |
CryptoWinRT.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Crypto WinRT Library |
Windows |
crypttpmeksvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cryptographic TPM Endorsement Key Services |
Windows |
cryptui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Trust UI Provider |
Windows |
cryptuiwizard.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Trust UI Provider |
Windows |
cryptxml.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XML DigSig API |
Windows |
cryptnet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Crypto Network Related API |
Windows |
credssp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Credential Delegation Security Package |
Windows |
cscapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Win32 API |
Windows |
cscsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CSC Service DLL |
Windows |
cscui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Client Side Caching UI |
Windows |
csrsrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Client Server Runtime Process |
Windows |
cscobj.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | In-proc COM object used by clients of CSC API |
Windows |
CscMig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
cuzzapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - Cuzz API Provider |
Windows |
C_G18030.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | GB18030 DBCS-Unicode Conversion DLL |
Windows |
cscdll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Temporary Shim |
Windows |
C_IS2022.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ISO-2022 Code Page Translation DLL |
Windows |
d2d1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft D2D Library |
Windows |
d2d1debug2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Direct2D Debug Layer Library |
Windows |
d3d10.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 10 Runtime |
Windows |
d3d10core.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 10 Runtime |
Windows |
d3d10level9.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 10 to Direct3D9 Translation Runtime |
Windows |
d3d10ref.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 Reference Device |
Windows |
C_ISCII.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ISCII Code Page Translation DLL |
Windows |
c_GSM7.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | GSM 7bit Code Page Translation DLL for SMS |
Windows |
d3d10sdklayers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 SDK Layers |
Windows |
d3d10warp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 10 Rasterizer |
Windows |
d3d10_1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 10.1 Runtime |
Windows |
d3d11ref.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 11 Reference Device |
Windows |
d3d11sdklayers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 11 SDK Layers |
Windows |
d3d11_1sdklayers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 11.1 SDK Layers |
Windows |
d3d11_2sdklayers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 11.2 SDK Layers |
Windows |
d3d11.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 11 Runtime |
Windows |
D3D12.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 12 Runtime |
Windows |
d3d8thk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer |
Windows |
d3d9.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 9 Runtime |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_33.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_34.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3d10_1core.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 10.1 Runtime |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_35.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_36.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_39.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_40.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D HLSL Compiler |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_41.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D HLSL Compiler |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_38.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_42.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D HLSL Compiler |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_43.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D HLSL Compiler |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_47.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D HLSL Compiler |
Windows |
d3dcsx_42.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 Extensions |
Windows |
d3dcsx_43.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 Extensions |
Windows |
D3DCompiler_37.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3dref9.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct3D 9 Reference Device |
Windows |
d3dx10_35.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3dx10_36.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3dx10_34.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3dx10_37.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3dx10_38.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3dx10_39.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3dx10_40.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 Extensions |
Windows |
d3dx10.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3dx10_33.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Direct3D |
Windows |
d3dx10_41.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 Extensions |
Windows |
d3dx10_42.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 Extensions |
Windows |
d3dx11_43.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 Extensions |
Windows |
d3dx9_24.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_25.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx11_42.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 Extensions |
Windows |
d3dx9_26.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_27.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_28.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx10_43.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 10.1 Extensions |
Windows |
d3dx9_29.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_33.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_34.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_36.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_35.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_30.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
D3DX9_38.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
D3DX9_37.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
d3dx9_31.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
D3DX9_42.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 9 Extensions |
Windows |
D3DX9_43.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 9 Extensions |
Windows |
dab.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Desktop Activity Broker DLL |
Windows |
dabapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Desktop Activity Broker API |
Windows |
D3DX9_40.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 9 Extensions |
Windows |
D3DX9_41.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Direct3D 9 Extensions |
Windows |
DAConn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct Access Connection Flows |
Windows |
dafBth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth Device Association Framework Provider |
Windows |
D3DX9_39.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | |
Windows |
DafCdp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DAF CDP Provider |
Windows |
DafPrintProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DAF Print Provider DLL |
Windows |
dafupnp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DAF UPnP Provider |
Windows |
dafpos.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Point Of Service DAF Provider |
Windows |
DafDnsSd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DAF DnsSd Provider |
Windows |
dafDockingProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Wireless Docking DAF Plugin |
Windows |
dafWCN.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connect Now DAF Plugin |
Windows |
DAFWiProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DAF Printer WiFi Provisioning Provider |
Windows |
DAFWSD.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DAF WSD Provider |
Windows |
dafWfdProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Wi-Fi Direct DAF Plugin |
Windows |
DAMediaManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows DA Media Manager DLL |
Windows |
DAMM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectAccess Media Manager |
Windows |
DataExchange.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Data exchange |
Windows |
DataSenseHandlers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DataSense Handler Implementation |
Windows |
datusage.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Data Usage Helper |
Windows |
davclnt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Web DAV Client DLL |
Windows |
davhlpr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DAV Helper DLL |
Windows |
DavSyncProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DAV sync engine for contacts, calendar |
Windows |
dbgcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Core Debugging Helpers |
Windows |
dbgeng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Symbolic Debugger Engine |
Windows |
dbghelp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Image Helper |
Windows |
DbgModel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Debugger Data Model |
Windows |
dbnetlib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Winsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Clients |
Windows |
dataclen.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Disk Space Cleaner for Windows |
Windows |
dbnmpntw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients |
Windows |
dciman32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DCI Manager |
Windows |
dcpapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DcpApi Task |
Windows |
das.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Association Service |
Windows |
dcpurapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dcpurapi Task |
Windows |
dcomp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectComposition Library |
Windows |
DDACLSys.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SysPrep module for Resetting Data Drive ACL |
Windows |
dcpsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dcpsvc Task |
Windows |
dcntel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dcntel |
Windows |
DDDS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Dynamic Datasource Dll |
Windows |
DDOIProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DDOI Interface Proxy |
Windows |
DDORes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Category information and resources |
Windows |
ddpchunk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Data Deduplication Chunking Library |
Windows |
ddptrace.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft File Server Resource Management Tracing Library |
Windows |
ddputils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Data Deduplication Common Library |
Windows |
ddp_ps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Data Deduplication Service proxy/stub |
Windows |
ddrawex.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Direct Draw Ex |
Windows |
ddraw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectDraw |
Windows |
DefaultDeviceManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Default Device Manager |
Windows |
defragproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Drive Optimizer Proxy Library |
Windows |
defragres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft\Drive Optimizer Resources |
Windows |
defragsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft\Drive Optimizer |
Windows |
deskadp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Advanced display adapter properties |
Windows |
DesktopShellExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DesktopHost Extensions |
Windows |
DevDispItemProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DeviceItem inproc devquery subsystem |
Windows |
devenum.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device enumeration. |
Windows |
deviceaccess.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Broker And Policy COM Server |
Windows |
deviceassociation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Association Client DLL |
Windows |
deskmon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Advanced display monitor properties |
Windows |
DeviceDirectoryClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DeviceDirectoryClient Task |
Windows |
DeviceElementSource.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DeviceElementSource |
Windows |
DevicePairing.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shell extensions for Device Pairing |
Windows |
DevicePairingFolder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Pairing Folder |
Windows |
DevicePairingProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Pairing Proxy Dll |
Windows |
delegatorprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI PassThru Provider for Storage Management |
Windows |
DeviceSetupManagerAPI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Setup Manager Client API |
Windows |
DevicesFlowBroker.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DevicesFlow Broker |
Windows |
DeviceUxRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Device User Experience Resource File |
Windows |
devinv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Inventory Library |
Windows |
devmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Manager MMC Snapin |
Windows |
DeviceCenter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Center |
Windows |
devobj.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Information Set DLL |
Windows |
DevPropMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Device Property Manager |
Windows |
DevQueryBroker.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DevQuery Background Discovery Broker |
Windows |
devrtl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Management Run Time Library |
Windows |
dfdts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Disk Failure Diagnostic Module |
Windows |
dfscli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT Distributed File System Client DLL |
Windows |
deviceregistration.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Registration DLL |
Windows |
DeviceSetupManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Setup Manager |
Windows |
dhcpcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DHCP Client Service |
Windows |
dhcpcmonitor.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DHCP Client Monitor Dll |
Windows |
dhcpcsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DHCP Client Service |
Windows |
dhcpcsvc6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DHCPv6 Client |
Windows |
dhcpsapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DHCP Server API Stub DLL |
Windows |
DiagCpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Troubleshooting Control Panel |
Windows |
dhcpcore6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DHCPv6 Client |
Windows |
dfshim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library |
Windows |
diagtrack.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Diagnostics Tracking |
Windows |
diagperf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Performance Diagnostics |
Windows |
diagtrack_win.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | diagtrack_win.DYNLINK |
Windows |
dialclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DIAL DLL |
Windows |
dialserver.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DIAL Server DLL |
Windows |
difxapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Driver Install Frameworks API (DIFxAPI) | Driver Install Frameworks for API library module |
Windows |
DictationManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dictation Manager |
Windows |
DiagnosticLogCSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DiagnosticLogCSP |
Windows |
dinput.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectInput |
Windows |
dinput8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectInput |
Windows |
dimsroam.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Key Roaming DIMS Provider DLL |
Windows |
directmanipulation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Direct Manipulation Component |
Windows |
discan.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Data Integrity Scan Task |
Windows |
DismApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM API Framework |
Windows |
dispci.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Display Class Installer |
Windows |
DfsShlEx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Distributed File System shell extension |
Windows |
DisplayManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DisplayManager |
Windows |
dlnashext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLNA Namespace DLL |
Windows |
DmApiSetExtImpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DmApiSetExtImpl |
Windows |
DMAppsRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DMAppsRes |
Windows |
dmcfgutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmcfgutils |
Windows |
dmcmnutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmcmnutils |
Windows |
dimsjob.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DIMS Job DLL |
Windows |
Display.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Display Control Panel |
Windows |
dmdlgs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Disk Management Snap-in Dialogs |
Windows |
dmdskmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Disk Management Snap-in Support Library |
Windows |
dmdskres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Disk Management Snap-in Resources |
Windows |
dispex.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft ® DispEx | Microsoft ® DispEx |
Windows |
dmdskres2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Disk Management Snap-in Resources |
Windows |
dmenrollengine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Enroll Engine DLL |
Windows |
dmcsps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmcsps |
Windows |
dmcommandlineutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmcommandlineutils |
Windows |
dmocx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TreeView OCX |
Windows |
dmoleaututils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmoleaututils |
Windows |
dmloader.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectMusic Loader |
Windows |
dmprocessxmlfiltered.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmprocessxmlfiltered |
Windows |
dmpushproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmpushproxy |
Windows |
DMPushRouterCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DMPushRouterCore |
Windows |
DMRServer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Digital Media Receiver DLL |
Windows |
dmsynth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer |
Windows |
dmutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Logical Disk Manager Utility Library |
Windows |
dmvdsitf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Disk Management Snap-in Support Library |
Windows |
dmwappushsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmwappushsvc |
Windows |
dmwmicsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmwmicsp |
Windows |
dmintf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Disk Management DCOM Interface Stub |
Windows |
dmxmlhelputils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmxmlhelputils |
Windows |
dnsapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DNS Client API DLL |
Windows |
dmiso8601utils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dmiso8601utils |
Windows |
dmusic.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectMusic Core Services |
Windows |
dnscmmc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DNS Client MMC Snap-in DLL |
Windows |
docprop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OLE DocFile Property Page |
Windows |
dnsrslvr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DNS Caching Resolver Service |
Windows |
DolbyDecMFT.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Dolby Digital Decoders |
Windows |
domgmt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Delivery Optimization Management |
Windows |
dosvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Delivery Optimization |
Windows |
dot3api.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 802.3 Autoconfiguration API |
Windows |
dnsext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DNS extension DLL |
Windows |
dnshc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DNS Helper Class |
Windows |
dot3gpclnt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 802.3 Group Policy Client |
Windows |
dot3dlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 802.3 UI Helper |
Windows |
dot3gpui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 802.3 Network Policy Management Snap-in |
Windows |
dot3hc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dot3 Helper Class |
Windows |
dot3mm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wired Network Media Manager |
Windows |
dot3msm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 802.3 Media Specific Module |
Windows |
dot3svc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wired AutoConfig Service |
Windows |
dot3ui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 802.3 Advanced UI |
Windows |
dpapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Data Protection API |
Windows |
dpapiprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dpapiprovider DLL |
Windows |
dpapisrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DPAPI Server |
Windows |
dpnaddr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectPlay8 Address |
Windows |
dpnathlp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper UPnP |
Windows |
dot3cfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 802.3 Netsh Helper |
Windows |
Dot3Conn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wired Network Connection Flows |
Windows |
dpnet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectPlay |
Windows |
dps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WDI Diagnostic Policy Service |
Windows |
dpx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft(R) Delta Package Expander |
Windows |
dpnlobby.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectPlay8 Lobby |
Windows |
drmmgrtn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DRM | DRM Migration DLL |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
drmv2clt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DRM | DRMv2 Client DLL |
Windows |
drprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Remote Desktop Session Host Server Network Provider |
Windows |
drt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Distributed Routing Table |
Windows |
drtprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Distributed Routing Table Providers |
Windows |
dpnhpast.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper PAST |
Windows |
dpnhupnp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper UPNP |
Windows |
dsauth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DS Authorization for Services |
Windows |
DscCoreConfProv.dll | Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider |
Windows (R) Win 7 DDK driver | DSC |
Windows |
DscCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DSC |
Windows |
dsclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Data Sharing Service Client DLL |
Windows |
dscproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | dscproxy |
Windows |
DscTimer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DscTimer |
Windows |
dskquota.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell Disk Quota Support DLL |
Windows |
dskquoui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell Disk Quota UI DLL |
Windows |
dsound.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectSound |
Windows |
drttransport.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Distributed Routing Table Transport Provider |
Windows |
dsprop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Active Directory Property Pages |
Windows |
dsparse.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Directory Domain Services API |
Windows |
dsquery.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Directory Service Find |
Windows |
drvstore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Driver Store API |
Windows |
dsdmo.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectSound Effects |
Windows |
dsreg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AD/AAD User Device Registration |
Windows |
dssvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Data Sharing Service NT Service DLL |
Windows |
Dsui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Setup UI Pages |
Windows |
dssenh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider |
Windows |
dsuiext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Directory Service Common UI |
Windows |
dswave.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectMusic Wave |
Windows |
dtsh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Detection and Sharing Status API |
Windows |
DuCsps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DuCSPs |
Windows |
dui70.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows DirectUI Engine |
Windows |
dsrole.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DS Setup Client DLL |
Windows |
dssec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Directory Service Security UI |
Windows |
dwmghost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DWMGhost |
Windows |
dwminit.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DWMInit |
Windows |
dwmcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DWM Core Library |
Windows |
dwmredir.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Desktop Window Manager Redirection Component |
Windows |
DWrite.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectX Typography Services |
Windows |
dxdiagn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool |
Windows |
dxgi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectX Graphics Infrastructure |
Windows |
dxgwdi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DirectX Graphics WDI Handler |
Windows |
dxmasf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Media Component Removal File. |
Windows |
DXP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Stage Shell Extension |
Windows |
dxpps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Experience Platform Proxy\Stub DLL |
Windows |
DxpTaskSync.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows DXP Sync. |
Windows |
dxtmsft.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | DirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms |
Windows |
duser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows DirectUser Engine |
Windows |
dwmapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Desktop Window Manager API |
Windows |
eapp3hst.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft ThirdPartyEapDispatcher |
Windows |
eappcfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Eap Peer Config |
Windows |
EAMProgressHandler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EAMProgressHandler |
Windows |
eappgnui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EAP Generic UI |
Windows |
eapphost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft EAPHost Peer service |
Windows |
eappprxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft EAPHost Peer Client DLL |
Windows |
eapprovp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EAP extension DLL |
Windows |
dxtrans.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | DirectX Media -- DirectX Transform Core |
Windows |
easinvoker.proxystub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Exchange ActiveSync Invoker Proxy Stub |
Windows |
EasPoliciesBroker.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Exchange Active Sync Policies Broker |
Windows |
EasPoliciesBrokerPS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM Proxy Dll for the Exchange Active Sync Policies broker server |
Windows |
easwrt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Exchange ActiveSync Windows Runtime DLL |
Windows |
edgehtml.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer |
Windows |
EditBufferTestHook.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EditBufferTestHook.DYNLINK |
Windows |
dxva2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectX Video Acceleration 2.0 DLL |
Windows |
edpauditapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EDP Audit API |
Windows |
easconsent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EASConsent |
Windows |
edputil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EDP util |
Windows |
eeprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Energy Estimator SRUM provider |
Windows |
eeutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Energy Estimator Utility |
Windows |
efsadu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File Encryption Utility |
Windows |
eapsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft EAPHost service |
Windows |
EditionUpgradeHelper.dll | |
| |
Windows |
efscore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EFS Core Library |
Windows |
efsutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EFS Utility Library |
Windows |
efssvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EFS Service |
Windows |
efswrt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Storage Protection Windows Runtime DLL |
Windows |
EhStorAPI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Enhanced Storage API |
Windows |
EhStorPwdMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Enhanced Storage Password Manager |
Windows |
EhStorShell.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Enhanced Storage Shell Extension DLL |
Windows |
els.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Event Viewer Snapin |
Windows |
efsext.dll | |
| |
Windows |
efslsaext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LSA extension for EFS |
Windows |
elsTrans.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ELS Transliteration Service |
Windows |
EmailApis.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL for EmailRT |
Windows |
elslad.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ELS Language Detection |
Windows |
embeddedmodesvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Debug Register Service |
Windows |
embeddedmodesvcapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Embedded Mode Service Client DLL |
Windows |
encapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Encoder API |
Windows |
EncDec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XDSCodec & Encypter/Decrypter Tagger Filters. |
Windows |
EncDump.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows Media | Media Foundation Crash Dump Encryption DLL |
Windows |
energy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Power Efficiency Diagnostics |
Windows |
energyprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Energy System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) provider |
Windows |
energytask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Power Efficiency Diagnostics Task |
Windows |
enrollmentapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Legacy Phone Enrollment API BackCompat Shim |
Windows |
ELSCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Els Core Platform DLL |
Windows |
elshyph.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ELS Hyphenation Service |
Windows |
enterpriseetw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL |
Windows |
eqossnap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EQoS Snapin extension |
Windows |
ErrorDetailsUpdate.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Error Details Update Task |
Windows |
ErrorDetails.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows operating system. |
Windows |
EnterpriseAppMgmtSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Enterprise server dll |
Windows |
enterprisecsps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | API for MDM Enrollment DLL |
Windows |
esentprf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extensible Storage Engine Performance Monitoring Library for Microsoft(R) Windows(R) |
Windows |
esent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extensible Storage Engine for Microsoft(R) Windows(R) |
Windows |
esevss.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft(R) ESENT shadow utilities |
Windows |
EthernetMediaManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Ethernet Media Manager DLL |
Windows |
EventAggregation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Event Aggregation User Mode Library |
Windows |
evr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Enhanced Video Renderer DLL |
Windows |
ExecModelClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ExecModelClient |
Windows |
execmodelproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ExecModelProxy |
Windows |
ExplorerFrame.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ExplorerFrame |
Windows |
ExSMime.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LExsmime |
Windows |
es.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ |
Windows |
ExtrasXmlParser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extras XML parser used to extract extension information from XML |
Windows |
EsdSip.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Crypto SIP provider for signing and verifying .esd Electronic Software Distribution files |
Windows |
eventcls.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service event class |
Windows |
f3ahvoas.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for Fujitsu FMV oyayubi-shift keyboard |
Windows |
Family.Client.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Family.Client DLL |
Windows |
Family.SyncEngine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Family.SyncEngine DLL |
Windows |
Family.Cache.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Family.Cache DLL |
Windows |
FamilySafetyExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FamilySafety ChildAccount Extensions |
Windows |
Faultrep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows User Mode Crash Reporting DLL |
Windows |
FaxPrinterInstaller.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Fax Printer Installer |
Windows |
fdBth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Bluetooth Provider Dll |
Windows |
fdBthProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth Provider Proxy Dll |
Windows |
Family.Authentication.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Family.Authentication DLL |
Windows |
fdPHost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Provider host service |
Windows |
fdeploy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Folder Redirection Group Policy Extension |
Windows |
fdPnp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Pnp Provider Dll |
Windows |
fdprint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Print Provider Dll |
Windows |
fdProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Proxy Dll |
Windows |
FDResPub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Resource Publication Service |
Windows |
fdSSDP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery SSDP Provider Dll |
Windows |
fdWCN.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connect Now - Config Function Discovery Provider DLL |
Windows |
fdWNet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery WNet Provider Dll |
Windows |
fdWSD.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery WS Discovery Provider Dll |
Windows |
feclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces |
Windows |
fhautoplay.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® File History AutoPlay Integration Library |
Windows |
fhcat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Catalog Library |
Windows |
FdDevQuery.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Device Query Helper |
Windows |
fhcpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Control Panel |
Windows |
fhcleanup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Disk Cleanup Handler |
Windows |
fhengine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Engine |
Windows |
fhevents.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Event Listener Library |
Windows |
fhlisten.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History HomeGroup Listener |
Windows |
fhsettingsprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Backup & Restore Settings Provider |
Windows |
fhshl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Custom Shell Library |
Windows |
fhcfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Configuration Manager |
Windows |
fde.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Folder Redirection Snapin Extension |
Windows |
fhsrchapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Search API |
Windows |
fhtask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Task Handler |
Windows |
fhuxadapter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Data Adapter |
Windows |
fhsvcctl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Service Control Library |
Windows |
fhuxapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History API |
Windows |
fhuxcommon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Common Library |
Windows |
fhuxgraphics.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Graphics |
Windows |
fhuxpresentation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Presentation |
Windows |
fhsrchph.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Search Protocol Handler |
Windows |
fhsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File History Service |
Windows |
filemgmt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Services and Shared Folders |
Windows |
FilterDS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Filter Data Source Datasource Dll |
Windows |
findnetprinters.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Find Network Printers COM Component |
Windows |
fingerprintcredential.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinBio Fingerprint Credential |
Windows |
FingerprintEnrollment.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Fingerprint Enrollment UX |
Windows |
FirewallAPI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall API |
Windows |
FlightSettings.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Flight Settings |
Windows |
FirewallControlPanel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall Control Panel |
Windows |
fltLib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Filter Library |
Windows |
flvprophandler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FLV Property Handler DLL |
Windows |
fmapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File Management API |
Windows |
fms.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Font Management Services |
Windows |
FntCache.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Font Cache Service |
Windows |
fmifs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FM IFS Utility DLL |
Windows |
fontext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Font Folder |
Windows |
FontGlyphAnimator.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Font Glyph Animator |
Windows |
fontgroupsoverride.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | fontgroupsoverride.dll |
Windows |
FontProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Font Provider Library |
Windows |
fontsub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Font Subsetting DLL |
Windows |
frprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Folder Redirection WMI Provider |
Windows |
fsutilext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FS Utility Extension DLL |
Windows |
fthsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Fault Tolerant Heap Diagnostic Module |
Windows |
framedyn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI SDK Provider Framework |
Windows |
fundisc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Dll |
Windows |
fveapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption API |
Windows |
fveapibase.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption Base API |
Windows |
fphc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Filtering Platform Helper Class |
Windows |
framedynos.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI SDK Provider Framework |
Windows |
fvecerts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BitLocker Certificates Library |
Windows |
fvewiz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BitLocker Drive Encryption Wizard |
Windows |
fveui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BitLocker Drive Encryption UI |
Windows |
fwbase.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Firewall Base DLL |
Windows |
fwcfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall Configuration Helper |
Windows |
fwpolicyiomgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FwPolicyIoMgr DLL |
Windows |
FWPUCLNT.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FWP/IPsec User-Mode API |
Windows |
FwRemoteSvr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall Remote APIs Server |
Windows |
fvecpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BitLocker Drive Encryption control panel |
Windows |
fveskybackup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption OneDrive Backup |
Windows |
FXSCOMPOSE.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Compose Form |
Windows |
FXSCOMPOSERES.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Fax Compose |
Windows |
FXSCOMEX.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Server Extended COM Client Interface |
Windows |
FXSEVENT.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax EventLog Support DLL |
Windows |
FXSMON.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Print Monitor |
Windows |
FXSRESM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Resource DLL |
Windows |
FXSROUTE.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Routing DLL |
Windows |
FXSST.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Fax Service |
Windows |
FXST30.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax T30 Protocol Service Provider |
Windows |
FXSTIFF.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax TIFF library |
Windows |
FXSUTILITY.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Fax Utility DLL |
Windows |
gacinstall.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Installers for CLR and other managed code |
Windows |
GamePanelExternalHook.dll | |
| |
Windows |
gameux.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Games Explorer |
Windows |
FXSAPI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax API Support DLL |
Windows |
gamingtcui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Gaming Internal CallableUI dll |
Windows |
gcdef.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Game Controllers Default Sheets |
Windows |
gdi32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | GDI Client DLL |
Windows |
GdiPlus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft GDI+ |
Windows |
Geocommon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Geocommon |
Windows |
generaltel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | General Telemetry |
Windows |
GameUXLegacyGDFs.dll | Microsoft |
Legacy GDF resource DLL | Legacy GDF resource DLL |
Windows |
getuname.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unicode name Dll for UCE |
Windows |
glmf32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OpenGL Metafiling DLL |
Windows |
FXSCOM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Server COM Client Interface |
Windows |
GlobCollationHost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | GlobCollationHost |
Windows |
globinputhost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Globalization Extension API for Input |
Windows |
glu32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OpenGL Utility Library DLL |
Windows |
GnssAdapter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Gnss Adapter Implementation |
Windows |
GeoLocatorHelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | GeoLocatorHelper |
Windows |
Geolocation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Geolocation Runtime DLL |
Windows |
gpedit.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | GPEdit |
Windows |
gpprnext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Group Policy Printer Extension |
Windows |
gpscript.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Script Client Side Extension |
Windows |
gpprefcl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Group Policy Preference Client |
Windows |
gpsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Group Policy Client |
Windows |
gptext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | GPTExt |
Windows |
hal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL |
Windows |
Groupinghc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Grouping Helper Class |
Windows |
HalExtIntcLpioDMA.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | HAL Extension for Intel(R) Low Power Subsystem DMA Controller |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
hascsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | HealthAttestationCSP |
Windows |
hbaapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | HBA API data interface dll for HBA_API_Rev_2-18_2002MAR1.doc |
Windows |
hcproviders.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security and Maintenance Providers |
Windows |
HalExtPL080.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | HAL Extension for PL080 DMA Controller |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
HelpPaneProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Help Proxy |
Windows |
hgcpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | HomeGroup Control Panel |
Windows |
hevcdecoder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows H265 Video Decoder |
Windows |
hgprint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | HomeGroup Printing Support |
Windows |
hidserv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Human Interface Device Service |
Windows |
hhsetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
HTML Help | Microsoft® HTML Help |
Windows |
hlink.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Office 2000 component |
Windows |
hmkd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows HMAC Key Derivation API |
Windows |
hnetcfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Home Networking Configuration Manager |
Windows |
hnetmon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Home Networking Monitor DLL |
Windows |
hotplug.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Safely Remove Hardware applet |
Windows |
hid.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Hid User Library |
Windows |
HrtfApo.dll | |
| |
Windows |
httpprxm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Proxy Manager |
Windows |
httpprxp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Proxy Manager Provider RPC interface |
Windows |
httpprxc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Proxy Manager Provider RPC interface |
Windows |
HttpsDataSource.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Https Data Source Library |
Windows |
htui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Common halftone Color Adjustment Dialogs |
Windows |
ias.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Policy Server |
Windows |
iasacct.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS Accounting Provider |
Windows |
iasads.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS Active Directory Data Store |
Windows |
httpapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | HTTP Protocol Stack API |
Windows |
gpapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Group Policy Client API |
Windows |
IasMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS Migration DLL |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
iasnap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS NAP Provider |
Windows |
iaspolcy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS Pipeline |
Windows |
iasrad.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS RADIUS Protocol Component |
Windows |
iasrecst.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS XML Datastore Access |
Windows |
iashlpr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS Surrogate Component |
Windows |
iasdatastore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS Datastore server |
Windows |
iassam.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS NT SAM Provider |
Windows |
iassdo.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS SDO Component |
Windows |
icmp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ICMP DLL |
Windows |
icmui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Color Matching System User Interface DLL |
Windows |
IconCodecService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Converts a PNG part of the icon to a legacy bmp icon |
Windows |
icm32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Color Management Module (CMM) |
Windows |
iassvcs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS Services Component |
Windows |
icsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Virtual Machine Integration Component Service |
Windows |
icfupgd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewal ICF Settings Upgrade |
Windows, System32, migwiz, dlmanifests |
IdCtrls.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Identity Controls |
Windows |
IdListen.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Identity Listener |
Windows |
idndl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Downlevel DLL |
Windows |
icsigd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Internet Gateway Device properties |
Windows |
ieapfltr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft SmartScreen Filter |
Windows |
IEAdvpack.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | ADVPACK |
Windows |
IDStore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Identity Store |
Windows |
ieetwcollectorres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | IE ETW Collector Service Resources |
Windows |
ieetwproxystub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | IE ETW Collector Proxy Stub Resources |
Windows |
ieframe.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Internet Browser |
Windows |
iepeers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer Peer Objects |
Windows |
ieproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | IE ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library |
Windows |
iernonce.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Extended RunOnce processing with UI |
Windows |
iesetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | IOD Version Map |
Windows |
iesysprep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | IE Sysprep Provider |
Windows |
ieui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Internet Explorer UI Engine |
Windows |
ifmon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IF Monitor DLL |
Windows |
ifsutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IFS Utility DLL |
Windows |
ifsutilx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IFS Utility Extension DLL |
Windows |
iertutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Run time utility for Internet Explorer |
Windows |
igdDiag.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IGD Helper Class |
Windows |
iisRtl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS RunTime Library |
Windows |
iisrstap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Restart API Proxy dll |
Windows |
ihvrilproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows RIL Proxy |
Windows |
IKEEXT.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IKE extension |
Windows |
imagehlp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT Image Helper |
Windows |
imageres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Image Resource |
Windows |
imagesp1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows SP1 Image Resource |
Windows |
imapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Image Mastering API |
Windows |
imapi2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Image Mastering API v2 |
Windows |
imm32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL |
Windows |
ImplatSetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NdisImPlatform Network Setup Plugin |
Windows |
imgutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | IE plugin image decoder support DLL |
Windows |
inetcomm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources |
Windows |
inetmib1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft MIB-II subagent |
Windows |
inetpp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Internet Print Provider DLL |
Windows |
inetppui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Internet Print Client DLL |
Windows |
INETRES.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources |
Windows |
InkAnalysis.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | InkAnalysis DLL |
Windows |
InkEd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Tablet PC InkEdit Control |
Windows |
InkObjCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Tablet PC Ink Platform Component |
Windows |
InprocLogger.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | In-proc Private Event Trace Logger |
Windows |
input.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | InputSetting DLL |
Windows |
imapi2fs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Image Mastering File System Imaging API v2 |
Windows |
InputInjectionBroker.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Broker for WinRT input injection. |
Windows |
InputLocaleManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | InputLocaleManager.DYNLINK |
Windows |
InputSwitch.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Input Switcher |
Windows |
InputService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Text InputService Dll |
Windows |
InternetMailCsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Internet Mail CSP DLL |
Windows |
invagent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Inventory Agent |
Windows |
iologmsg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IO Logging DLL |
Windows |
inseng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Install engine |
Windows |
internetmail.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | InternetMail sync engine for contacts, calendar |
Windows |
IPHLPAPI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IP Helper API |
Windows |
ipnathlp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft NAT Helper Components |
Windows |
iprtrmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IP Router Manager |
Windows |
ipsecsnp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IP Security Policy Management Snap-in |
Windows |
iprtprio.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IP Routing Protocol Priority DLL |
Windows |
IPSECSVC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows IPsec SPD Server DLL |
Windows |
ipsmsnap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IP Security Monitor Snap-in |
Windows |
irclass.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Infrared Class Coinstaller |
Windows |
iri.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | iri |
Windows |
irmon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Infrared Monitor |
Windows |
iphlpsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Service that offers IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network. |
Windows |
iscsicpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | iSCSI Initiator Control Panel Applet |
Windows |
iscsiexe.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | iSCSI Discovery service |
Windows |
iscsied.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | iSCSI Extension DLL |
Windows |
iscsilog.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | iSCSI Event Log DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
iscsium.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | iSCSI Discovery api |
Windows |
iscsiwmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MS iSCSI Initiator WMI Provider |
Windows |
iscsiwmiv2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Provider for iSCSI |
Windows |
ism32k.dll | |
| |
Windows |
iscsidsc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | iSCSI Discovery api |
Windows |
itircl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® InfoTech IR Local DLL |
Windows |
itss.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library |
Windows |
iuilp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | iuilp |
Windows |
iumbase.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IUM Layer Secure Win32 DLL |
Windows |
iumdll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IUM Layer DLL |
Windows |
iyuv_32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Intel Indeo(R) Video YUV Codec |
Windows |
joinproviderol.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Online Join Provider DLL |
Windows |
iedkcs32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | IEAK branding |
Windows |
jscript9.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft ® JScript |
Windows |
jscript9diag.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft ® JScript Diagnostics |
Windows |
jscript.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft ® JScript | Microsoft ® JScript |
Windows |
jsproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | JScript Proxy Auto-Configuration |
Windows |
joinutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Join Utility DLL |
Windows |
kbd101.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 101 |
Windows |
kbd101b.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101(Type B) |
Windows |
kbd101c.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101(Type C) |
Windows |
JpMapControl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Jupiter Map Control |
Windows |
kbd101a.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101 (Type A) |
Windows |
kbd103.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 103 |
Windows |
kbd106.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 106 |
Windows |
KBDA2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Arabic_2 Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDA3.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Arabic_French_102 Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbd106n.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 106 |
Windows |
KBDAL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Albania Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdarmph.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Armenian Phonetic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDARME.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Eastern Armenian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdax2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for AX2 |
Windows |
kbdarmty.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Armenian Typewriter Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDAZE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Azerbaijan_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDAZEL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Azeri-Latin Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDAZST.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Azerbaijani (Standard) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBASH.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bashkir Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Belgian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDARMW.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Western Armenian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBENE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Belgian Dutch Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBHC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bosnian (Cyrillic) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBLR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Belarusian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBGPH.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bulgarian Phonetic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBGPH1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bulgarian (Phonetic Traditional) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBU.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bulgarian (Typewriter) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBUG.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Buginese Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Brazilian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDBULG.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bulgarian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDCA.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Canadian Multilingual Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDCHERP.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cherokee Phonetic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDCAN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Canadian Multilingual Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDCR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Croatian/Slovenian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDCZ.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Czech Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDCZ1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Czech_101 Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDCZ2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Czech_Programmer's Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDDA.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Danish Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDCHER.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cherokee Nation Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDDIV1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Divehi Phonetic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDDV.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dvorak US English Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDDZO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dzongkha Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDES.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Spanish Alernate Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDEST.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Estonia Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDFA.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Persian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdfar.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Persian Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDDIV2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Divehi Typewriter Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDFC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Canadian French Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDFO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | F?roese Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDFI1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Finnish-Swedish with Sami Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDFI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Finnish Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDFR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | French Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDFTHRK.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Futhark Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDGAE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdgeoer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Georgian (Ergonomic) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDGEO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Georgian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdgeoqw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Georgian (QWERTY) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdgeome.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Georgian (MES) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDGKL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Greek_Latin Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDGN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Guarani Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDGR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | German Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDGR1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | German_IBM Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDGRLND.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Greenlandic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdgeooa.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Georgian (Old Alphabets) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHAU.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Hausa Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHAW.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Hawaiian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Greek Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHE220.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Greek IBM 220 Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHE319.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Greek IBM 319 Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHEB.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | KBDHEB Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdhebl3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Hebrew Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDGTHC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Gothic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHELA2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Greek IBM 220 Latin Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHELA3.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Greek IBM 319 Latin Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHEPT.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Greek_Polytonic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHU.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Hungarian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDHU1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Hungarian 101-key Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdibm02.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for IBM 5576-002/003 |
Windows |
KBDIBO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Igbo Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDIC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Icelandic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINASA.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Assamese (Inscript) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINBEN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bengali Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINBE1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bengali - Inscript (Legacy) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINDEV.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Devanagari Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINEN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | English (India) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINGUJ.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Gujarati Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINHIN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Hindi Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINKAN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Kannada Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINMAL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Malayalam Keyboard Layout Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINMAR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Marathi Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINORI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Odia Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINPUN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Punjabi/Gurmukhi Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINBE2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bengali (Inscript) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINTAM.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tamil Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINTEL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Telugu Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDINUK2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Inuktitut Naqittaut Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDIR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Irish Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDIULAT.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Inuktitut Latin Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDJAV.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Javanese Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDIT.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Italian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDIT142.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Italian 142 Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDJPN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout Stub driver |
Windows |
KBDKHMR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cambodian Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDKAZ.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Kazak_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDKNI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Khmer (NIDA) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDKOR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout Stub driver |
Windows |
KBDLA.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Latin-American Spanish Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDKYR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Kyrgyz Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDLAO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Lao Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDKURD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Central Kurdish Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdlisub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Lisu Basic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdlisus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Lisu Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdlk41a.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DEC LK411-AJ Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDLT.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Lithuania Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDA1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Arabic_English_101 Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDLV1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Latvia-QWERTY Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDLVST.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Latvian (Standard) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDLV.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Latvia Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDMAC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Macedonian (FYROM) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDMACST.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Macedonian (FYROM) - Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDLT1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Lithuanian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDMLT47.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Maltese 47-key Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDLT2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Lithuanian Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDMAORI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Maori Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDMLT48.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Maltese 48-key Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDMYAN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Myanmar Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDNE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dutch Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdnec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800) |
Windows |
KBDMONST.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Traditional Mongolian (Standard) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdnec95.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800 Windows 95) |
Windows |
kbdnecat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800 on PC98-NX) |
Windows |
KBDNEPR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Nepali Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdnecnt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | JP Japanese NEC PC-9800 Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDMONMO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mongolian (Mongolian Script) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDMON.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mongolian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDNSO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sesotho sa Leboa Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDNTL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | New Tai Leu Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdnko.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | N'Ko Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDNO1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Norwegian with Sami Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDOLCH.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ol Chiki Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDOGHAM.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ogham Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDOLDIT.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Old Italic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDOSM.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Osmanya Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDPASH.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Pashto (Afghanistan) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDNO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Norwegian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDPL1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Polish Programmer's Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDPL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Polish Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlBE.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Belgian (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlAR.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Arabic (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlCA.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Canadian Multilingual (Apple) - Parallel Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlDA.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Danish (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kbdphags.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Phags-pa Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlDE.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | German (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDPO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Portuguese Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlFI.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Finnish (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlFR.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | French (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlEJ.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | English Japanese (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlIT.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Italian (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlNO.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Norwegian (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlPO.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Portuguese (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlRU.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Russian (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlDU.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Dutch (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlDV.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | United States-Dvorak (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlPL.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Polish (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlSZ.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Swiss (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlSP.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Spanish (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlSG.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Swiss German (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlSW.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | Swedish (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlUR.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | United States ISO/RU (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlUS.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | United States (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDRO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Romanian (Legacy) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDROPR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Romanian (Programmers) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDROST.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Romanian (Standard) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDRUM.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Russian - Mnemonic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDRU.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Russian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSF.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Swiss French Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSG.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Swiss German Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Slovak Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSL1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Slovak(QWERTY) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSMSFI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sami Extended Finland-Sweden Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDRU1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Russia(Typewriter) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSMSNO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sami Extended Norway Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSOREX.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sorbian Extended Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSN1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sinhala Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSORS1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sorbian Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSORA.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sora Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSP.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Spanish Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSORST.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sorbian Standard (Legacy) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSW.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Swedish Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSW09.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sinhala - Wij 9 Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSYR1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Syriac Standard Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTAJIK.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tajik Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDSYR2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Syriac Phoenetic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTAT.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tatar (Legacy) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTH0.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Thai Kedmanee Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTH1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Thai Pattachote Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTH2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTH3.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTIFI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tifinagh (Basic) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTIFI2.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tifinagh (Extended) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTAILE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tai Le Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTIPRC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tibetan (PRC) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTIPRD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tibetan (PRC) - Updated Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTUF.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Turkish F Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTT102.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tatar Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTUQ.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Turkish Q Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbdPrlUK.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | United Kingdom (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTURME.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Turkmen Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDTZM.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Central Atlas Tamazight Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUKX.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | United Kingdom Extended Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ukrainian Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUK.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | United Kingdom Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDURDU.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Urdu Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUGHR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Uyghur (Legacy) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUSA.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | US IBM Arabic 238_L Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUSL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dvorak Left-Hand US English Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUSR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dvorak Right-Hand US English Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUSX.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | US Multinational Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUR1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ukrainian (Enhanced) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUGHR1.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Uyghur Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | United States Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDYAK.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sakha - Russia Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDYBA.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Yoruba Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDYCC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Serbian (Cyrillic) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDYCL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Serbian (Latin) Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KbPrlFRN.dll | Parallels |
Created by MSKLC 1.4 | French - Numerical (Apple) - Parallels Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDUZB.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Uzbek_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KBDWOL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wolof Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
kd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Local Kernel Debugger |
Windows |
kdhv1394.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Enlightened Kernel Debugger 1394 Extension DLL |
Windows |
kdnet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Kernel Debugger |
Windows |
kdnet_uart16550.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Kernel Debug Serial Extensibility Module |
Windows |
KdsCli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Key Distribution Service Provider |
Windows |
kdcom.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Serial Kernel Debugger |
Windows |
kdusb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | USB 2.0 Kernel Debugger |
Windows |
kd_02_10df.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Emulex Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module |
Windows |
kd_02_10ec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Realtek Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module |
Windows |
kd_02_1137.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cisco Vic Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module |
Windows |
kd_02_14e4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Broadcom Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module |
Windows |
kd1394.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 1394 Kernel Debugger |
Windows |
kd_02_1969.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Qualcomm Atheros Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module |
Windows |
kd_02_19a2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Emulex Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module |
Windows |
kd_02_8086.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Intel Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module |
Windows |
kd_07_1415.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Kernel Debug Serial Extensibility Module |
Windows |
kd_02_15b3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mellanox ConnectX Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module |
Windows |
keepaliveprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Keep alive provider API |
Windows |
kd_0C_8086.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Intel USB Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Module |
Windows |
KBDVNTC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Vietnamese Keyboard Layout |
Windows |
KerbClientShared.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Kerberos Client Shared Functionality |
Windows |
kerberos.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Kerberos Security Package |
Windows |
kernel.appcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AppModel API Host |
Windows |
kernel32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT BASE API Client DLL |
Windows |
KernelBase.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT BASE API Client DLL |
Windows |
kernelceip.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Kernel Ceip Task |
Windows |
keymgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Stored User Names and Passwords |
Windows |
KnobsCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Knobs Core Library |
Windows |
KnobsCsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Knobs CSP |
Windows |
ksuser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User CSA Library |
Windows |
ktmw32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows KTM Win32 Client DLL |
Windows |
kdstub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Kernel Debug Extensibility Stubs |
Windows |
l2nacp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Onex Credential Provider |
Windows |
L2SecHC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Layer 2 Security Diagnostics Helper Classes |
Windows |
LAPRXY.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Logagent Proxy |
Windows |
LegacyNetUX.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Legacy Net UX DLL |
Windows |
l2gpstore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Policy Storage dll |
Windows |
keyiso.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CNG Key Isolation Service |
Windows |
LicenseManagerSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LicenseManagerSvc |
Windows |
LicensingCSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LicensingCSP |
Windows |
LicenseManagerApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LicenseManagerApi.DYNLINK |
Windows |
licmgr10.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft® License Manager DLL |
Windows |
linkinfo.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Volume Tracking |
Windows |
ListSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows HomeGroup |
Windows |
LldpNotify.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSLLDP Configuration Support |
Windows |
lltdapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Link-Layer Topology Mapper API |
Windows |
lltdsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Link-Layer Topology Mapper Service |
Windows |
lmhsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TCPIP NetBios Transport Services DLL |
Windows |
loadperf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Load & Unload Performance Counters |
Windows |
localsec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Local Users and Groups MMC Snapin |
Windows |
lfsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Geolocation Service |
Windows |
localui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Local Monitor UI DLL |
Windows |
localspl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Local Spooler DLL |
Windows |
LicenseManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LicenseManager |
Windows |
lltdres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Link-Layer Topology Discovery Resources |
Windows |
LocationFrameworkPS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Geolocation Framework PS |
Windows |
LocationWinPalMisc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Location Platform Abstraction Layer |
Windows |
LockAppBroker.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Lock App Broker DLL |
Windows |
LocationFramework.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Geolocation Framework |
Windows |
LocationApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Location API |
Windows |
LockScreenContent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Lock Screen Content |
Windows |
LockScreenContentHost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LockScreenContent Host |
Windows |
loghours.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Schedule Dialog |
Windows |
lpksetupproxyserv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM proxy server for lpksetup.exe |
Windows |
lsasrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LSA Server DLL |
Windows |
lpk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Language Pack |
Windows |
LSCSHostPolicy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Remote Desktop Virtual Graphics Session Licensing Host Policy |
Windows |
lsm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Local Session Manager Service |
Windows |
logoncli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net Logon Client DLL |
Windows |
lsmproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LSM interfaces proxy Dll |
Windows |
luainstall.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Lua manifest install |
Windows |
lz32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LZ Expand/Compress API DLL |
Windows |
LogonController.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Logon UX Controller |
Windows |
MaintenanceUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Maintenance Settings Control Panel |
Windows |
MapControlCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Map Control Core |
Windows |
MapControlStringsRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Map control resource strings |
Windows |
mapi32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT |
Windows |
mapistub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT |
Windows |
MapsBtSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Maps Background Transfer Service |
Windows |
MapsBtSvcProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Maps Background Transfer Service proxy |
Windows |
MapConfiguration.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MapConfiguration |
Windows |
Magnification.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Magnification API |
Windows |
mapsupdatetask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MapsUpdateTask Task |
Windows |
mapstoasttask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MapsToastTask Task |
Windows |
MbaeApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mobile Broadband Account Experience API |
Windows |
MbaeApiPublic.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mobile Broadband Account API |
Windows |
MbaeXmlParser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mobile Broadband Account Experience Parser |
Windows |
MBMediaManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows MB Media Manager DLL |
Windows |
MapsCSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MapsCSP |
Windows |
MapsStore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Maps Store Dll |
Windows |
MCCSPal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Platform abstraction layer dll for MCCS |
Windows |
MCEWMDRMNDBootstrap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® PlayReady PC Runtime v 1.3 | Windows® Media Center WMDRM-ND Receiver Bridge Bootstrap DLL |
Windows |
mciavi32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Video For Windows MCI driver |
Windows |
mcicda.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MCI driver for cdaudio devices |
Windows |
MCCSEngineShared.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Utilies shared among OneSync engines |
Windows |
mciqtz32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow MCI Driver |
Windows |
mbussdapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Mobile Broadband USSD API |
Windows |
mciseq.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MCI driver for MIDI sequencer |
Windows |
mbsmsapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Mobile Broadband SMS API |
Windows |
mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Intel Microcode Update Library |
Windows |
mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AMD Microcode Update Library |
Windows |
MdmCommon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MdmCommon |
Windows |
mdminst.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Modem Class Installer |
Windows |
mdmmigrator.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Management Update Migrator DLL |
Windows |
mdmregistration.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MDM Registration DLL |
Windows |
mciwave.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MCI driver for waveform audio |
Windows |
MemoryDiagnostic.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic Task Handler |
Windows |
MCRecvSrc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Miracast Media Foundation Source DLL |
Windows |
mf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation DLL |
Windows |
mf3216.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 32-bit to 16-bit Metafile Conversion DLL |
Windows |
mfAACEnc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation AAC Encoder |
Windows |
mfasfsrcsnk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation ASF Source and Sink DLL |
Windows |
mfc100.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
MessagingService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Messaging Service |
Windows |
mfc100chs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc100cht.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc100deu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc100enu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
MessagingDataModel2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MessagingDataModel2 |
Windows |
mfc100esn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc100kor.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc100rus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc100jpn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc100u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfc110.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfc110chs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110cht.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version |
Windows |
mfc100fra.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc100ita.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110fra.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110ita.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110jpn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110kor.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110rus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110esn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110enu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfc110deu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc110ud.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version |
Windows |
mfc120d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version |
Windows |
mfc120.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfc120deu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120cht.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120enu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120esn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120fra.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120ita.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120chs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120jpn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120ud.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version |
Windows |
mfc140.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfc120u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfc140chs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc140cht.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120kor.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc140deu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc140enu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc120rus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc140jpn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc140kor.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc140esn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc140rus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc140ita.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfc140u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfc42.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Visual C++ | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfc42u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Visual C++ | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
MFCaptureEngine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation CaptureEngine DLL |
Windows |
mfc140fra.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Language Specific Resources |
Windows |
mfcm100.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Managed Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfcm110u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Managed Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfcm110d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Managed Library - Debug Version |
Windows |
mfcm110ud.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Managed Library - Debug Version |
Windows |
mfcm120.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Managed Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfcm120d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Managed Library - Debug Version |
Windows |
mfcm120u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Managed Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfcm120ud.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | MFC Managed Library - Debug Version |
Windows |
mfcm100u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 10 | MFC Managed Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfcm110.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | MFC Managed Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfcm140.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Managed Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfcsubs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ |
Windows |
mfdvdec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation DV Decoder |
Windows |
mfcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Core DLL |
Windows |
mferror.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Error DLL |
Windows |
mfh263enc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation h263 Encoder |
Windows |
mfh264enc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation H264 Encoder |
Windows |
mfh265enc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation H265 Encoder |
Windows |
MFMediaEngine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Media Engine DLL |
Windows |
mfcm140u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | MFC Managed Library - Retail Version |
Windows |
mfmp4srcsnk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation MPEG4 Source and Sink DLL |
Windows |
mfds.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Direct Show wrapper DLL |
Windows |
mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation MPEG2 Source and Sink DLL |
Windows |
mfnetcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Net Core DLL |
Windows |
mfnetsrc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Net Source DLL |
Windows |
mfperfhelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MFPerf DLL |
Windows |
mfmjpegdec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation MJPEG Decoder |
Windows |
mfplat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Platform DLL |
Windows |
mfmkvsrcsnk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation MKV Media Source and Sink DLL |
Windows |
mfsrcsnk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Source and Sink DLL |
Windows |
mfsvr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Simple Video Renderer DLL |
Windows |
mftranscode.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Transcode DLL |
Windows |
mfvdsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Foundation Video DSP Components |
Windows |
mfreadwrite.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation ReadWrite DLL |
Windows |
mfps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Proxy DLL |
Windows |
MFWMAAEC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Audio AEC for Media Foundation |
Windows |
mgmtapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft SNMP Manager API (uses WinSNMP) |
Windows |
MFPlay.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Playback API DLL |
Windows |
mi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Management Infrastructure |
Windows |
mibincodec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Management Infrastructure binary codec component |
Windows |
microsoft-windows-pdc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft-Windows-Pdc Resources |
Windows |
midimap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft MIDI Mapper |
Windows |
migisol.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Migration System Isolation Layer |
Windows |
mimefilt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MIME Filter |
Windows |
miguiresource.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MIG wini32 resources |
Windows |
MiracastReceiver.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Miracast Receiver API |
Windows |
MinstoreEvents.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Minstore Event Resource |
Windows |
MirrorDrvCompat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mirror Driver Compatibility Helper |
Windows |
mispace.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Storage Management Provider for Spaces |
Windows |
MiracastInputMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Miracast Input Manager DLL |
Windows |
miutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Management Infrastructure |
Windows |
mlang.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Multi Language Support DLL |
Windows |
mmcbase.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MMC Base DLL |
Windows |
mimofcodec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Management Infrastructure mof codec component |
Windows |
mmcshext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MMC Shell Extension DLL |
Windows |
MMDevAPI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MMDevice API |
Windows |
mmres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | General Audio Resources |
Windows |
mmcndmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MMC Node Manager DLL |
Windows |
modemui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Modem Properties |
Windows |
mmci.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media class installer |
Windows |
modernexecserver.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Modern Execution Server |
Windows |
moricons.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library |
Windows |
mos.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | mos |
Windows |
moshost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Downloaded Maps Manager |
Windows |
mmcico.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media class co-installer |
Windows |
MosHostClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MosHostClient |
Windows |
MP3DMOD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft MP3 Decoder DMO |
Windows |
MP43DECD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder |
Windows |
MosStorage.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MosStorage |
Windows |
MP4SDECD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media MPEG-4 S Video Decoder |
Windows |
mpeval.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Monitoring Platform Evaluator |
Windows |
MPG4DECD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder |
Windows |
mpr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Multiple Provider Router DLL |
Windows |
mprapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL |
Windows |
moshostcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Downloaded Maps Manager Core |
Windows |
MosResource.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mos resource |
Windows |
mprmsg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Multi-Protocol Router Service Messages DLL |
Windows |
MPSSVC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Protection Service |
Windows |
mprext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Multiple Provider Router Extension DLL |
Windows |
mpunits.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Monitoring Platform Built-In Composable Units |
Windows |
mprddm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Demand Dial Manager Supervisor |
Windows |
mqcertui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Message Queuing Certificate Dialogs |
Windows |
mqsnap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Message Queuing Snapin |
Windows |
MrmCoreR.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows MRM |
Windows |
MrmIndexer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows MRM |
Windows |
mrt_map.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® .NET Framework | Microsoft .NET Native Error Reporting Helper |
Windows |
ms3dthumbnailprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 3MF Metadata Handler |
Windows |
msaatext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Accessibility text support |
Windows |
mprdim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dynamic Interface Manager |
Windows |
MSAC3ENC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft AC-3 Encoder |
Windows |
msacm32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft ACM Audio Filter |
Windows |
msafd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |
Windows |
MSAJApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AllJoyn API Library |
Windows |
MSAlacEncoder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation ALAC Encoder |
Windows |
MSAMRNBEncoder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AMR Narrowband Encoder DLL |
Windows |
MSAMRNBSink.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AMR Narrowband Sink DLL |
Windows |
MSAMRNBSource.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AMR Narrowband Source DLL |
Windows |
MSAMRNBDecoder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AMR Narrowband Decoder DLL |
Windows |
mrt100.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® .NET Framework | Microsoft .NET Native Runtime |
Windows |
msasn1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ASN.1 Runtime APIs |
Windows |
MSAudDecMFT.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Audio Decoders |
Windows |
MSAlacDecoder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation ALAC Decoder |
Windows |
msaudite.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Audit Events DLL |
Windows |
msauserext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSA USER Extension DLL |
Windows |
msclmd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Class Mini-driver |
Windows |
mscms.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Color Matching System DLL |
Windows |
mscat32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSCAT32 Forwarder DLL |
Windows |
mscorier.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft .NET Runtime IE resources |
Windows |
mscandui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSCANDUI Server DLL |
Windows |
msctf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSCTF Server DLL |
Windows |
mscories.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® .NET Framework | Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION |
Windows |
MsCtfMonitor.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MsCtfMonitor DLL |
Windows |
msctfp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSCTFP Server DLL |
Windows |
mscoree.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine |
Windows |
msdart.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OLE DB Runtime Routines |
Windows |
msdelta.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Patch Engine |
Windows |
msctfuimanager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft UIManager DLL |
Windows |
msdmo.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DMO Runtime |
Windows |
msdadiag.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Built-In Diagnostics |
Windows |
msdrm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Rights Management client |
Windows |
msdtckrm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions KTM Resource Manager DLL |
Windows |
msdtclog.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Log Manager DLL |
Windows |
msctfui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSCTFUI Server DLL |
Windows |
msdtcprx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions Interface Proxy DLL |
Windows |
msdtctm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Transaction Manager DLL |
Windows |
msfeeds.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft Feeds Manager |
Windows |
msfeedsbs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft Feeds Background Sync |
Windows |
MSFlacDecoder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation FLAC Decoder |
Windows |
msdtcVSp1res.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Resources for Vista SP1 |
Windows |
msdtcuiu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Administrative DLL |
Windows |
MSFlacEncoder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation FLAC Encoder |
Windows |
msftedit.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Rich Text Edit Control, v7.5 |
Windows |
mshtml.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer |
Windows |
MshtmlDac.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | DAC for Trident DOM |
Windows |
mshtmled.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft® HTML Editing Component |
Windows |
msidcrl40.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Account Dynamic Link Library |
Windows |
msident.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Identity Manager |
Windows |
MsiCofire.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Corrupted MSI File Recovery Diagnostic Module |
Windows |
msi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Installer - Unicode | Windows Installer |
Windows |
msidle.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User Idle Monitor |
Windows |
msidntld.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Identity Manager |
Windows |
msieftp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Internet Explorer FTP Folder Shell Extension |
Windows |
msihnd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Installer - Unicode | Windows® installer |
Windows |
mshtmler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft® HTML Editing Component's Resource DLL |
Windows |
msimtf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active IMM Server DLL |
Windows |
msisip.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Installer - Unicode | MSI Signature SIP Provider |
Windows |
msiwer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Installer - Unicode | MSI Windows Error Reporting |
Windows |
mskeyprotcli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Client Key Protection Provider |
Windows |
mskeyprotect.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Key Protection Provider |
Windows |
msiltcfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Installer - Unicode | Windows Installer Configuration API Stub |
Windows |
msimg32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | GDIEXT Client DLL |
Windows |
msls31.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Line Services | Microsoft Line Services library file |
Windows |
msimsg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Installer - Unicode | Windows® Installer International Messages |
Windows |
msmpeg2adec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder |
Windows |
msnetobj.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DRM | DRM ActiveX Network Object |
Windows |
msobjs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System object audit names |
Windows |
MSMPEG2ENC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder |
Windows |
msoert2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Mail RT Lib |
Windows |
msoeacct.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Internet Account Manager |
Windows |
mspatcha.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft File Patch Application API |
Windows |
mspatchc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Patch Creation Engine |
Windows |
msmpeg2vdec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder |
Windows |
msrahc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Assistance Diagnostics Provider |
Windows |
msrating.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Internet Ratings and Local User Management DLL |
Windows |
msrdc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Differential Compression COM server |
Windows |
MSPhotography.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MS Photography DLL |
Windows |
msports.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ports Class Installer |
Windows |
MsRdpWebAccess.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Web Access Control |
Windows |
msrle32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RLE Compressor |
Windows |
msscntrs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | PKM Perfmon Counter DLL |
Windows |
msprivs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Privilege Translations |
Windows |
msscp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DRM | Windows Media Secure Content Provider |
Windows |
mssitlb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | mssitlb |
Windows |
mssip32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSSIP32 Forwarder DLL |
Windows |
mssph.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Microsoft Search Protocol Handler |
Windows |
msshooks.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Microsoft Search Hooks |
Windows |
mssphtb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Outlook MSSearch Connector |
Windows |
mssrch.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Microsoft Embedded Search |
Windows |
mssprxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Microsoft Search Proxy |
Windows |
mssvp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | MSSearch Vista Platform |
Windows |
mssign32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Trust Signing APIs |
Windows |
mstask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Task Scheduler interface DLL |
Windows |
msv1_0.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 |
Windows |
msvcirt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT IOStreams DLL |
Windows |
msutb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSUTB Server DLL |
Windows |
msvcp100.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcp110.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcp110d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcp110_win.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® STL110 C++ Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcp120.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msTextPrediction.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft TextPrediction DLL |
Windows |
mstscax.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client |
Windows |
msvcp140_1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library _1 |
Windows |
msvcp120d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcp140.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcp60.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT C++ Runtime Library DLL |
Windows |
msvcr100.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcr100_clr0400.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® .NET Framework | Microsoft® .NET Framework |
Windows |
msvcp_win.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcr110.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcr120d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
msvcrt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT CRT DLL |
Windows |
msvidc32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Video 1 Compressor |
Windows |
msvfw32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Video for Windows DLL |
Windows |
MSVidCtl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
DirectShow | ActiveX control for streaming video |
Windows |
MSVideoDSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Video Stabilization MFT |
Windows |
msvcr110d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
MSWB7.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSWB7 DLL |
Windows |
MSVP9DEC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows VP9 Video Decoder |
Windows |
mswmdm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Media Device Manager | Windows Media Device Manager Core |
Windows |
mswsock.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |
Windows |
msxml3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft XML Core Services | MSXML 3.0 |
Windows |
msxml3r.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft XML Core Services | XML Resources |
Windows |
msxml6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft XML Core Services | MSXML 6.0 |
Windows |
msxml6r.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft XML Core Services | XML Resources |
Windows |
msyuv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor |
Windows |
MTF.dll | |
| |
Windows |
MTFServer.dll | |
| |
Windows |
mtxclu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Failover Clustering Support DLL |
Windows |
mtxdm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ |
Windows |
mtxex.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ |
Windows |
msvproc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Media Foundation Video Processor |
Windows |
mtxoci.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Database Support DLL for Oracle |
Windows |
muifontsetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MUI Callback for font registry settings |
Windows |
MUILanguageCleanup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MUI Callback for Language pack cleanup |
Windows |
musdialoghandlers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MusScnDialogHandlers |
Windows |
msvcr120.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
MusUpdateHandlers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Modern Update Settings Handler Implementation |
Windows |
mydocs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | My Documents Folder UI |
Windows |
mycomput.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Computer Management |
Windows |
NAPCRYPT.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NAP Cryptographic API helper |
Windows |
NapiNSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | E-mail Naming Shim Provider |
Windows |
navshutdown.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NAVShutdown |
Windows |
NcaApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Network Connectivity Assistant API |
Windows |
NcaSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Network Connectivity Assistant Service |
Windows |
ncbservice.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Connection Broker |
Windows |
nativemap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NativeMap |
Windows |
NcdAutoSetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup service DLL |
Windows |
NcdProp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Advanced network device properties |
Windows |
NaturalLanguage6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Natural Language Development Platform 6 |
Windows |
ncryptprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft KSP |
Windows |
ncryptsslp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft SChannel Provider |
Windows |
ncsi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Connectivity Status Indicator |
Windows |
nci.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CoInstaller: NET |
Windows |
ncobjapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | |
Windows |
ncuprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Connectivity Statistics Provider for System Resource Usage Monitor Service |
Windows |
ndfapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Diagnostic Framework Client API |
Windows |
nddeapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network DDE Share Management APIs |
Windows |
ncrypt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NCrypt Router |
Windows |
ndishc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NDIS Helper Classes |
Windows |
ndproxystub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Diagnostic Engine Proxy/Stub |
Windows |
nduprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Statistics Provider for System Resource Usage Monitor Service |
Windows |
ndfetw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Diagnostic Engine Event Interface |
Windows |
negoexts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NegoExtender Security Package |
Windows |
netapi32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net Win32 API DLL |
Windows |
ndiscapCfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NdisCap Notify Object |
Windows |
netbios.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NetBIOS Interface Library |
Windows |
netcenter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Center control panel |
Windows |
netcfgx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Configuration Objects |
Windows |
netcorehc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Networking Core Diagnostics Helper Classes |
Windows |
ndfhcdiscovery.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Diagnostic Framework HC Discovery API |
Windows |
neth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net Help Messages DLL |
Windows |
netdiagfx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Diagnostic Framework |
Windows |
netiohlp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Netio Helper DLL |
Windows |
netid.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System Control Panel Applet; Network ID Page |
Windows |
netjoin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Domain Join DLL |
Windows |
netlogon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net Logon Services DLL |
Windows |
netevent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net Event Handler |
Windows |
netman.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Connections Manager |
Windows |
netfxperf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extensible Performance Counter Shim |
Windows |
netprofmsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network List Manager |
Windows |
netprofm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network List Manager |
Windows |
netprovfw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning Service Framework DLL |
Windows |
netprovisionsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning Service Provider DLL |
Windows |
NetSetupApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Configuration API |
Windows |
NetSetupEngine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Configuration Engine |
Windows |
NetSetupShim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Configuration API |
Windows |
netmsg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net Messages DLL |
Windows |
netplwiz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Map Network Drives/Network Places Wizard |
Windows |
NetSetupSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Setup Service |
Windows |
netutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net Win32 API Helpers DLL |
Windows |
nettrace.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Trace Helper |
Windows |
networkexplorer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Explorer |
Windows |
networkhelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network utilities for mail, contacts, calendar |
Windows |
networkitemfactory.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NetworkItem Factory |
Windows |
NetworkMobileSettings.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System settings network mobile handlers group |
Windows |
netshell.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Connections Shell |
Windows |
NFCProvisioningPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NFC Provisioning Plugin |
Windows |
NfcRadioMedia.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NFC Radio Media Provider |
Windows |
newdev.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Add Hardware Device Library |
Windows |
ngccredprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport Credential Provider |
Windows |
NgcCtnr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport Container |
Windows |
NgcCtnrSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport Container Service |
Windows |
NgcCtnrGidsHandler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport Container GIDS Handler |
Windows |
ngckeyenum.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport Key Enumeration Manager |
Windows |
NetworkStatus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Status Interface |
Windows |
netwphelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Phone Networking Shim Library |
Windows |
NgcProCsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport CSP |
Windows |
ngcpopkeysrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport Proof-of-possession Key Service |
Windows |
ngcsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport Service |
Windows |
ngctasks.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport Tasks |
Windows |
ninput.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component |
Windows |
nlaapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Location Awareness 2 |
Windows |
nlahc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NLA Helper Classes |
Windows |
ngcksp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Passport Key Storage Provider |
Windows |
nlmproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network List Manager Public Proxy |
Windows |
nlmgp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network List Manager Snapin |
Windows |
nlmsprep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network List Manager Sysprep Module |
Windows |
nlsbres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NLSBuild resource DLL |
Windows |
nlasvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Location Awareness 2 |
Windows |
NlsData0000.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code |
Windows |
NlsData0009.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft English Natural Language Server Data and Code |
Windows |
Nlsdl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Nls Downlevel DLL |
Windows |
nlhtml.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | HTML filter |
Windows |
NlsLexicons0009.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft English Natural Language Server Data and Code |
Windows |
normaliz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unicode Normalization DLL |
Windows |
NMAA.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NMAA |
Windows |
npmproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network List Manager Proxy |
Windows |
NPSM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPSM |
Windows |
NmaDirect.dll | Nokia |
Nokia.NMAA.Hybrid.dll | master branch |
Windows |
NPSMDesktopProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPSM Desktop Local Provider DLL |
Windows |
nshipsec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net Shell IP Security helper DLL |
Windows |
nshwfp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Filtering Platform Netsh Helper |
Windows |
nsi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NSI User-mode interface DLL |
Windows |
nsisvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Store Interface RPC server |
Windows |
nrpsrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Name Resolution Proxy (NRP) RPC interface |
Windows |
ntasn1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft ASN.1 API |
Windows |
ntdll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NT Layer DLL |
Windows |
nshhttp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | HTTP netsh DLL |
Windows |
ntdsapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Directory Domain Services API |
Windows |
ntlanman.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Lan Manager |
Windows |
ntlanui2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network object shell UI |
Windows |
ntprint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Spooler Setup DLL |
Windows |
ntshrui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shell extensions for sharing |
Windows |
ntvdm64.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 16-bit Emulation on NT64 |
Windows |
objsel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Object Picker Dialog |
Windows |
occache.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Object Control Viewer |
Windows |
ntmarta.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT MARTA provider |
Windows |
ocsetapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Optional Component Setup API |
Windows |
odbc32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ODBC Driver Manager |
Windows |
odbcbcp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BCP for ODBC |
Windows |
odbcconf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ODBC Driver Configuration Program |
Windows |
NtlmShared.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NTLM Shared Functionality |
Windows |
odbccu32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ODBC Cursor Library |
Windows |
odbcint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ODBC Resources |
Windows |
odbctrac.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ODBC Driver Manager Trace |
Windows |
oemlicense.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Client Licensing Platform Client Provisioning |
Windows |
offfilt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OFFICE Filter |
Windows |
offlinelsa.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows |
Windows |
odbccp32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ODBC Installer |
Windows |
odbccr32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ODBC Cursor Library |
Windows |
offlinesam.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows |
Windows |
ole32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft OLE for Windows |
Windows |
oleacc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Accessibility Core Component |
Windows |
oleacchooks.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Accessibility Event Hooks Library |
Windows |
oleaccrc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Accessibility Resource DLL |
Windows |
oleaut32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OLEAUT32.DLL |
Windows |
oledlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OLE User Interface Support |
Windows |
oleprn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Oleprn DLL |
Windows |
OmaDmAgent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | omadmagent |
Windows |
ogldrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSOGL |
Windows |
omadmapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | omadmapi |
Windows |
OnDemandBrokerClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OnDemandBrokerClient |
Windows |
OneBackupHandler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Backup & Restore Handlers Implementation |
Windows |
offreg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline registry DLL |
Windows |
OobeFldr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Getting Started |
Windows |
OpcServices.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Native Code OPC Services Library |
Windows |
opengl32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OpenGL Client DLL |
Windows |
ortcengine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Skype for Business | Microsoft Skype ORTC Engine |
Windows |
osbaseln.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Service Reporting API |
Windows |
OskSupport.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft On-Screen Keyboard Support Utilities |
Windows |
onex.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IEEE 802.1X supplicant library |
Windows |
onexui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IEEE 802.1X supplicant UI library |
Windows |
P2PGraph.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Peer-to-Peer Graphing |
Windows |
osrss.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | osrss |
Windows |
osuninst.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Uninstall Interface |
Windows |
P2P.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Peer-to-Peer Grouping |
Windows |
packager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Object Packager2 |
Windows |
PackageStateRoaming.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Package State Roaming |
Windows |
panmap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PANOSE(tm) Font Mapper |
Windows |
pautoenr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Auto Enrollment DLL |
Windows |
pcacli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Program Compatibility Assistant Client Module |
Windows |
p2psvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Peer-to-Peer Services |
Windows |
pcadm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Program Compatibility Assistant Diagnostic Module |
Windows |
pcaevts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Program Compatibility Assistant Event Resources |
Windows |
pcasvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Program Compatibility Assistant Service |
Windows |
pcaui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Program Compatibility Assistant User Interface Module |
Windows |
PCPKsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Platform Key Storage Provider for Platform Crypto Provider |
Windows |
p2pnetsh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Peer-to-Peer NetSh Helper |
Windows |
pcwutl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Program Compatibility Troubleshooter Helper |
Windows |
pdh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Performance Data Helper DLL |
Windows |
pcwum.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Performance Counters for Windows Native DLL |
Windows |
pdhui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PDH UI |
Windows |
PeerDist.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BranchCache Client Library |
Windows |
PeerDistAD.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BranchCache AD Interface |
Windows |
PeerDistCacheProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BranchCache Export CacheMgr Provider |
Windows |
PCPTpm12.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider for Trusted Platform Module 1.2 |
Windows |
pcsvDevice.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PCSV Proxy Provider for devices |
Windows |
PeerDistCleaner.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BranchCache Cache Cleaner |
Windows |
PeerDistHttpTrans.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BranchCache HTTP Tansport |
Windows |
PeerDistWSDDiscoProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BranchCache WSD Discovery Provider |
Windows |
perfdisk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Disk Performance Objects DLL |
Windows |
perfctrs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Performance Counters |
Windows |
PeerDistSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BranchCache Service |
Windows |
perfnet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Network Service Performance Objects DLL |
Windows |
perfos.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Performance Objects DLL |
Windows |
perfproc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Process Performance Objects DLL |
Windows |
perftrack.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Performance PerfTrack |
Windows |
perfts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Remote Desktop Services Performance Objects |
Windows |
PeerDistSh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BranchCache Netshell Helper |
Windows |
PhoneOm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Phone Object Model |
Windows |
PhoneProviders.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Phone-specific Component Provider for Windows Telephony Stack. |
Windows |
PhoneService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | The service used to manage phone calls and other telephony related functionality |
Windows |
PhoneServiceRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Resource DLL for the Phone Service |
Windows |
Phoneutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Phone utilities |
Windows |
PersonaX.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PersonaX |
Windows |
PhoneutilRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Resource DLL for Phone utilities |
Windows |
PhoneCallHistoryApis.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL for PhoneCallHistoryRT |
Windows |
PhotoMetadataHandler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Photo Metadata Handler |
Windows |
pifmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT PIF Manager Icon Resources Library |
Windows |
PimIndexMaintenance.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Service responsible for contacts indexing and other user data related tasks |
Windows |
pidgenx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Pid Generation |
Windows |
Pimstore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | POOM |
Windows |
photowiz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Photo Printing Wizard |
Windows |
PINEnrollment.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PIN Enrollment UX |
Windows |
pku2u.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Pku2u Security Package |
Windows |
pla.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Performance Logs & Alerts |
Windows |
PlaySndSrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PlaySound Service |
Windows |
pid.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft PID |
Windows |
PlayToManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows PlayTo Manager |
Windows |
PlayToDevice.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PLAYTODEVICE DLL |
Windows |
PlayToReceiver.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLNA DMR DLL |
Windows |
playtomenu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Cast to Device Menu DLL |
Windows |
PlayToStatusProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PlayTo Status Provider Dll |
Windows |
ploptin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Prelaunch OptIn |
Windows |
pmcsnap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | pmcsnap dll |
Windows |
pngfilt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | IE PNG plugin image decoder |
Windows |
playlistfolder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Playlist Folder |
Windows |
pnpts.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PlugPlay Troubleshooter |
Windows |
pnppolicy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | pnppolicy Task |
Windows |
pnpui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Plug and Play User Interface DLL |
Windows |
PNPXAssoc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PNPX Association Dll |
Windows |
PNPXAssocPrx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PNPX Association Dll |
Windows |
pnrpauto.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PNRP Auto Service Dll |
Windows |
Pnrphc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PNRP Helper Class |
Windows |
pnidui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network System Icon |
Windows |
pnpclean.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Plug and Play Maintenance Task Library |
Windows |
pnrpnsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PNRP Name Space Provider |
Windows |
polstore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Policy Storage dll |
Windows |
policymanagerprecheck.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | policymanagerprecheck |
Windows |
PortableDeviceApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Portable Device API Components |
Windows |
PortableDeviceStatus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Portable Device Status Provider |
Windows |
pnrpsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PNRP Service Dll |
Windows |
policymanager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Policy Manager DLL |
Windows |
PortableDeviceTypes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Portable Device (Parameter) Types Component |
Windows |
pots.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Power Troubleshooter |
Windows |
powercpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Power Options Control Panel |
Windows |
POSyncServices.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Change Tracking |
Windows |
PowerWmiProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Power WMI providers |
Windows |
powrprof.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Power Profile Helper DLL |
Windows |
ppcsnap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ppcsnap DLL |
Windows |
prauthproviders.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | prauthproviders |
Windows |
PortableDeviceWMDRM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Portable Device WMDRM Component |
Windows |
PresentationHostProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Presentation Foundation Host Proxy |
Windows |
PrintDialogs3D.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | |
Windows |
PrintDialogs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | |
Windows |
PrintIsolationProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Print Sandbox COM Proxy Stub |
Windows |
PrintPlatformConfig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Legacy Print Platform Adapter |
Windows |
printui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Printer Settings User Interface |
Windows |
PrintWSDAHost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PrintWSDAHost |
Windows |
prl_gldd.dll | Parallels Holdings, Ltd. and its affiliates. |
Parallels Tools 11.2.2 | Parallels GL Driver |
Windows |
prl_mapi.dll | Parallels Holdings, Ltd. and its affiliates. |
Parallels Tools 11.2.2 | Parallels Simple MAPI |
Windows |
prl_np.dll | Parallels Holdings, Ltd. and its affiliates. |
Parallels Tools 11.2.2 | Parallels Shared Folders Network Provider |
Windows |
prl_umdd.dll | Parallels Holdings, Ltd. and its affiliates. |
Parallels Tools 11.2.2 | Parallels Display Driver |
Windows |
prl_umdd10.dll | Parallels Holdings, Ltd. and its affiliates. |
Parallels Tools 11.2.2 | Parallels Display Driver |
Windows |
prm0009.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft English Natural Language Data and Code |
Windows |
prm0019.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Russian Natural Language Data and Code |
Windows |
prncache.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Print UI Cache |
Windows |
prnfldr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | prnfldr dll |
Windows |
prnntfy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | prnntfy DLL |
Windows |
prntvpt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Print Ticket Services Module |
Windows |
profapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User Profile Basic API |
Windows |
profext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | profext |
Windows |
profprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User Profile WMI Provider |
Windows |
profsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ProfSvc |
Windows |
profsvcext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ProfSvcExt |
Windows |
propsys.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Microsoft Property System |
Windows |
provcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Wireless Provisioning Core |
Windows |
provdatastore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning Engine Datastore Library |
Windows |
provengine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning Engine Library |
Windows |
provhandlers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning Engine Handlers Library |
Windows |
provisioningcsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning package configuration service provider |
Windows |
ProvisioningHandlers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning Handlers Implementation |
Windows |
provops.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provision Operations Library |
Windows |
provpackageapidll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning package API DLL for STL encapsulation |
Windows |
provplatformdesktop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning platform for desktop editions |
Windows |
ProvPluginEng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provisioning plugin engine dll |
Windows |
provsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows HomeGroup |
Windows |
ProvSysprep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sysprep provider for Provisioning |
Windows |
provthrd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Provider Thread & Log Library |
Windows |
ProximityCommon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Proximity Common Implementation |
Windows |
ProximityCommonPal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Proximity Common PAL |
Windows |
prflbmsg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Perflib Event Messages |
Windows |
ProximityServicePal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Proximity Service PAL |
Windows |
ProximityService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Proximity Service Implementation |
Windows |
prvdmofcomp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows |
psapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Process Status Helper |
Windows |
PSHED.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Platform Specific Hardware Error Driver |
Windows |
psisdecd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft SI/PSI parser for MPEG2 based networks. |
Windows |
psmsrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Process State Manager (PSM) Service |
Windows |
pstask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | pstask Task |
Windows |
pstorec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Deprecated Protected Storage COM interfaces |
Windows |
PUGAExperiment.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Visual Studio Graphics Experiment DLL (Post Win8) |
Windows |
puiapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | puiapi DLL |
Windows |
ProximityRtapiPal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Proximity WinRT API PAL |
Windows |
puiobj.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PrintUI Objects DLL |
Windows |
PsmServiceExtHost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Resource Manager PSM Service Extension |
Windows |
qasf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow ASF Support |
Windows |
pwrshplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | pwrshplugin.dll |
Windows |
qcap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow Runtime. |
Windows |
qdv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow Runtime. |
Windows |
qdvd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow DVD PlayBack Runtime. |
Windows |
qedit.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow Editing. |
Windows |
qedwipes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow Editing SMPTE Wipes |
Windows |
pwlauncher.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows To Go Launcher |
Windows |
qmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Background Intelligent Transfer Service |
Windows |
QuickActionsDataModel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | QuickActionsDataModel |
Windows |
pwsso.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows To Go Shell Service Object |
Windows |
qwave.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT |
Windows |
RacEngn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Reliability analysis metrics calculation engine |
Windows |
quartz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow Runtime. |
Windows |
Query.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Content Index Utility DLL |
Windows |
racpldlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Assistance Contact List |
Windows |
radarrs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver |
Windows |
rasadhlp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access AutoDial Helper |
Windows |
rasapi32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access API |
Windows |
rasauto.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access AutoDial Manager |
Windows |
rascfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Configuration Objects |
Windows |
raschap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access PPP CHAP |
Windows |
raschapext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Extension library for raschap |
Windows |
RADCUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RemoteApp and Desktop Connection UI Component |
Windows |
radardt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector |
Windows |
rasdlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access Common Dialog API |
Windows |
rasgcw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Wizard Pages |
Windows |
rasdiag.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Diagnostics Helper Classes |
Windows |
rasman.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access Connection Manager |
Windows |
rasmans.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access Connection Manager |
Windows |
rasmbmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provides support for the switching of mobility enabled VPN connections if their underlying interface goes down. |
Windows |
RasMediaManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Ras Media Manager DLL |
Windows |
RASMM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Media Manager |
Windows |
rasmxs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access Device DLL for modems, PADs and switches |
Windows |
rasplap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS PLAP Credential Provider |
Windows |
rasppp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access PPP |
Windows |
rasser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access Media DLL for COM ports |
Windows |
rastapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access TAPI Compliance Layer |
Windows |
rasctrs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT Remote Access Perfmon Counter dll |
Windows |
rastls.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Access PPP EAP-TLS |
Windows |
rascustom.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Custom Protocol Engine |
Windows |
rasmontr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RAS Monitor DLL |
Windows |
rastlsext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Extension library for rastls |
Windows |
rdpcorets.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TS RDPCore DLL |
Windows |
rdpcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDP Core DLL |
Windows |
rdpencom.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDPSRAPI COM Objects |
Windows |
rdpendp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDP Audio Endpoint |
Windows |
RdpSaPs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDP Session Agent Proxy Stub |
Windows |
rdpudd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UMRDP Display Driver |
Windows |
RDSAppXHelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop AppX Scheduler Helper DLL |
Windows |
rdbui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ReadyBoost UI |
Windows |
rdpcfgex.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Session Host Server Connection Configuration Extension for the RDP protocol |
Windows |
RDXService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDXService |
Windows |
RDXTaskFactory.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDXTaskFactory |
Windows |
rdvvmtransport.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RdvVmTransport EndPoints |
Windows |
readingviewresources.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | reading view resources |
Windows |
ReAgent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Recovery Agent DLL |
Windows |
ReAgentTask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Recovery Agent Task Handler |
Windows |
recovery.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Recovery Control Panel |
Windows |
regapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Registry Configuration APIs |
Windows |
RegCtrl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RegCtrl |
Windows |
regidle.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RegIdle Backup Task |
Windows |
regsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Registry Service |
Windows |
ReInfo.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Recovery Info DLL |
Windows |
remoteaudioendpoint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Audio Endpoint |
Windows |
RemoteNaturalLanguage.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech Client Communication To Backend Speech Services Library. |
Windows |
RemoteWipeCSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RemoteWipeCSP |
Windows |
remotepg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Sessions CPL Extension |
Windows |
RemoveDeviceElevated.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RemoveDeviceElevated Proxy Dll |
Windows |
ReportingCSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ReportingCSP |
Windows |
RESAMPLEDMO.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Resampler |
Windows |
reseteng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Reset Engine |
Windows |
rdvidcrl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Services Client for Microsoft Online Services |
Windows |
rdsdwmdr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Desktop Composition Component |
Windows |
resutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Cluster Resource Utility DLL |
Windows |
riched32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0 |
Windows |
riched20.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft RichEdit Control, version 3.1 | Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1 |
Windows |
rilproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows RIL Proxy |
Windows |
RMapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Radio Manager API |
Windows |
rmclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Resource Manager Client |
Windows |
rnr20.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL |
Windows |
RMSRoamingSecurity.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Roaming Security RMS implementation |
Windows |
rfxvmt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX VM Transport |
Windows |
rgb9rast.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | |
Windows |
RoamingSecurity.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Roaming Security implementation |
Windows |
rometadata.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® .NET Framework | Microsoft MetaData Library |
Windows |
RotMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Auto-Rotation Manager |
Windows |
RpcEpMap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RPC Endpoint Mapper |
Windows |
rpchttp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RPC HTTP DLL |
Windows |
RpcRtRemote.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote RPC Extension |
Windows |
rpcss.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Distributed COM Services |
Windows |
rsaenh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider |
Windows |
rshx32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Shell Extension |
Windows |
RstrtMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Restart Manager |
Windows |
rtffilt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RTF Filter |
Windows |
rtm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Routing Table Manager |
Windows |
rtmcodecs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Skype for Business | Microsoft Real Time Media Codec Library |
Windows |
RTMediaFrame.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime MediaFrame DLL |
Windows |
rtmmvrortc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Skype for Business | Microsoft Real Time Media ORTC Video Renderer |
Windows |
rtmpal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Skype for Business | Microsoft Real Time Media Stack PAL for ORTC |
Windows |
rtmpltfm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Skype for Business | Microsoft Real Time Media Stack |
Windows |
rtutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Routing Utilities |
Windows |
RTWorkQ.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Realtime WorkQueue DLL |
Windows |
samcli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Accounts Manager Client DLL |
Windows |
samlib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SAM Library DLL |
Windows |
samsrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SAM Server DLL |
Windows |
sas.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinLogon Software SAS Library |
Windows |
RpcNs4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Procedure Call Name Service Client |
Windows |
rpcnsh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RPC Netshell Helper |
Windows |
rpcrt4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Procedure Call Runtime |
Windows |
sbe.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow Stream Buffer Filter. |
Windows |
sbeio.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Stream Buffer IO DLL |
Windows |
sberes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DirectShow Stream Buffer Filter Resouces. |
Windows |
sbservicetrigger.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Socket Broker Service Trigger |
Windows |
scansetting.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows(TM) ScanSettings Profile and Scanning implementation |
Windows |
scavengeui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Update Package Cleanup |
Windows |
ScDeviceEnum.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Smart Card Device Enumeration Service |
Windows |
scecli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine |
Windows |
scesrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Security Configuration Editor Engine |
Windows |
schannel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TLS / SSL Security Provider |
Windows |
schedcli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Scheduler Service Client DLL |
Windows |
schedsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Task Scheduler Service |
Windows |
scksp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider |
Windows |
scripto.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft ScriptO |
Windows |
scrobj.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft ® Windows ® Script Component Runtime | Windows ® Script Component Runtime |
Windows |
scrptadm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Script Adm Extension |
Windows |
scrrun.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft ® Script Runtime | Microsoft ® Script Runtime |
Windows |
sdcpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Backup and Restore (Windows 7) Control Panel |
Windows |
sdengin2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows Backup Engine |
Windows |
sdhcinst.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Secure Digital Host Controller Class Installer |
Windows |
sdiageng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Scripted Diagnostics Execution Engine |
Windows |
sdiagprv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API |
Windows |
sdiagschd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Scripted Diagnostics Scheduled Task |
Windows |
scapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Service Configuration Native API |
Windows |
SCardDlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SCardDlg - Smart Card Common Dialog |
Windows |
SCardSvr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Smart Card Resource Management Server |
Windows |
sdohlp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NPS SDO Helper Component |
Windows |
sdrsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows Backup Service |
Windows |
sdshext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows Backup Shell Extension |
Windows |
SearchFolder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SearchFolder |
Windows |
secproc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Rights Management Desktop Security Processor |
Windows |
secproc_isv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Rights Management Desktop Security Processor |
Windows |
secproc_ssp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Rights Management Services Server Security Processor |
Windows |
secproc_ssp_isv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Rights Management Services Server Security Processor (Pre-production) |
Windows |
secur32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Support Provider Interface |
Windows |
SecureTimeAggregator.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Secure Time Aggregator |
Windows |
security.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Support Provider Interface |
Windows |
sendmail.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Send Mail |
Windows |
Sens.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System Event Notification Service (SENS) |
Windows |
SensApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SENS Connectivity API DLL |
Windows |
SensorsApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensor API |
Windows |
SensorsClassExtension.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensor Driver Class Extension component |
Windows |
SensorsCpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Open Location and Other Sensors |
Windows |
SensorService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensor Service |
Windows |
SensorsNativeApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensors Native API |
Windows |
sechost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs |
Windows |
seclogon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Secondary Logon Service DLL |
Windows |
SensorsNativeApi.V2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensors Native API (V2 stack) |
Windows |
SensorsUtilsV2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensors v2 Utilities DLL |
Windows |
sensrsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Sensor Monitoring Service |
Windows |
serialui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Serial Port Property Pages |
Windows |
serwvdrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unimodem Serial Wave driver |
Windows |
SetProxyCredential.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Set Proxy Credential Utility |
Windows |
SettingMonitor.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setting Synchronization Change Monitor |
Windows |
SettingsHandlers_Maps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System Settings Maps Handlers Implementation |
Windows |
SettingsHandlers_nt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System Settings Handlers Implementation |
Windows |
SettingsHandlers_SIUF.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System Settings System Initiated User Feedback Handlers Implementation |
Windows |
SettingSync.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setting Synchronization |
Windows |
SettingSyncCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setting Synchronization Core |
Windows |
SessEnv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Configuration service |
Windows |
setbcdlocale.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MUI Callback for Bcd |
Windows |
SetNetworkLocation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Set Network Location Utility |
Windows |
SettingSyncPolicy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SettingSync Policy |
Windows |
setupapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Setup API |
Windows |
setupcln.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup Files Cleanup |
Windows |
setupetw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup ETW Event Resources |
Windows |
sfc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows File Protection |
Windows |
SharedStartModelShim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SharedStartModelShim |
Windows |
ShareHost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ShareHost |
Windows |
sharemediacpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Share Media Control Panel |
Windows |
SHCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SHCORE |
Windows |
shdocvw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shell Doc Object and Control Library |
Windows |
shell32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell Common Dll |
Windows |
shacct.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shell Accounts Classes |
Windows |
shellstyle.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell Style Resource Dll |
Windows |
shgina.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell User Logon |
Windows |
shfolder.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shell Folder Service |
Windows |
shimeng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shim Engine DLL |
Windows |
SharedStartModel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shared Start Model InProc Server |
Windows |
shimgvw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Photo Gallery Viewer |
Windows |
shlwapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shell Light-weight Utility Library |
Windows |
shpafact.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell LUA/PA Elevation Factory Dll |
Windows |
shunimpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell Obsolete APIs |
Windows |
shsvcs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell Services Dll |
Windows |
shutdownux.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shutdown UX |
Windows |
shwebsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell Web Services |
Windows |
signdrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI provider for Signed Drivers |
Windows |
SimAuth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EAP SIM run-time dll |
Windows |
SimCfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EAP SIM config dll |
Windows |
shsetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shell setup helper |
Windows |
sisbkup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Single-Instance Store Backup Support Functions |
Windows |
slc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Licensing Client Dll |
Windows |
slr100.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System Language Runtime |
Windows |
slwga.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Licensing WGA API |
Windows |
SmartCardSimulator.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Smart Card Simulator Transport |
Windows |
slcext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Licensing Client Extension Dll |
Windows |
SMBHelperClass.dll | Microsoft |
SMB Helper Class for NDF | SMB (File Sharing) Helper Class for Network Diagnostic Framework |
Windows |
SmiEngine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Configuration Core |
Windows |
smbwmiv2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMIv2 Provider for SMB File Server/Client |
Windows |
smphost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Storage Management Provider (SMP) host service |
Windows |
SmsRouterSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows SMS Router Service |
Windows |
SndVolSSO.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SCA Volume |
Windows |
snmpapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SNMP Utility Library |
Windows |
SNTSearch.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sticky Notes Search DLL |
Windows |
SMSRouter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mobile Broadband SMS Router |
Windows |
softkbd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Soft Keyboard Server and Tip |
Windows |
softpub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Softpub Forwarder DLL |
Windows |
SortWindows6Compat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sort Version Windows 6.0 |
Windows |
SortServer2003Compat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sort Version Server 2003 |
Windows |
SpaceControl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Storage Spaces control panel |
Windows |
spbcd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BCD Sysprep Plugin |
Windows |
spcompat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Compatibility module of SysPrep |
Windows |
spfileq.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows SPFILEQ |
Windows |
SpeechPal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SpeechPal DLL |
Windows |
SortWindows61.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SortWindows61 Dll |
Windows |
spnet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net Sysprep Plugin |
Windows |
spmpm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MountPointManager Sysprep Plugin |
Windows |
spoolss.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Spooler SubSystem DLL |
Windows |
spopk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OPK Sysprep Plugin |
Windows |
spp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows Shared Protection Point Library |
Windows |
sppc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Licensing Client Dll |
Windows |
sppcext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll |
Windows |
SPInf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows SPINF |
Windows |
sppinst.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SPP CMI Installer Plug-in DLL |
Windows |
sppnp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PnP module of SysPrep |
Windows |
sppobjs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Protection Platform Plugins |
Windows |
sppwinob.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Protection Platform Windows Plugin |
Windows |
sppcomapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Licensing Library |
Windows |
sppwmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Protection Platform WMI provider |
Windows |
sppcommdlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Software Licensing UI API |
Windows |
spwinsat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinSAT Sysprep Plugin |
Windows |
spwizeng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup Wizard Framework |
Windows |
spwizimg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup Wizard Framework Resources |
Windows |
spwizres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup Wizard Framework Resources |
Windows |
spwmp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Player System Preparation DLL |
Windows |
sqlcecompact40.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft SQL Server Compact | Database Repair Tool (64-bit) |
Windows |
sqlceoledb40.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft SQL Server Compact | OLEDB Provider (64-bit) |
Windows |
sqlceqp40.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft SQL Server Compact | Query Processor (64-bit) |
Windows |
sqlcese40.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft SQL Server Compact | Storage Engine (64-bit) |
Windows |
SqlServerSpatial110.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft SQL Server | SQL Server Spatial Library |
Windows |
sqlncli11.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 | Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 |
Windows |
SqlServerSpatial.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft SQL Server | SQL Server Spatial Library |
Windows |
sqlsrv32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SQL Server ODBC Driver |
Windows |
sqmapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SQM Client |
Windows |
srchadmin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Indexing Options |
Windows |
srclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows System Restore Client Library |
Windows |
srcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows System Restore Core Library |
Windows |
SrEvents.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SrEvents |
Windows |
SRHInproc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Screen Reader Helper DLL |
Windows |
SRH.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Screen Reader Helper DLL |
Windows |
srmclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Client Extensions |
Windows |
srm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® File Server Resource Manager Common Library |
Windows |
srhelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows driver and windows update enumeration library |
Windows |
srmlib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft (R) File Server Resource Management Interop Assembly |
Windows |
srmshell.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Shell Extension |
Windows |
srmscan.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® File Server Storage Reports Scan Engine |
Windows |
srm_ps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® FSRM internal proxy/stub |
Windows |
srmstormod.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Office Parser |
Windows |
srpapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SRP APIs Dll |
Windows |
SrpUxNativeSnapIn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Control Policies Group Policy Editor Extension |
Windows |
srrstr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows System Protection Configuration Library |
Windows |
srumapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System Resource Usage Monitor API |
Windows |
srumsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System Resource Usage Monitor Service |
Windows |
srmtrace.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Tracing Library |
Windows |
srvcli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Server Service Client DLL |
Windows |
sscore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Server Service Core DLL |
Windows |
sscoreext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Server Service Core DLL |
Windows |
srwmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows System Restore WMI Provider |
Windows |
ssdpapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SSDP Client API DLL |
Windows |
ssdpsrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SSDP Service DLL |
Windows |
sspicli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Support Provider Interface |
Windows |
sspisrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LSA SSPI RPC interface DLL |
Windows |
srvsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Server Service DLL |
Windows |
SSShim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Componentization Platform Servicing API |
Windows |
sfc_os.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows File Protection |
Windows |
StateRepository.Core.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | StateRepository Core |
Windows |
stclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Configuration Catalog Client |
Windows |
Startupscan.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Startup scan task DLL |
Windows |
sti.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Still Image Devices client DLL |
Windows |
sti_ci.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Still Image Class Installer |
Windows |
stobject.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Systray shell service object |
Windows |
StorageContextHandler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Center Storage Context Menu Handler |
Windows |
sstpsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provides the facility of using Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) to connect to remote computers (using VPN). |
Windows |
storagewmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Provider for Storage Management |
Windows |
storewuauth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Authentication Provider |
Windows |
Storprop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Property Pages for Storage Devices |
Windows |
StoreAgent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | StoreAgent |
Windows |
StorSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Storage Services |
Windows |
streamci.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Streaming Device Class Installer |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
StructuredQuery.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Structured Query |
Windows |
SubscriptionMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Subscription Manager DLL |
Windows |
storagewmi_passthru.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI PassThru Provider for Storage Management |
Windows |
svsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft\Spot Verifier |
Windows |
sud.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SUD Control Panel |
Windows |
swprv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service software provider |
Windows |
sxproxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows System Protection Proxy Library |
Windows |
SurfaceHubHandlers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Surface Hub Handlers Implementation |
Windows |
sxs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Fusion 2.5 |
Windows |
sxshared.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows SX Shared Library |
Windows |
sxsstore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sxs Store DLL |
Windows |
sxssrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows SxS Server DLL |
Windows |
SyncCenter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Sync Center |
Windows |
SyncHostps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Proxystub for sync host |
Windows |
SyncInfrastructure.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Sync Infrastructure. |
Windows |
SyncController.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SyncController for managing sync of mail, contacts, calendar |
Windows |
SyncInfrastructureps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows sync infrastructure proxy stub. |
Windows |
syncmlhook.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | syncmlhook DLL |
Windows |
SyncProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SyncProxy for RPC communication about sync of mail, contacts, calendar |
Windows |
Syncreg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Synchronization Framework | Microsoft Synchronization Framework Registration |
Windows |
synceng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Briefcase Engine |
Windows |
syncui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Briefcase |
Windows |
syncutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sync utilities for mail, contacts, calendar |
Windows |
SyncSettings.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sync Settings |
Windows |
sysclass.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | System Class Installer Library |
Windows |
SysFxUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Audio System FX Control Panel Extension |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
sysmain.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Superfetch Service Host |
Windows |
sysntfy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Notifications Dynamic Link Library |
Windows |
syssetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT System Setup |
Windows |
SyncRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ActiveSync Resources |
Windows |
systemcpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | My System CPL |
Windows |
t2embed.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft T2Embed Font Embedding |
Windows |
Tabbtn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Tablet PC Buttons Component |
Windows |
tapi3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft TAPI3 |
Windows |
tapi32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API Client DLL |
Windows |
TabSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service |
Windows |
tapilua.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Phone And Modem Lua Elevation Dll |
Windows |
TabbtnEx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Tablet PC Extended Buttons Component |
Windows |
TapiMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows(TM) TAPI Migration Plugin Dll |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
tapiperf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Performance Monitor |
Windows |
tapisrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server |
Windows |
TapiSysprep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Sysprep Work |
Windows |
StorageUsage.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Storage Usage |
Windows |
taskschd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Task Scheduler COM API |
Windows |
taskcomp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Task Scheduler Backward Compatibility Plug-in |
Windows |
TaskSchdPS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Task Scheduler Interfaces Proxy |
Windows |
tapiui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API UI DLL |
Windows |
tbauth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TBAuth protocol handler |
Windows |
tbs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TBS |
Windows |
tcpipcfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Configuration Objects |
Windows |
tcpmib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor Helper DLL |
Windows |
taskbarcpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Taskbar Control Panel |
Windows |
tcpmon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor DLL |
Windows |
tcpmonui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor UI DLL |
Windows |
tdh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Event Trace Helper Library |
Windows |
termmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft TAPI3 Terminal Manager |
Windows |
termsrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Session Host Server Remote Connections Manager |
Windows |
tetheringclient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tethering Client |
Windows |
TetheringIeProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Tethering IE Provider DLL |
Windows |
TetheringStation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Tethering Station DLL |
Windows |
tetheringservice.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tethering Service |
Windows |
TextInputFramework.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TextInputFramework.DYNLINK |
Windows |
themecpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Personalization CPL |
Windows |
themeservice.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Shell Theme Service Dll |
Windows |
themeui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Theme API |
Windows |
threadpoolwinrt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows WinRT Threadpool |
Windows |
TetheringMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Tethering Manager DLL |
Windows |
tetheringconfigsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tethering Configuration Service Provider |
Windows |
TimeBrokerClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Time Broker Client Library |
Windows |
TieringEngineProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Storage Tiers Management service proxy |
Windows |
TimeDateMUICallback.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Time Date Control UI Language Change plugin |
Windows |
thumbcache.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Thumbnail Cache |
Windows |
tileobjserver.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tile Data model server |
Windows |
TimeSyncTask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Time Synchronization Task |
Windows |
tlscsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Remote Desktop Services Cryptographic Utility |
Windows |
tokenbinding.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Token Binding Protocol |
Windows |
TimeBrokerServer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Time Event Broker |
Windows |
TokenBroker.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Token Broker |
Windows |
TokenBrokerUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Token Broker UI |
Windows |
TpmCoreProvisioning.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TPM Core Provisioning Library |
Windows |
TpmTasks.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TPM Maintenance Tasks |
Windows |
tpmcompc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Computer Chooser Dialog |
Windows |
tquery.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Microsoft Tripoli Query |
Windows |
tpmvsc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft TPM Virtual Smart Card |
Windows |
traffic.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Traffic Control 1.0 DLL |
Windows |
trkwks.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Distributed Link Tracking Client |
Windows |
tsbyuv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Toshiba Video Codec |
Windows |
TpmCertResources.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TpmCertResources |
Windows |
tsgqec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RD Gateway QEC |
Windows |
TSChannel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Task Scheduler Proxy |
Windows |
tsmf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RDP MF Plugin |
Windows |
TSpkg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Web Service Security Package |
Windows |
TSSessionUX.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TS Session UX |
Windows |
tssrvlic.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RD Server Licensing Policy Module |
Windows |
TsUsbGDCoInstaller.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Generic USB Driver Coinstaller |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
tsddd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Framebuffer Display Driver |
Windows |
tscfgwmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Session Host Server Configuration WMI provider |
Windows |
TtlsExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Extension library for EAP TTLS |
Windows |
tvratings.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Module for managing TV ratings |
Windows |
TtlsCfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EAP TTLS configuration dll |
Windows |
twinapi.appcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | twinapi.appcore |
Windows |
twext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Previous Versions property page |
Windows |
twinapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | twinapi |
Windows |
twinui.appcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TWINUI.APPCORE |
Windows |
TSWorkspace.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Component |
Windows |
txfw32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TxF Win32 DLL |
Windows |
TtlsAuth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | EAP TTLS run-time dll |
Windows |
tzres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Time Zones resource DLL |
Windows |
tzautoupdate.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Auto Time Zone Updater |
Windows |
txflog.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ |
Windows |
ubpm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unified Background Process Manager DLL |
Windows |
tzsyncres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TimeZone Sync Resources DLL |
Windows |
ucrtbase.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
udhisapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UPnP Device Host ISAPI Extension |
Windows |
ucmhc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UCM Helper Class |
Windows |
twinui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TWINUI |
Windows |
UIAnimation.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Animation Manager |
Windows |
UIAutomationCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft UI Automation Core |
Windows |
ufat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FAT Utility DLL |
Windows |
UIAutomationCoreRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft UI Automation Core Resource |
Windows |
uicom.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Add/Remove Modems |
Windows |
uireng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UI Recording Engine Library |
Windows |
UIRibbon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Ribbon Framework |
Windows |
UIRibbonRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Ribbon Framework Resources |
Windows |
uDWM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Desktop Window Manager |
Windows |
uexfat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | eXfat Utility DLL |
Windows |
ulib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File Utilities Support DLL |
Windows |
umpnpmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User-mode Plug-and-Play Service |
Windows |
umpo.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User-mode Power Service |
Windows |
umdmxfrm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unimodem Tranform Module |
Windows |
umpoext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User-mode Power Service Extensions |
Windows |
umpowmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User-mode Power Service WMI Providers |
Windows |
umrdp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Services Device Redirector Service |
Windows |
unattend.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unattend Library |
Windows |
unenrollhook.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | unenrollhook DLL |
Windows |
umb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User Mode Bus Driver Interface Dll |
Windows |
unimdmat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unimodem Service Provider AT Mini Driver |
Windows |
uniplat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unimodem AT Mini Driver Platform Driver for Windows NT |
Windows |
updatehandlers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Update Session Orchestrator Update Handlers |
Windows |
updatecsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UpdateCsp |
Windows |
updatepolicy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Update Policy Reader |
Windows |
upnp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UPnP Control Point API |
Windows |
upnphost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UPnP Device Host |
Windows |
Unistore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unified Store |
Windows |
uReFS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NTFS Utility DLL |
Windows |
uReFSv1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NTFS Utility DLL |
Windows |
untfs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NTFS Utility DLL |
Windows |
ureg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Registry Utility DLL |
Windows |
url.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Internet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL |
Windows |
urlmon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | OLE32 Extensions for Win32 |
Windows |
usbperf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | USB Performance Objects DLL |
Windows |
usbmon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Standard Dynamic Printing Port Monitor DLL |
Windows |
UsbSettingsHandlers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | USB Settings Handlers Implementation |
Windows |
usbui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | USB UI Dll |
Windows |
user32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL |
Windows |
usercpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User control panel |
Windows |
usbceip.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | USBCEIP Task |
Windows |
UserDataAccessRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Resource DLL for the UserDataAccess stack |
Windows |
UserDataService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | The endpoint for 3rd party APIs to read/write user data |
Windows |
UserDataTimeUtil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Time-related helper functions for user data |
Windows |
userenv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Userenv |
Windows |
UserDataAccountApis.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL for UserDataAccountsRT |
Windows |
UserDataLanguageUtil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Language-related helper functions for user data |
Windows |
userinitext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UserInit Utility Extension DLL |
Windows |
UserLanguagesCpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | My Languages Configuration Control Panel |
Windows |
usermgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UserMgr |
Windows |
usermgrcli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UserMgr API DLL |
Windows |
UserMgrProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UserMgrProxy |
Windows |
ustprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | User State WMI Provider |
Windows |
utildll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinStation utility support DLL |
Windows |
uudf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UDF Utility DLL |
Windows |
usocore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Update Session Orchestrator Core |
Windows |
usp10.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Uniscribe Unicode script processor |
Windows |
UXInit.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows User Experience Session Initialization Dll |
Windows |
uxlib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup Wizard Framework |
Windows |
usoapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Update Session Orchestrator API |
Windows |
Vault.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows vault Control Panel |
Windows |
vaultcli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Credential Vault Client Library |
Windows |
VaultRoaming.dll | Microsoft |
VaultRoaming | Vault Roaming |
Windows |
VAN.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | View Available Networks |
Windows |
vaultsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Credential Manager Service |
Windows |
vcamp110.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft® C++ AMP Runtime |
Windows |
vbscript.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft ® VBScript | Microsoft ® VBScript |
Windows |
vcamp110d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft® C++ AMP Runtime |
Windows |
vcamp120.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C++ AMP Runtime |
Windows |
vcamp120d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C++ AMP Runtime |
Windows |
vcamp140.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | Microsoft® C++ AMP Runtime |
Windows |
VCardParser.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Supports the parsing of VCard and ICal formatted data |
Windows |
vccorlib110.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft ® VC WinRT core library |
Windows |
vccorlib110d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft ® VC WinRT core library |
Windows |
vccorlib120.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft ® VC WinRT core library |
Windows |
vccorlib140.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | Microsoft ® VC WinRT core library |
Windows |
vccorlib120d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft ® VC WinRT core library |
Windows |
uxlibres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UXLib Resources |
Windows |
vcomp100.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 | Microsoft® C/C++ OpenMP Runtime |
Windows |
vcomp110d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft® C/C++ OpenMP Runtime |
Windows |
vcomp110.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 | Microsoft® C/C++ OpenMP Runtime |
Windows |
uxtheme.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft UxTheme Library |
Windows |
vcomp120d.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C/C++ OpenMP Runtime |
Windows |
vcruntime140.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
Windows |
vdsbas.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Virtual Disk Service Basic Provider |
Windows |
vdsdyn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VDS Dynamic Volume Provider, Version |
Windows |
vdsvd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VDS Virtual Disk Provider, Version 1.0 |
Windows |
vdsutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Virtual Disk Service Utility Library |
Windows |
vds_ps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Virtual Disk Service proxy/stub |
Windows |
vcomp140.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2017 | Microsoft® C/C++ OpenMP Runtime |
Windows |
verifier.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Standard application verifier provider dll |
Windows |
VEEventDispatcher.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Visual Element Event dispatcher |
Windows |
version.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Version Checking and File Installation Libraries |
Windows |
VEStoreEventHandlers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TDL Store Event Handlers |
Windows |
vfbasics.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - Basics Provider |
Windows |
vfcompat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - OS compatibility issues detection. |
Windows |
vfcuzz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - Cuzz Provider |
Windows |
vcomp120.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft® C/C++ OpenMP Runtime |
Windows |
vfluapriv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - LuaPriv Provider |
Windows |
VEDataLayerHelpers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Visual Element DataLayer Helpers |
Windows |
vfnws.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - Native Web Services |
Windows |
vfprint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - Printing Provider |
Windows |
vfntlmless.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - NTLMLess Provider |
Windows |
vfprintpthelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - Printing PT Provider |
Windows |
vfrdvcompat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - Terminal Services Compatibility Provider |
Windows |
VIDRESZR.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Resizer |
Windows |
vfwwdm32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VfW MM Driver for WDM Video Capture Devices |
Windows |
virtdisk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Virtual Disk API DLL |
Windows |
vfnet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - Networking Provider |
Windows |
vmrdvcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VmRdvCore EndPoints |
Windows |
VoipRT.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Voip Runtime |
Windows |
vpnike.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VPNIKE Protocol Engine - Test dll |
Windows |
vpnikeapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VPN IKE API's |
Windows |
VPNv2CSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VPNv2CSP |
Windows |
vrfcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Application Verifier Provider - Core Verification and SDK |
Windows |
vmbuspipe.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VmBus User Mode Pipe DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
VscMgrPS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Virtual Smart Card Manager Proxy/Stub |
Windows |
vmictimeprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Virtual Machine Integration Component Time Sync Provider Library |
Windows |
VSPerf120.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | VSPerf Data Collection DLL |
Windows |
vssapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Requestor/Writer Services API DLL |
Windows |
VSD3DRefDebug.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | VSD3D Debugger for Direct3D 11 Reference Device |
Windows |
vsstrace.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service Tracing Library |
Windows |
vss_ps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service proxy/stub |
Windows |
w32time.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Time Service |
Windows |
WABSyncProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Contacts Sync Provider |
Windows |
VSCover120.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Code Coverage Collection DLL |
Windows |
w32topl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows NT Topology Maintenance Tool |
Windows |
wamregps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | WAMREG Proxy Stub |
Windows |
wavemsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Wave MSP |
Windows |
wbemcomn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows |
wbiosrvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Biometric Service |
Windows |
wcl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Class Library |
Windows |
wclEtw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Class Library |
Windows |
wclPowrProf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Class Library |
Windows |
wclSqm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Class Library |
Windows |
wclUnicode.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Class Library |
Windows |
wclWdi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Class Library |
Windows |
wcmapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connection Manager Client API |
Windows |
wcmcsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connection Service Provider DLL |
Windows |
wcmsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connection Manager Service DLL |
Windows |
WcnApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connect Now - API Helper DLL |
Windows |
wcncsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar Service |
Windows |
WcnEapAuthProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connect Now - WCN EAP Authenticator Proxy |
Windows |
WcnEapPeerProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connect Now - WCN EAP PEER Proxy |
Windows |
WcnNetsh.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WCN Netsh Helper DLL |
Windows |
wcnwiz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Connect Now Wizards |
Windows |
WcsPlugInService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WcsPlugInService DLL |
Windows |
wdc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Performance Monitor |
Windows |
WdfCoinstaller01005.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WDF Coinstaller |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
wdi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure |
Windows |
wdigest.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Digest Access |
Windows |
WalletProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wallet proxy |
Windows |
WalletService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wallet Service |
Windows |
wdscore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Panther Engine Module |
Windows |
WebcamUi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | |
Windows |
webcheck.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Web Site Monitor |
Windows |
WebClnt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Web DAV Service DLL |
Windows |
webio.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Web Transfer Protocols API |
Windows |
Websocket.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Web Socket API |
Windows |
webservices.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Web Services Runtime |
Windows |
wecapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Event Collector Configuration API |
Windows |
wecsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Event Collector Service |
Windows |
wephostsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WEP Host Service |
Windows |
wer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Error Reporting DLL |
Windows |
werconcpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PRS CPL |
Windows |
werdiagcontroller.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WER Diagnostic Controller |
Windows |
wersvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Error Reporting Service |
Windows |
wevtapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Eventing Consumption and Configuration API |
Windows |
werui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Error Reporting UI DLL |
Windows |
wevtfwd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WS-Management Event Forwarding Plug-in |
Windows |
wevtsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Event Logging Service |
Windows |
wfapigp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall GPO Helper dll |
Windows |
WfHC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Firewall Helper Class |
Windows |
WFSR.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Fax and Scan Resources |
Windows |
whealogr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WHEA Troubleshooter |
Windows |
wfdprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Private WPS provisioning API DLL for Wi-Fi Direct |
Windows |
whhelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Net shell helper DLL for winHttp |
Windows |
wiaaut.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WIA Automation Layer |
Windows |
wiadefui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WIA Scanner Default UI |
Windows |
wiadss.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WIA TWAIN compatibility layer |
Windows |
wercplsupport.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Problem Reports and Solutions |
Windows |
wiascanprofiles.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows ScanProfiles |
Windows |
wiaservc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Still Image Devices Service |
Windows |
wiarpc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Image Acquisition RPC client DLL |
Windows |
weretw.dll | |
| |
Windows |
WiaExtensionHost64.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WIA Extension Host for thunking APIs from 32-bit to 64-bit process |
Windows |
wiashext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Imaging Devices Shell Folder UI |
Windows |
wiatrace.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WIA Tracing |
Windows |
WiFiConfigSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wi-Fi ConfigSP Library |
Windows |
wificonnapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wi-Fi Conn API client dll |
Windows |
WiFiDisplay.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wi-Fi Display DLL |
Windows |
wifinetworkmanager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wireless Network Manager Library |
Windows |
wimgapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Imaging Library |
Windows |
win32spl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Client Side Rendering Print Provider |
Windows |
winbici.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Services Instrumentation Module |
Windows |
winbio.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Biometrics Client API |
Windows |
winbrand.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Branding Resources |
Windows |
winbioext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Biometrics Client Extension API |
Windows |
wincorlib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows ® WinRT core library |
Windows |
wincredprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | wincredprovider DLL |
Windows |
WinBioDataModel.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Win Bio Enrollment Data Model |
Windows |
Windows.Data.Pdf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PDF WinRT APIs |
Windows |
Windows.Devices.Midi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime MIDI Device server DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Devices.Usb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime Usb DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Devices.WiFi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows.Devices.WiFi DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Energy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Energy Runtime DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Gaming.Input.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Gaming Input API |
Windows |
Windows.Globalization.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Globalization |
Windows |
Windows.Help.Runtime.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | |
Windows |
Windows.Media.Audio.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime Window Media Audio server DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Media.Devices.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime media device server DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Graphics.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinRT Windows Graphics DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Media.Import.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Photo Import API (WinRT/COM) |
Windows |
Windows.Media.Editing.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Editing DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Media.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Runtime DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Media.Ocr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows OCR Runtime DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Media.Renewal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Renewal DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Media.Speech.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Speech Runtime DLL |
Windows |
Windows.Networking.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows.Networking DLL |
Windows |
windows.storage.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft WinRT Storage API |
Windows |
Windows.UI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Runtime UI Foundation DLL |
Windows |
Windows.UI.Cred.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Credential Prompt User Experience |
Windows |
Windows.Speech.Pal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech Platform Adaptation Layer DLL |
Windows |
Windows.UI.Logon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Logon User Experience |
Windows |
Windows.UI.Search.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows.UI.Search |
Windows |
Windows.UI.Shell.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Shell UI |
Windows |
Windows.UI.Xaml.Maps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows UI XAML Maps API |
Windows |
Windows.UI.Xaml.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows.UI.Xaml dll |
Windows |
Windows.UI.Immersive.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WINDOWS.UI.IMMERSIVE |
Windows |
Windows.UI.Xaml.Phone.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows UI XAML Phone API |
Windows |
Windows.Web.Http.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows.Web.Http DLL |
Windows |
WindowsCodecs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Codecs Library |
Windows |
WindowsCodecsExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Windows Codecs Extended Library |
Windows |
WindowsCodecsRaw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Camera Codec Pack |
Windows |
Windows.Web.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Web Client DLL |
Windows |
winethc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinInet Helper Class |
Windows |
windowslivelogin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Account Login Helper |
Windows |
WinFax.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax API Support DLL |
Windows |
winhttp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows HTTP Services |
Windows |
wininitext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinInit Utility Extension DLL |
Windows |
winipcfile.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Active Directory Rights Management Services File API |
Windows |
wininetlui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Provides legacy UI for wininet |
Windows |
winipcsecproc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Active Directory Rights Management Services Desktop Security Processor |
Windows |
winipsec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows IPsec SPD Client DLL |
Windows |
winjson.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Json Http Library |
Windows |
winhttpcom.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows COM interface for WinHttp |
Windows |
winipcsecproc_ssp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Active Directory Rights Management Services Server Security Processor |
Windows |
Winlangdb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Bcp47 Language Database |
Windows |
wininet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Internet Extensions for Win32 |
Windows |
winlogonext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinLogon Utility Extension DLL |
Windows |
winmsipc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Active Directory Rights Management Services Client |
Windows |
winmmbase.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Base Multimedia Extension API DLL |
Windows |
winmde.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinMDE DLL |
Windows |
WinMsoIrmProtector.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Office file format IRM Protector |
Windows |
winnsi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Store Information RPC interface |
Windows |
WinOpcIrmProtector.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Office file format IRM Protector |
Windows |
winnlsres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NLSBuild resource DLL |
Windows |
winrnr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | LDAP RnR Provider DLL |
Windows |
winrscmd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | remtsvc |
Windows |
winmm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MCI API DLL |
Windows |
WinSATAPI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Assessment Tool API |
Windows |
WinSCard.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Smart Card API |
Windows |
WinRtTracing.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Diagnostics Tracing |
Windows |
WinSetupUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Setup UI |
Windows |
winshfhc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | File Risk Estimation |
Windows |
winsku.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows SKU Library |
Windows |
winsockhc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Winsock Network Diagnostic Helper Class |
Windows |
winsqlite3.dll | Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider |
SQLite | SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. |
Windows |
winrsmgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSMan Shell API |
Windows |
winrssrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | winrssrv |
Windows |
WinSync.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Synchronization Framework | Synchronization Framework |
Windows |
WINSRPC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WINS RPC LIBRARY |
Windows |
WinSyncMetastore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Synchronization Framework | Windows Synchronization Metadata Store |
Windows |
winsta.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Winstation Library |
Windows |
wintrust.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Trust Verification APIs |
Windows |
WinTypes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Base Types DLL |
Windows |
winusb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows USB Driver User Library |
Windows |
WinSyncProviders.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Synchronization Framework | Windows Synchronization Provider Framework |
Windows |
winsrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Multi-User Windows Server DLL |
Windows |
wkspbrokerAx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Workspace Broker ActiveX Control |
Windows |
wksprtPS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WorkspaceRuntime ProxyStub DLL |
Windows |
witnesswmiv2provider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Witness Service WMIv2 Provider |
Windows |
wkssvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Workstation Service DLL |
Windows |
wlancfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wlan Netsh Helper DLL |
Windows |
wisp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component |
Windows |
wlanapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows WLAN AutoConfig Client Side API DLL |
Windows |
WLanConn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dot11 Connection Flows |
Windows |
wkscli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Workstation Service Client DLL |
Windows |
wlangpui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wireless Network Policy Management Snap-in |
Windows |
wlanhlp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 Client Side Helper API |
Windows |
WlanMediaManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows WLAN Media Manager DLL |
Windows |
WlanMM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dot11 Media and AdHoc Managers |
Windows |
wlanmsm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 MSM DLL |
Windows |
WLanHC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wireless LAN Helper Classes |
Windows |
wlanpref.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wireless Preferred Networks |
Windows |
WlanRadioManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wlan Radio Manager |
Windows |
wlandlg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wireless Lan Dialog Wizards |
Windows |
wlanui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wireless Profile UI |
Windows |
wlansvcpal.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows WLAN AutoConfig Service PAL DLL |
Windows |
wlanutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 Utility DLL |
Windows |
wlansvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows WLAN AutoConfig Service DLL |
Windows |
wldp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Lockdown Policy |
Windows |
wlgpclnt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | 802.11 Group Policy Client |
Windows |
wlidcli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Account Dynamic Link Library |
Windows |
wlansec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 MSM Security Module DLL |
Windows |
wlidcredprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Account Credential Provider |
Windows |
wlidfdp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Account Function Discovery Provider |
Windows |
wlidprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Account Provider |
Windows |
wlidnsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Account Namespace Provider |
Windows |
wlidres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Windows Live ID Resource |
Windows |
wlidsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft® Account Service |
Windows |
WlS0WndH.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Session0 Viewer Window Hook DLL |
Windows |
WMADMOD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Audio Decoder |
Windows |
WMADMOE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Audio 10 Encoder/Transcoder |
Windows |
WMALFXGFXDSP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SysFx DSP |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
wmcodecdspps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media CodecDSP Proxy Stub Dll |
Windows |
wmdmlog.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Media Device Manager | Windows Media Device Manager Logger |
Windows |
WMASF.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media ASF DLL |
Windows |
wmdmps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows Media Device Manager | Windows Media Device Manager Proxy Stub |
Windows |
wmdrmdev.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media DRM for Network Devices Registration DLL |
Windows |
wmdrmnet.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media DRM for Network Devices DLL |
Windows |
wmdrmsdk.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DRM | Windows Media DRM SDK DLL |
Windows |
wmerror.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Error Definitions (English) |
Windows |
wmiclnt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Client API |
Windows |
wmicmiplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI CMI Plugin |
Windows |
wmidcom.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows |
wmidx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Indexer DLL |
Windows |
wmiprop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WDM Provider Dynamic Property Page CoInstaller |
Windows |
wmitomi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CIM Provider Adapter |
Windows |
wmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI DC and DP functionality |
Windows |
Wldap32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Win32 LDAP API DLL |
Windows |
WMNetMgr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Network Plugin Manager DLL |
Windows |
wmpdxm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Player Extension |
Windows |
wmpeffects.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Player Effects |
Windows |
WMPhoto.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Photo Codec |
Windows |
wmploc.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Player Resources |
Windows |
wmpmde.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMPMDE DLL |
Windows |
wmpps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Player Proxy Stub Dll |
Windows |
wmsgapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinLogon IPC Client |
Windows |
WmpDui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Player UI Engine |
Windows |
wmp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Player |
Windows |
WMSPDMOD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Audio Voice Decoder |
Windows |
WMSPDMOE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Audio Voice Encoder |
Windows |
WMVCORE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Playback/Authoring DLL |
Windows |
wmpshell.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Player Launcher |
Windows |
WMVDECOD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Video Decoder |
Windows |
wmvdspa.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Video DSP Components - Advanced |
Windows |
WMVENCOD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Video 9 Encoder |
Windows |
WofTasks.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WIM Boot Tasks |
Windows |
WofUtil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Overlay File System Filter user mode API |
Windows |
WMVXENCD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Video Encoder |
Windows |
WordBreakers.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WordBreakers.DYNLINK |
Windows |
WMVSDECD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Screen Decoder |
Windows |
workerdd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Framebuffer Display Driver |
Windows |
WorkfoldersControl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Control Panel |
Windows |
WorkFoldersGPExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Group Policy Client Extension |
Windows |
WorkFoldersRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Work Folders | Work Folders Resources |
Windows |
WMVSENCD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Media Screen Encoder |
Windows |
wow64.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Win32 Emulation on NT64 |
Windows |
wow64cpu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | AMD64 Wow64 CPU |
Windows |
wow64win.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wow64 Console and Win32 API Logging |
Windows |
WorkFoldersShell.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Shell Extension |
Windows |
workfolderssvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Service |
Windows |
Wpc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WPC Settings Library |
Windows |
wpbcreds.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WP 8.1 upgrade support utility |
Windows |
WpcWebFilter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WpcWebFilter.dll |
Windows |
WpcWebSync.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Family Safety Web Synchronization Library |
Windows |
wpdbusenum.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Portable Device Enumerator |
Windows |
wpdshext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Portable Devices Shell Extension |
Windows |
WpdMtp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MTP core protocol component |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
WPDSp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMDM Service Provider for Windows Portable Devices |
Windows |
wpd_ci.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Driver Setup Class Installer for Windows Portable Devices |
Windows |
WpdMtpUS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Usbscan transport layer for MTP driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
WPDShServiceObj.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Portable Device Shell Service Object |
Windows |
wpncore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Push Notification Core |
Windows |
wpnapps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Push Notification Apps |
Windows |
wpninprc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Push Notification InProc |
Windows |
wpnprv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Push Notification Platform Connection Provider |
Windows |
wpnservice.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Push Notifications Service |
Windows |
WPTaskScheduler.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WP Task Scheduler DLL |
Windows |
WppRecorderUM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WppRecorderUM.DYNLINK |
Windows |
wpx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Provisioning XML |
Windows |
ws2help.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT |
Windows |
ws2_32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL |
Windows |
wpnsruprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SRUM provider for WPN |
Windows |
wscapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Security Center API |
Windows |
wscinterop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Health Center WSC Interop |
Windows |
WpPortingLibrary.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DLL |
Windows |
wscsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Security Center Service |
Windows |
WSClient.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Store Licensing Client |
Windows |
WSDApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Web Services for Devices API DLL |
Windows |
wscproxystub.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Security Center ISV Proxy Stub |
Windows |
wsdchngr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSD Challenge Component |
Windows |
WSDMon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSD Printer Port Monitor |
Windows |
WSDScanProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery WSD Scanner Proxy Dll |
Windows |
WSDPrintProxy.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Function Discovery Printer Proxy Dll |
Windows |
wsepno.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Profile notification support for Windows Search Service |
Windows |
wscisvif.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Security Center ISV API |
Windows |
wshelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Winsock Net shell helper DLL for winsock |
Windows |
wshext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft ® Windows Script Host | Microsoft ® Shell Extension for Windows Script Host |
Windows |
wshhyperv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Hyper-V Winsock2 Helper DLL |
Windows |
wshbth.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Sockets Helper DLL |
Windows |
wshcon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft ® Windows Script Controller | Microsoft ® Windows Script Controller |
Windows |
wship6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Winsock2 Helper DLL (TL/IPv6) |
Windows |
wshqos.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | QoS Winsock2 Helper DLL |
Windows |
wshirda.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Sockets Helper DLL |
Windows |
wsecedit.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Security Configuration UI Module |
Windows |
wshrm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Sockets Helper DLL for PGM |
Windows |
WsmAuto.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSMAN Automation |
Windows |
wsmplpxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | wsmplpxy |
Windows |
WsmRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSMan Resource DLL |
Windows |
WSManMigrationPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinRM Migration Plugin |
Windows |
WsmSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSMan Service |
Windows |
WSHTCPIP.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Winsock2 Helper DLL (TL/IPv4) |
Windows |
WsmWmiPl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSMAN WMI Provider |
Windows |
wsnmp32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft WinSNMP v2.0 Manager API |
Windows |
wsock32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |
Windows |
WsmAgent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinRM Agent |
Windows |
wsplib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSP decode library |
Windows |
wsp_fs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Storage Provider for FileShare management |
Windows |
wsp_health.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Storage Provider for Health Agent API |
Windows |
WSService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Store Service |
Windows |
wsp_sr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Storage Provider for Storage Replication management |
Windows |
WSShared.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSShared DLL |
Windows |
WSSync.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Store Licensing Sync Client |
Windows |
WSSls.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinStore SLS Attribute Provider |
Windows |
wtsapi32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Remote Desktop Session Host Server SDK APIs |
Windows |
wuaueng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Update Agent |
Windows |
wuapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Update Client API |
Windows |
WUDFPlatform.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Platform Library |
Windows |
WudfSMCClassExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Smart Card Class Extension |
Windows |
wuautoappupdate.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | wuautoappupdate |
Windows |
WUDFx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WDF:UMDF Framework Library |
Windows |
WUDFSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Service |
Windows |
WUDFCoinstaller.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Platform Device Co-Installer |
Windows |
wudriver.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Update WUDriver Stub |
Windows |
WUDFx02000.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WDF:UMDF Framework Library |
Windows |
wups.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Update client proxy stub |
Windows |
wuuhext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Update Agent plugin for Windows |
Windows |
wups2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Update client proxy stub 2 |
Windows |
wvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Visual Components |
Windows |
WWanAPI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Mbnapi |
Windows |
wwancfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MBN Netsh Helper DLL |
Windows |
WwaExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Web Application Host Extension library |
Windows |
wwanconn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wireless WAN Connection Flows |
Windows |
WwaApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Web Application Host API library |
Windows |
WWanHC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wireless WAN Helper Class |
Windows |
wwanmm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WWan Media Manager |
Windows |
Wwanpref.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wireless WAN Profile Settings Editor |
Windows |
wwanprotdim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WWAN Device Interface Module |
Windows |
WwanRadioManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Wwan Radio Manager |
Windows |
wwansvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WWAN Auto Config Service |
Windows |
wwapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WWAN API |
Windows |
x3daudio1_0.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | X3DAudio |
Windows |
x3daudio1_1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | X3DAudio |
Windows |
X3DAudio1_2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | X3DAudio |
Windows |
X3DAudio1_4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | X3DAudio |
Windows |
X3DAudio1_3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | X3DAudio |
Windows |
xactengine2_0.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine2_1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine2_10.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
X3DAudio1_6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | 3D Audio Library |
Windows |
X3DAudio1_7.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | 3D Audio Library |
Windows |
xactengine2_3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine2_4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
X3DAudio1_5.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | X3DAudio |
Windows |
xactengine2_2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine2_8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine2_6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine2_5.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine2_9.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine3_0.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine3_1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine3_2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine3_3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine3_4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine2_7.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
xactengine3_5.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
XAPOFX1_0.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAPOFX |
Windows |
XamlDiagnostics.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Xaml Diagnostics |
Windows |
XAPOFX1_2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAPOFX |
Windows |
XAPOFX1_1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAPOFX |
Windows |
XAPOFX1_3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Audio Effect Library |
Windows |
XAPOFX1_4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Audio Effect Library |
Windows |
xactengine3_6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
XAPOFX1_5.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Audio Effect Library |
Windows |
XAudio2_1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
XAudio2_2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
XAudio2_3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
XAudio2_4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
XAudio2_5.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
XAudio2_6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
XAudio2_8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
XAudio2_7.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
XAudio2_0.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
XAudio2_9.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XAudio2 Game Audio API |
Windows |
xactengine3_7.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | XACT Engine API |
Windows |
XblAuthManager.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Xbox Live Auth Manager |
Windows |
XblGameSave.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Xbox Live Game Save Service |
Windows |
XblAuthTokenBrokerExt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Xbox Live Token Broker Extension |
Windows |
XblAuthManagerProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XblAuthManagerProxy |
Windows |
XblGameSaveProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Xbox Connected Storage Service Proxies and Stubs |
Windows |
xinput1_3.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Common Controller API |
Windows |
xinput1_2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Common Controller API |
Windows |
XboxNetApiSvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Xbox Live Networking Service |
Windows |
XInput1_4.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Common Controller API |
Windows |
XInput9_1_0.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XNA Common Controller |
Windows |
XInputUap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Common Controller API |
Windows |
xmlfilter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XML Filter |
Windows |
xinput1_1.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® | Microsoft Common Controller API |
Windows |
xmlprovi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Provisioning Service Client API |
Windows |
XpsGdiConverter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XPS to GDI Converter |
Windows |
xolehlp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Helper APIs DLL |
Windows |
xmllite.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft XmlLite Library |
Windows |
XpsRasterService.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XPS Rasterization Service Component |
Windows |
XpsPrint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XPS Printing DLL |
Windows |
xpsservices.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Xps Object Model in memory creation and deserialization |
Windows |
XpsFilt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XML Paper Specification Document IFilter |
Windows |
xwtpdui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extensible Wizard Type Plugin for DUI |
Windows |
xwtpw32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extensible Wizard Type Plugin for Win32 |
Windows |
xwreg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extensible Wizard Registration Manager Module |
Windows |
zipcontainer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Zip Container DLL |
Windows |
zipfldr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Compressed (zipped) Folders |
Windows |
ztrace_maps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ZTrace Event Resources |
Windows |
ZTrace_ca.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ztrace_ca DLL |
Windows |
VsGraphicsResources.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft Visual Studio Graphics Resources DLL |
Windows, System32 |
cmiv2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CMI Configuration Management API |
Windows, System32 |
XPSSHHDR.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OPC Shell Metadata Handler |
Windows |
xwizards.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Extensible Wizards Manager Module |
Windows |
VSJitDebuggerUI.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | String resources for VsJITDebugger.exe |
Windows, System32 |
AppxProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM App Package (.appx) Provider |
Windows, System32 |
comadmin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Administration SDK |
Windows, System32 |
AssocProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Assoc Provider |
Windows, System32 |
CbsProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Package Provider |
Windows, System32 |
CompatProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Compat Provider |
Windows, System32 |
DismCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Core Framework |
Windows, System32 |
DismCorePS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DismCore Proxy Stub |
Windows, System32 |
FfuProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Ffu Provider |
Windows, System32 |
DmiProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Driver Provider |
Windows, System32 |
DismProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Provider Store |
Windows, System32 |
FolderProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Folder Image Provider |
Windows, System32 |
GenericProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Generic Provider |
Windows, System32 |
IBSProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM IBS Provider |
Windows, System32 |
ImagingProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Generic Imaging Provider |
Windows, System32 |
IntlProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM International Provider |
Windows, System32 |
LogProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Logging Provider |
Windows, System32 |
ProvProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Provisioning Provider |
Windows, System32 |
OSProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM OS Services Provider |
Windows, System32 |
MsiProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Msi Provider |
Windows, System32 |
TransmogProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Transmogrify Provider |
Windows, System32 |
UnattendProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Unattend Provider |
Windows, System32 |
VhdProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM VHD Image Provider |
Windows, System32 |
WimProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM WIM Provider |
Windows, System32 |
SmiProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM Settings Provider |
Windows, System32 |
OfflineSetupProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM OfflineSetup Provider |
Windows, System32 |
Wow64Provider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DISM WOW64 Registry Redirection Library |
Windows, System32 |
EhStorPwdDrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Enhanced Storage Password Authentication Driver |
Windows, System32, drivers, UMDF, DriverStore |
HidBthLE.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth Low Energy GATT compliant UMDF HID driver |
Windows, System32, drivers, UMDF, DriverStore |
NfcCx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NFC Class Extension driver |
Windows, System32, drivers |
PosCx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Pos Class Extension DLL |
Windows, System32, drivers |
prl_location.dll | Parallels Holdings, Ltd. and its affiliates. |
Parallels Tools 11.1.3 | Parallels Location Provider Driver |
Windows, System32, drivers, UMDF, DriverStore, FileRepository |
SensorsCx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensors Class Extension v2 DLL |
Windows, System32, drivers |
UcmCx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | USB Connector Manager UMDF 2.0 Class Extension |
Windows, System32, drivers |
WpdMtpDr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Portable Device Media Transfer Protocol Driver |
Windows, System32, drivers, UMDF, DriverStore |
WpdFs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Portable Device File System Driver |
Windows, System32, drivers, UMDF, DriverStore |
FusionV2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensor Fusion V2 Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
mgtdyn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MagtekHidMsr |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
MiraDisp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UMDF Miracast display port driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
MsMiraDisp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Miracast Protocol UMD DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
hidscanner.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WUDF: hidscanner |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
csamsp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft CSA MSP |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
idtsec.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IdtechHidMsr |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
MXDWDRV.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft XPS Document Writer |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, W32X86, x64 |
PCLXL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PCL-XL Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
PJLMON.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PJL Language monitor |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
PS5UI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PostScript Driver User Interface |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
PCL5URES.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PCL5e Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
UNIDRV.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unidrv Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
PSCRIPT5.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PostScript Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
PCL4RES.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PCL4 driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
UNIDRVUI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UniDriver User Interface |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
PCL5ERES.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PCL5e Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
UNIRES.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unidrv Printer Driver Resource DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, x64 |
MSxpsPS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XPS to PS Print Pipeline Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
MSxpsPCL6.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XPS to PCL6 Print Pipeline Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
V3HostingFilter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | V3 Hosting Print Pipeline Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
PDFRenderFilter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PDF Render Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
PWGRRenderFilter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PWGR Render Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBEN02.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBEN01.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBEN05.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBEN03.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBEN04.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBEN06.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBEN08.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBEN07.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBEN0C.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFFI01.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer Finisher Filter | Brother Printer Finisher Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFCM00.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer Copy/Collate Filter | Brother Printer Copy/Collate Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFPM00.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer Preparation Filter | Brother Printer Preparation Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFPR01.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer Preparation Filter | Brother Printer Preparation Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFLM00.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer Layout Filter | Brother Printer Layout Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFRA01.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer MSRip Filter | Brother Printer MSRip Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFRM00.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer MSRip Filter | Brother Printer MSRip Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFTM00.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer Transverse Filter | Brother Printer Transverse Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBME0A.dll | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Rasterize Filter | Brother Printer Driver Rasterize Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBMM0B.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBMM0A.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFPJ01.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer PJL Filter | Brother Printer PJL Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBMM0C.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Encoder | Brother Printer Driver Encoder |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBRE01.dll | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Language Resource | Brother Printer Driver Language Resource |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBFFM00.DLL | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Printer Finisher Filter | Brother Printer Finisher Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BRIBREM00.DLL | Brother Industries Ltd. |
Brother Printer Driver Language Resource | Brother Printer Driver Language Resource |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inbox Printer Driver | Canon Inbox Printer Driver Filter DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
Canon Inbox Printer Driver | Canon Inbox Printer Driver Resource DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
Canon Inbox Printer Driver | Canon Inbox Printer Driver Filter DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
Canon Inbox Printer Driver | Canon Inbox Printer Driver Resource DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
dedrvor.dll | |
| XPS Rasterization Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
dedrvpj.dll | |
XPS Driver Filter | XPS Pjl Feature Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Inkjet Printer Driver | Canon Inkjet Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
dedrvsc.dll | |
SmartCMS | Color Management System |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
dlclfhb.dll | Dell Inc. |
Printer Driver Module | Printer Driver Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
dlclfpv.dll | Dell Inc. |
Printer Driver Module | Printer Driver Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
dlclfRC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dell Color PCL Printer Driver String ResourceDLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
dexpsff1.dll | |
XPS Driver Filter | XPS Feature Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
depclrc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dell Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
EKAiOOPL.dll | Eastman Kodak Company |
KODAK AiO Printer Driver | RGB Raster OPL Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
EKAiOSTR.dll | Eastman Kodak Company |
KODAK AiO Printer Driver | KODAK AiO Printer Driver Strings |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
EKAiOXPS.dll | Eastman Kodak Company |
KODAK AiO Printer Driver | XPS Filter for Booklet, Nup, Poster and Watermark |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
dedrvzd.dll | |
XPSDrv Printer driver | Interface Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0LXFPS |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0LXFPW |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFF2 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0LXFPM |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0LXFPC |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFR1 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFM1 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFS1 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0LXFPA |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFS2 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFS3 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFS4 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFS5 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFS6 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFS7 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFS8 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFS9 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0SXF09 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0SXF24 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFSB |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
fxhbhb.dll | Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. |
Printer Driver Module | Printer Driver Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
fxhbpv.dll | Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. |
Printer Driver Module | Printer Driver Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
fxxpsRC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | FX Class Driver String Resource DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Epson Universal Printing System XPS | EP0NXFSA |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
OK9IBRES.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OKI9IBM driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
TTY.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Text Only Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
TTYRES.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Tty Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
hpbresw81.dll | Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. |
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Unidrive strings | HP Localization Plugin |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
TTYUI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TTYUI Text Only Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
hpbx3w81.dll | Hewlett-Packard Corporation |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
hpbxpsrender.dll | Monotype Imaging Inc. |
Monotype Imaging XPS.RAST Printer Driver | XPS Rasterization Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
hpcfltw8.dll | Hewlett-Packard |
Hewlett-Packard XPS Pipeline Filter | HP XPS Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
hpcfltwb.dll | Hewlett-Packard |
Hewlett-Packard XPS Pipeline Filter | HP XPS Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
hpcstw81.dll | Hewlett-Packard |
Hewlett-Packard, String resources | HP Localization Plugin |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
kocl4res.dll | KONICA MINOLTA, INC. |
KONICA MINOLTA Printer Driver | KONICA MINOLTA Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
kyw8res.dll | KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc. |
Kyocera Printer Mini-Driver | String resource file |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
kyw8ptconv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Printer Ticket Converter XPS Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Kyw8kpsl.dll | Kyocera Mita Corporation |
Kyocera Printing System | Kyocera Rasterizer Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
hpipcl3.dll | Hewlett-Packard |
Hewlett-Packard XPS Pipeline Filter | HP XPS Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
LXPTMV.dll | |
Windows 8 Printer Driver | Lexmark Print Ticket Modification Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
LXPJLMW.dll | |
Windows 8 Printer Driver | Lexmark PJL Modification Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
mxdwdui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft XPS Document Writer | Microsoft XPS Document Writer Resource |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, spool |
FXSAPI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax API Support DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, spool, drivers, x64 |
FXSDRV.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, spool, drivers, x64 |
hpires.dll | Hewlett-Packard |
Hewlett-Packard, String resources | HP Localization Plugin |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
FXSUI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Printer Driver UI |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, spool, drivers, x64 |
FXSWZRD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Wizard UI |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, spool, drivers, x64 |
PrintConfig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PrintConfig User Interface |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, I386, spool, drivers, W32X86, 3 |
FXSRES.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Resource DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, spool, drivers, x64 |
FXSTIFF.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax TIFF library |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository, Amd64, spool, drivers, x64 |
SendToOneNoteFilter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Send To Microsoft OneNote | Microsoft OneNote Print Driver Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
nexpsRC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NEC Color MultiWriter Class Driver String Resource DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
OKESCPU.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OKI MICROLINE Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rcbklt8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ricoh Print Class Driver Booklet Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
rcres8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ricoh Print Class Driver Resource File |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
rcnup8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ricoh Print Class Driver NUP Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
rcrevrs8.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Ricoh Print Class Driver Page Reverse Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
nehbhb.dll | NEC Corporation |
Printer Driver Module | Printer Driver Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
sadrvpj.dll | |
XPS Pjl Filter | XPS Pjl Feature Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
sadrvor.dll | |
| XPS Rasterization Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
sadrvsc.dll | |
SmartCMS | Color Management System |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
sadrvzd.dll | |
XPSDrv Printer driver | Interface Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
smpclrc2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Samsung Printer Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rcrpcs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XPS Rasterization Service XPS to RPCS raster filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
smxpsff1.dll | |
XPS Driver Filter | XPS Feature Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
tsunicl2rc.dll | TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION |
e-STUDIO XPS Class Driver | TOSHIBA e-STUDIO Series XPS Class Driver x64 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
nehbpv.dll | NEC Corporation |
Printer Driver Module | Printer Driver Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
xrTxtResCL0.DLL | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox Print Driver | String Resource DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
xrXpsPtFilter.DLL | Xerox Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XPS Rendering Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
opencl.dll | Khronos Group |
Khronos OpenCL ICD | OpenCL Client DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
rdvgocl64.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX OpenCL ICD |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
xrStreamPdlFilter.DLL | Xerox Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | XPS Rendering Filter |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
rdvgogl64.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX OpenGL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
rdvgu1164.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
rdvgumd64.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
SdoV2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Simple Device Orientation Sensor |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
tsmxucl3rc.dll | TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION |
e-STUDIO PCL6 V4 | TOSHIBA e-STUDIO Series PCL6 V4 x64 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
RemotePosDrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WUDF: remoteposdrv |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
SensorsAlsDriver.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ACPI ALS Sensor Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
SensorsHid.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensors HID Class Driver V2 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
SensorsServiceDriver.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sensors Service Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
wiafbdrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Flatbed Scanner Still Image Devices DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
MsApoFxProxy.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MsApoFxProxy |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
tsprint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Session Host Server Printer Redirection Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BrMf4Wia.dll | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Industries, Ltd. | Brother MFC WIA minidriver(for 64Bit) |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BrMfJDec.dll | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother Jpeg Decorder | Scanning module for Brother Scanner (64bit) |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
WIA Scanner Driver | WIA Scanner Driver Image Enhancement dll |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
WIA Scanner Driver | WIA Scanner Driver Image Enhancement dll |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
WIA Scanner Driver | WIA Scanner Driver Image Enhancement dll |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
BrUs3Sti.dll | Brother Industries, Ltd. |
Brother STI minidriver | USB STI device accessing module for Brother MFC(for 64Bit) |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
WIA Scanner Driver | WIA Scanner Driver Image Enhancement dll |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
| CanoScan LiDE 110 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
Canon Device Dependent Informations for Scanner Library | Canon Device Dependent Informations for Scanner Library |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
WIA Scanner Driver | WIA Scanner Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
| CanoScan LiDE 700F |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
WIA Scanner Driver | WIA Scanner Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
WIA Scanner Driver | WIA Scanner Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
WIA Scanner Driver | WIA Scanner Driver dll for PIXUS MP |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
WIA Scanner Driver | WIA Scanner Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
DlErHdl8.dll | |
| WIA Scanner Driver (WIA ErrorHandler 64) |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
| CanoScan LiDE 210 |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
CNHL8308.DLL | Canon Inc. |
Canon MP | CanonAPI MP LowLevelDriver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
ep0icb1.dll | Seiko Epson Corporation. |
Epson WIA Driver | Epson WIA Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
ep0icd1.dll | Seiko Epson Corporation. |
Epson WIA Driver | Epson WIA Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
ep0icn1.dll | Seiko Epson Corporation. |
Epson WIA Driver | Epson WIA Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
DlMinDr8.dll | |
| WIA Scanner Driver (WIA Minidriver 64) |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
DlImgFl8.dll | |
| WIA Scanner Driver (WIA ImageFilter 64) |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
EKWiaDrv.dll | Eastman Kodak Company |
Kodak WIA Driver | Kodak WIA Inbox driver dll |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
ep0icn2.dll | Seiko Epson Corporation. |
Epson WIA Driver | Epson WIA Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
ep0icn3.dll | Seiko Epson Corporation. |
Epson WIA Driver | Epson WIA Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
ep0icd2.dll | Seiko Epson Corporation. |
Epson WIA Driver | Epson WIA Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
ep0icd3.dll | Seiko Epson Corporation. |
Epson WIA Driver | Epson WIA Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
kywdds10.dll | |
Kyocera WIA Driver | Kyocera WIA Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
kyweds10.dll | |
Kyocera WIA Error Handler | Kyocera WIA Error Handler |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
HPScanTRDrvWn8.dll | Hewlett-Packard Co. |
HP Digital Imaging | HPScanTRDrv Module |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
HPWia2DrvRootWn8.dll | Hewlett-Packard |
Hewlett-Packard WIA 2.0 scanner driver | Hewlett-Packard WIA 2.0 scanner driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
kywdw810.dll | |
Kyocera WIA Driver | Kyocera WIA Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
kywew810.dll | |
Kyocera WIA Error Handler | Kyocera WIA Error Handler |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
kywuw810.dll | |
Kyocera WIA Driver - UI | Kyocera WIA Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
SaErHdl8.dll | |
| WIA Scanner Driver (WIA ErrorHandler 64) |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
HPScanTSDrvWn8.dll | Hewlett-Packard |
HP Laserjet SOAP scan driver | HP Laserjet SOAP scan driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
kywuds10.dll | |
Kyocera WIA Driver - UI | Kyocera WIA Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
SaMinDr8.dll | |
| WIA Scanner Driver (WIA Minidriver 64) |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
xrWCbgnd.dll | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox WorkCentre | Xerox WorkCentre Pro |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
SaImgFl8.dll | |
| WIA Scanner Driver (WIA ImageFilter 64) |
Windows, System32, DriverStore, FileRepository |
xrWCtmg2.dll | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox WorkCentre | Xerox WorkCentre Pro |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
xrWPcoin.dll | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox WorkCentre | Co-installer |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
xrWPcpl.dll | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox WorkCentre | Control Panel UI Plug-in |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
xrWPcpst.dll | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox WorkCentre | Control Panel UI Resource DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
xrWPpb3.dll | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox WorkCentre | Xerox WorkCentre Pro |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
xrWPpb4.dll | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox WorkCentre | Xerox WorkCentre Pro |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
Wpdcomp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Portable Device Composite Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
WpdMtpbt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Bluetooth transport layer for MTP driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
WpdMtpIP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IP transport layer for MTP driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
xrWPusd.dll | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox WorkCentre | Xerox WorkCentre/Pro |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
WSDScDrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WSD Scan Driver DLL |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
DscCoreR.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DSC |
Windows, System32 |
WUDFUsbccidDriver.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WDF:UMDF USBCCID User-Mode Driver |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
xrWCdev.dll | Xerox Corporation |
Xerox WorkCentre | Xerox WorkCentre Pro |
Windows, System32, DriverStore |
F12App.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools App |
Windows, System32 |
DiagnosticsTap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools Diagnostics TAP |
Windows, System32 |
F12AppFrame.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 App Frame |
Windows, System32 |
F12Platform.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools |
Windows, System32 |
F12Platform2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools |
Windows, System32 |
F12Script.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools |
Windows, System32 |
DiagnosticsHub_is.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | Diagnostics Hub InfoSources |
Windows, System32 |
F12Tab2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 Tab |
Windows, System32 |
MemoryAnalyzer.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | MemoryAnalyzer Extension |
Windows, System32 |
F12Tab.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 Tab |
Windows, System32 |
msdbg2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 Debugging Proxy/Stub |
Windows, System32 |
pdm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Process Debug Manager |
Windows, System32 |
pdmproxy100.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 | Microsoft Process Debug Manager Proxy/Stub v10.0 |
Windows, System32 |
perfcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Performance Analyzer | Performance Analyzer Analysis Core |
Windows, System32 |
F12Script2.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | F12 Developer Tools |
Windows, System32 |
perf_nt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Performance Analyzer | Performance Analyzer AddIn: NT |
Windows, System32 |
IMJPCD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
Timeline_is.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | VisualProfiler InfoSources |
Windows, System32 |
IMJPAPI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMJPCMLD.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
imjpcus.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMJPDAPI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMJPDCTP.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMJPLMP.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMJPRANKER.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME JPN Ranker Dll |
Windows, System32, IME |
imjputyc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMJPCAC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, IMEJP |
IMJPCLST.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, IMEJP |
IMJPKDIC.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, IMEJP |
imjpskey.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, IMEJP |
IMJPSKF.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, IMEJP |
imkrapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMJPTIP.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
imkrtip.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
imkrudt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
imkrcac.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, IMEKR |
imkrskf.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, IMEKR |
imkrhjd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, IMEKR |
IMTCCFG.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft IME 2012 | Microsoft IME 2012 |
Windows, System32, IME |
imkrotip.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMTCTIP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft IME 2012 | Microsoft IME 2012 |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMTCCORE.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft IME 2012 | Microsoft IME 2012 |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMTCTRLN.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft IME 2012 | Microsoft IME 2012 |
Windows, System32, IME |
imtcui.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft IME 2012 | Microsoft IME 2012 |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMTCDIC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft IME 2012 | Microsoft IME 2012 |
Windows, System32, IME, IMETC |
IMTCCAC.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft IME 2012 | Microsoft IME 2012 |
Windows, System32, IME, IMETC |
IMTCSKF.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft IME 2012 | Microsoft IME 2012 |
Windows, System32, IME, IMETC |
Timeline.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Explorer | UI Responsiveness Extension |
Windows, System32 |
IMJPPRED.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
imecfmps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMEDICAPICCPS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMEFILES.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMELM.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMEPADSM.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMESEARCHDLL.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IME search module |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMEAPIS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMETIP.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMESEARCHPS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
ImeBrokerps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
imever.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
IMJKAPI.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
MSCAND20.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
padrs404.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, SHARED |
padrs411.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, SHARED |
padrs804.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, SHARED |
AppHostNavigators.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Native IIS Configuration Navigators |
Windows, System32 |
apphostsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Application Host Helper Service |
Windows, System32 |
padrs412.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME, SHARED |
appobj.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Application Server Command Administration Interface |
Windows, System32 |
asp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Active Server Pages |
Windows, System32 |
authanon.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | anonymous authentication provider |
Windows, System32 |
authbas.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | basic authentication provider |
Windows, System32 |
authcert.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | AD certmap authentication provider |
Windows, System32 |
imecfm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, IME |
authsspi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | SSPI authentication provider |
Windows, System32 |
authmd5.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Digest authentication provider |
Windows, System32 |
browscap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | MSWC Browser Capabilities |
Windows, System32 |
cachfile.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | File cache provider |
Windows, System32 |
cachhttp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Http cache provider |
Windows, System32 |
cachtokn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | token cache provider |
Windows, System32 |
cachuri.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | URI cache provider |
Windows, System32 |
compstat.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Static compression module |
Windows, System32 |
custerr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Custom error handler |
Windows, System32 |
authmap.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS certmap authentication provider |
Windows, System32 |
defdoc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Default Document handler |
Windows, System32 |
diprestr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Dynamic IP Restriction Module |
Windows, System32 |
dirlist.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Directory Listing handler |
Windows, System32 |
filter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | ISAPI filter module |
Windows, System32 |
compdyn.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Dynamic compression module |
Windows, System32 |
cgi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | CGI handler |
Windows, System32 |
httpmib.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | HTTP Server SNMP Agent |
Windows, System32 |
iiscore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Web Server Core |
Windows, System32 |
iisetw.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | ETW tracing support module |
Windows, System32 |
iisfcgi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | FastCGI handler |
Windows, System32 |
iisfreb.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Failed requests event buffering module |
Windows, System32 |
iislog.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Microsoft IIS Plugin DLL |
Windows, System32 |
hwebcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Hostable web core |
Windows, System32 |
iisreg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Component Registration |
Windows, System32 |
gzip.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | GZIP Compression DLL |
Windows, System32 |
iisutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IISUTIL |
Windows, System32 |
iisw3adm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Web Admin Service |
Windows, System32 |
iisres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Resource DLL |
Windows, System32 |
iprestr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IP restriction module |
Windows, System32 |
iis_ssi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Microsoft Server Side Include Extension |
Windows, System32 |
isapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS ISAPI Handler |
Windows, System32 |
logcust.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS custom logging module |
Windows, System32 |
iisreqs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS request monitor |
Windows, System32 |
iissyspr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS SysPrep |
Windows, System32 |
nativerd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Native Code Configuration Reader |
Windows, System32 |
protsup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Protocol Support handler |
Windows, System32 |
loghttp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | HTTP Logging module |
Windows, System32 |
redirect.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | http redirection |
Windows, System32 |
rsca.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS RSCA (Runtime State and Control API) implementation |
Windows, System32 |
uihelper.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS UIHelper Module |
Windows, System32 |
urlauthz.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Url Authorization Module |
Windows, System32 |
validcfg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Configuration Validation Module |
Windows, System32 |
static.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Static file handler |
Windows, System32 |
w3ctrlps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IW3Control Proxy/Stub |
Windows, System32 |
rscaext.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | RSCA Application Host Extension |
Windows, System32 |
w3ctrs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | W3 Service Performance Counters |
Windows, System32 |
w3dt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Worker Process/Http.sys Interface |
Windows, System32 |
modrqflt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Request filtering handler |
Windows, System32 |
wbhstipm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Webhost Client IPM Wrapper |
Windows, System32 |
wbhst_pm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | WebHost Protocol Manager (the worker process plug-in) |
Windows, System32 |
webdav.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | WebDAV handler |
Windows, System32 |
w3tp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Thread Pool Library |
Windows, System32 |
webdav_simple_lock.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | WebDAV Simple Lock Store |
Windows, System32 |
webdav_simple_prop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | WebDAV Simple Property Store |
Windows, System32 |
XPath.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | Native XPath Navigator |
Windows, System32 |
w3logsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Logging Service |
Windows, System32 |
w3wphost.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | WAS App Hosting library |
Windows, System32 |
ChsIFEComp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ChsRoaming.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ChtQuickDS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ChtChangjieDS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ChxAdvancedDS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ChxEM.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ChxProxyDS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ChxUserDictDS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ImeSystrayMenu.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | ImeSystrayMenu.DYNLINK |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
IHDS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
JpnKorRoaming.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
MoIME_ps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ResourceDll.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
FlashUtil_ActiveX.dll | Adobe Systems, Inc. |
Flash Player Helper | Adobe Flash Player Helper 27.0 r0 |
Windows, System32, Macromed |
NPSWF64_29_0_0_140.dll | Adobe Systems, Inc. |
Shockwave Flash | Shockwave Flash 29.0 r0 |
Windows, System32, Macromed |
ChsWubiDS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
ChsPinyinDS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, InputMethod |
bridgemigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
audmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
bthmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
chxmig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
ClipMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Clip | Clip Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
CntrtextMig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Performance Counter Migration Lib |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
commig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Migration |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
dabmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Access Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
dafmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Device Association Framework Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
gameuxmig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | gameuxmig |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
iismig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Internet Information Services | IIS Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz, dlmanifests, Microsoft-Windows-IIS-DL, replacementmanifests |
imkrmig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
imjpmig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft IME |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
MapsMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Maps Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
netiomig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Netio Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
nlscoremig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft NLS Core Migration Lib |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz, dlmanifests |
msctfmig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | msctfmig Server DLL |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz, dlmanifests |
PlaMig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Performance Logs & Alerts Migration |
Windows, System32 |
pnpmig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Plug and Play Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
PrintMig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft Windows Print Migration Plugin | Print Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
modemmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
IphlpsvcMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Iphlpsvc Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
SebMigrationPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SEB Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
shmig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | shmig |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz, dlmanifests, replacementmanifests |
sppmig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SPP migration plug-in DLL |
Windows, System32 |
SxsMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Sxs Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz, dlmanifests |
StorMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Storage Migration Plug-in |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz, dlmanifests |
TableTextServiceMig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TableTextService Migration DLL |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
usbmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz, replacementmanifests |
WininetPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinInet Migration Helper |
Windows, System32 |
WMIMigrationPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Repository Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz |
WpcMigration.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Family Safety Migration |
Windows, System32 |
QueueMig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Queue Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
WSearchMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Windows® Search | Microsoft Windows Search Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migration, migwiz, replacementmanifests |
WSMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
WS | WS Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
SCGMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Speech Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
tpmscrmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
migcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Migration Engine Core |
Windows, System32 |
csiagent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CSI Agent |
Windows, System32 |
migres.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Migration Resources DLL |
Windows, System32 |
migstore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Migration Engine Store |
Windows, System32 |
MXEAgent.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MXE Agent |
Windows, System32 |
unbcl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Unmanaged BCL |
Windows, System32, migwiz, oobe |
bitsmig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BITS Server Extensions Upgrade |
Windows, System32, migwiz, dlmanifests |
WsUpgrade.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Winsock Upgrade Plugin |
Windows, System32 |
cmi2migxml.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | CMI To MigXML Translation |
Windows, System32 |
msdtcstp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Migration DLL |
Windows, System32, migwiz, dlmanifests |
BthMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
DhcpSrvMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft DHCP Server Migration Lib |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
adammigrate.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services migration plugin |
Windows, System32, migwiz, dlmanifests |
adwsmigrate.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Active Directory Web Services migration plugin |
Windows, System32, migwiz, dlmanifests |
NlbMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
mqmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Message Queue Migration plugin DLL |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
CscMigDl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
cmmigr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft(R) Connection Manager | Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib |
Windows, System32, migwiz, dlmanifests |
RasMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft RRAS Server Migration Lib |
Windows, System32, migwiz, dlmanifests, replacementmanifests |
ModemMigPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Offline Files Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
pbkmigr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib |
Windows, System32, migwiz, replacementmanifests |
TlsRepPlugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Repository Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
tsmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TS Migration Plugin |
Windows, System32, migwiz |
SppMig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SPP migration plug-in DLL |
Windows, System32, migwiz, replacementmanifests |
mscorees.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine |
Windows, System32, MUI |
cmisetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Component Configuration |
Windows, System32 |
InstallEventRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | InstallUX event manifest resources |
Windows, System32 |
msoobedui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MSOOBE DUI LIBRARY |
Windows, System32 |
msoobeFirstLogonAnim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | First Logon Animation |
Windows, System32 |
msoobeplugins.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | msoobeplugins |
Windows, System32 |
msoobewirelessplugin.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | msoobewirelessplugin |
Windows, System32 |
pnpibs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | PnP IBS module |
Windows, System32 |
SetupCleanupTask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SetupCleanupTask Task |
Windows, System32 |
spprgrss.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup Progress Framework |
Windows, System32 |
UserOOBE.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UserOOBE |
Windows, System32 |
W32UIImg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup Wizard Page Resources |
Windows, System32 |
W32UIRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup Wizard Page Resources |
Windows, System32 |
wdsutil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | OS Deployment Utilities |
Windows, System32 |
win32ui.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Setup Wizard Pages |
Windows, System32 |
WinLGDep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinLogon Deployment Library |
Windows, System32 |
winsetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Setup |
Windows, System32 |
diagER.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Diagnostic ER Module |
Windows, System32 |
diagnostic.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Diagnostic Module |
Windows, System32 |
DU.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Dynamic Update |
Windows, System32 |
comsetup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | COM+ Setup |
Windows, System32 |
FXSOCM.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Fax Optional Component Installer |
Windows, System32 |
sapi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech API |
Windows, System32, Speech |
spsreng.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine |
Windows, System32, Speech, Engines |
spsrx.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine Extensions |
Windows, System32, Speech, Engines |
srloc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Speech Recognition Locale Handlers |
Windows, System32, Speech, Engines |
MSTTSEngine.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft TTS Engine® | Microsoft TTS Engine (Desktop) |
Windows, System32, Speech, Engines |
MSTTSLoc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft TTS Engine® | Microsoft TTS Shared Locale Handler (Desktop) |
Windows, System32, Speech, Engines |
SpeechUX.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech UX |
Windows, System32, Speech |
speechuxcpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | SpeechUX control panel |
Windows, System32, Speech |
SpeechUXPS.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech Desktop Proxy |
Windows, System32, Speech |
SPTIP.DLL | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech TIP |
Windows, System32, Speech |
SpeechUXRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech Desktop Res |
Windows, System32, Speech, SpeechUX |
sapi_onecore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Speech Recognizer 11.1 | Speech API |
Windows, System32, Speech_OneCore |
sapi_pal_desktop.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | sapi_pal_desktop.dll |
Windows, System32, Speech_OneCore |
SpeechBrokeredApi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Speech Brokered Api |
Windows, System32, Speech_OneCore |
spsreng_onecore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Speech Recognizer 11.1 | Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine |
Windows, System32, Speech_OneCore, Engines |
spsrx_onecore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Speech Recognizer 11.1 | Microsoft® Speech Recognition Engine Extensions |
Windows, System32, Speech_OneCore, Engines |
MSTTSEngine_OneCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft TTS Engine® | Microsoft TTS Engine |
Windows, System32, Speech_OneCore, Engines |
tssysprep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Remote Desktop Session Host Server Sysprep |
Windows, System32 |
MSTTSLoc_OneCore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft TTS Engine® | Microsoft TTS Shared Locale Handler |
Windows, System32, Speech_OneCore, Engines |
mxdwdrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft XPS Document Writer |
Windows, System32, spool, drivers, W32X86 |
PrintBrmPs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Print Backup Recovery Migration Proxy |
Windows, System32, spool |
RjvClassicApp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for Classic App Migration |
Windows, System32 |
RjvMDMConfig.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for MDM Agent |
Windows, System32 |
RjvPlatform.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Rejuvenation Platform |
Windows, System32 |
SysResetLayout.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Reset Platform Plugin for Immersive Layout |
Windows, System32 |
SystemResetSSO.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows System Reset Platform SSO |
Windows, System32 |
UNPUX.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | UNPUX |
Windows, System32 |
appbackgroundtask.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | App Background Task Manager |
Windows, System32 |
cimwin32.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Win32 Provider |
Windows, System32 |
DMWmiBridgeProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DM WMI Bridge Provider |
Windows, System32 |
dnsclientcim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Management Value Objects |
Windows, System32 |
dnsclientpsprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DNS Client WMIv2 Provider |
Windows, System32 |
Dscpspluginwkr.dll | |
| |
Windows, System32 |
dsprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI DS Provider |
Windows, System32 |
EmbeddedLockdownWmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Embedded Lockdown Settings |
Windows, System32 |
winprint.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Print Processor DLL |
Windows, System32, spool, prtprocs |
esscli.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
fastprox.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Custom Marshaller |
Windows, System32 |
ipmiprr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | IPMI Provider Resource |
Windows, System32 |
ipmiprv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI IPMI PROVIDER |
Windows, System32 |
MMFUtil.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Snapin Helpers |
Windows, System32 |
mofd.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
mofinstall.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Installers for for MOF files |
Windows, System32 |
msdtcwmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DTC WMIv2 Provider |
Windows, System32 |
msiprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI MSI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
NCProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Non-COM WMI Event Provision APIs |
Windows, System32 |
ndisimplatcim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NDIS IM Platform WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
NetAdapterCim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Adapter WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
netdacim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft Direct Access WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
NetEventPacketCapture.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NetEvent Packet Capture Provider |
Windows, System32 |
netnccim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | DA Network Connectivity WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
NetPeerDistCim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | BranchCache WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
netswitchteamcim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VM Switch Teaming WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
NetTCPIP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TCPIP WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
netttcim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Transition Technology WMI Objects |
Windows, System32 |
nlmcim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Connection Profiles WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
ntevt.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Event Log Provider |
Windows, System32 |
PolicMan.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | |
Windows, System32 |
KrnlProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
MDMAppProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MDM Application Provider |
Windows, System32 |
MDMSettingsProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | MDM Settings Provider |
Windows, System32 |
qoswmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network QoS WMI Module |
Windows, System32 |
RacWmiProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Reliability Metrics WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
repdrvfs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Repository Driver |
Windows, System32 |
schedprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Task Scheduler WMIv2 Provider |
Windows, System32 |
vdswmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Provider for VDS |
Windows, System32 |
viewprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI View Provider |
Windows, System32 |
vpnclientpsprovider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | VPN Client WMIv2 Provider |
Windows, System32 |
vsswmi.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Provider for VSS |
Windows, System32 |
wbemcntl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Control |
Windows, System32 |
wbemcons.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Standard Event Consumers |
Windows, System32 |
wbemcore.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Management Instrumentation |
Windows, System32 |
wbemdisp.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Scripting |
Windows, System32 |
wbemess.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
wbemprox.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
wbemsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
WdacWmiProv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WDAC WMI Providers |
Windows, System32 |
WEMSAL_WmiProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Embedded App Launcher WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
wfascim.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Network Management Value Objects |
Windows, System32 |
Win32_Tpm.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | TPM WMI Provider |
Windows, System32 |
WinMgmtR.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
WmiApRes.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Performance Reverse Adapter Resources |
Windows, System32 |
ServDeps.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Snapins |
Windows, System32 |
SMTPCons.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
stdprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
WmiApRpl.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Performance Reverse Adapter |
Windows, System32 |
WMICOOKR.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
WmiDcPrv.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
wmipcima.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Win32Ex Provider |
Windows, System32 |
wmipdfs.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI DFS Provider |
Windows, System32 |
WMIPICMP.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI ICMP Echo Provider |
Windows, System32 |
WMIPIPRT.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WBEM Provider for IP4 Routes |
Windows, System32 |
WMIPJOBJ.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Windows Job Object Provider |
Windows, System32 |
wmiprov.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
WmiPrvSD.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
WMIPSESS.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Provider for Sessions and Connections |
Windows, System32 |
WMIsvc.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
wmitimep.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
wmiutils.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI |
Windows, System32 |
WUAProvider.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Windows Update Agent Provider |
Windows, System32 |
wmi2xml.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI XML Convertor |
Windows, System32, wbem |
NUIVoiceWBSAdapters.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | NUI Voice Biometric Service Adapters |
Windows, System32 |
winbiosensoradapter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinBio Sensor Adapter |
Windows, System32 |
winbiostorageadapter.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WinBio Storage Adapter |
Windows, System32 |
wmipdskq.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WMI Provider for Disk Quota Information |
Windows, System32 |
WmiPerfClass.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WbemPerf V2 Class Provider |
Windows, System32 |
WmiPerfInst.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | WbemPerf V2 Instance Provider |
Windows, System32 |
PSEvents.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft PowerShell Crimson log Message Dll |
Windows, System32, WindowsPowerShell |
pspluginwkr.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | pspluginwkr.dll |
Windows, System32, WindowsPowerShell |
pwrshmsg.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Microsoft PowerShell EventLog Message Dll |
Windows, System32, WindowsPowerShell |
pwrshsip.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System | Crypto SIP provider for signing and verifying PowerShell script files (.ps1/.ps1xml) |
Windows, System32, WindowsPowerShell |
dnslookup.dll | Microsoft Corporation |
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | |
Windows, System32, WindowsPowerShell, v1.0, Modules |