Skypehost.proxies.dll file is part of Microsoft Skype product developed by Microsoft® Skype. It is responsible for Microsoft Corporation functionality. This part is required for Microsoft Skype to function. If you are planning on replacing skypehost.proxies.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing skypehost.proxies.dll file with a diffent version can cause Microsoft Skype to malfunction.

DLL File Description
Microsoft Skype
Microsoft® Skype

Available versions of skypehost.proxies.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
skypehost.proxies.dll Microsoft Skype 50688 49.5 KB 10.1.2123.36 Program Files WindowsApps 
skypehost.proxies.dll Microsoft Skype 45568 44.5 KB Windows InfusedApps Packages 

Files similar to skypehost.proxies.dll

SkuInterop.dll - SkuInterop.dll
SkypeBackgroundTasks.dll - Microsoft Skype
SkypeHost.Proxies.dll - Microsoft Skype
SkypeCore.dll - SkypeCore.dll
SkypeApp.dll - SkypeApp
SkyWrap.dll - Microsoft Skype
skchobj.dll - Microsoft Tablet PC Component
skchui.dll - Microsoft Tablet PC Component
SKUtil.dll - SKUtil
SKUtil2008.dll - SKUtil2008
SkinSoft.VisualStyler.dll - SkinSoft VisualStyler.Net

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