Xlabs.platform.dll file is part of XLabs.Platform product developed by XLabs.Platform. It is responsible for functionality. This part is required for XLabs.Platform to function. If you are planning on replacing xlabs.platform.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing xlabs.platform.dll file with a diffent version can cause XLabs.Platform to malfunction.

DLL File Description

Available versions of xlabs.platform.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
xlabs.platform.dll XLabs.Platform 34304 33.5 KB 2.0.5610.35386 Sources relintech Relintech apps TranslateForMessenger packages lib MonoAndroid 
xlabs.platform.dll XLabs.Platform 34304 33.5 KB 2.0.5610.35386 Sources relintech Relintech apps TranslateForMessenger packages lib 
xlabs.platform.dll XLabs.Platform 34304 33.5 KB 2.0.5610.35386 Sources relintech Relintech apps TranslateForMessenger packages lib 
xlabs.platform.dll XLabs.Platform 34304 33.5 KB 2.0.5610.35386 Sources relintech Relintech apps TranslateForMessenger packages lib wp8 
xlabs.platform.dll XLabs.Platform 34304 33.5 KB 2.0.5610.35386 Sources relintech Relintech apps TranslateForMessenger packages lib Xamarin.iOS10 
xlabs.platform.dll XLabs.Platform 34304 33.5 KB 2.0.5610.35386 Sources relintech Relintech apps TranslateForMessenger packages lib wpa81 

Files similar to xlabs.platform.dll

xlsrvintl.dll - Êîìïîíåíò Microsoft Office 2016
XLabs.Forms.dll - XLabs.Forms
XLabs.Core.dll - XLabs.Core
XLabs.Forms.Droid.dll - XLabs.Forms.Droid
XLabs.Forms.WP8.dll - XLabs.Platform.WP8
XLabs.Ioc.dll - XLabs.Ioc
XLabs.Platform.dll - XLabs.Platform
XLabs.Platform.Droid.dll - XLabs.Platform.Droid
XLabs.Forms.iOS.dll - XLabs.Forms.iOS
XLabs.Platform.WP8.dll - XLabs.Platform.WP8
XLabs.Platform.iOS.dll - XLabs.Platform.iOS

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